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Just got my wisdom teeth pulled

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Wisdom teeth are prone to decay, because they're softer than your other teeth. You gotta be real lucky, if you'll never have to pull them out. I wonder if that's even possible. Most elderly have fake teeth anyways.


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Yeah, I was talking about just local anaesthetic for the teeth I had pulled (too much overcrowding). The worst thing after the injections was hearing the horrible wet wrenching sounds as he yanked them back and forth with his pliers to loosen them up and tear the roots, before eventually ripping them clean out of their sockets. The force he had to use to pull perfectly healthy teeth out was quite something! It's one of the few times in my life I've felt faint, or maybe that was just because of the blood loss as the new gaping holes in my gums started rapidly overflowing...

Shall I stop? :chaste:

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Wisdom teeth are prone to decay, because they're softer than your other teeth. You gotta be real lucky, if you'll never have to pull them out. I wonder if that's even possible. Most elderly have fake teeth anyways.

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has anybody seen

dentist.gif ? :chaste:

Yes, I did! I never did like going to the dentist anyways, and this movie made it only worse.


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This seems a good a place as any to whine about the fact I just went to feed my pony (I say pony because she's only little and I used to ride her when I was about 12) and it's pitch black and there's winds of up to 85mph, and I fell off a wall and stung my legs with nettles, and if you Americans don't know what nettles are well, screw you guys. Also, I smacked my knees off rocks. And it hurts and my legs hurt and, in retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't have worn my pyjama shorts out on that particular occasion.

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I fucking hate you.

Give me your address and I'll show you what nettles I'm talking about.

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Aww that sucks yufster :/ Next time don't feed your horsie when it's that crappy weather and dark.

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Man at bar: "Ooooh god, woman! Just looking at you.... Can't wait til we turn the lights out and.... You ever feed horses in the pitch black dark? 'Cause I bet you're kinky enough to do that. So um, c'mon, let's see what you do with my.....nettles, late at night when it's nice and dark out..."

Yufster: 11baby.gif

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I had to, because I had to take her in to the shelter. I don't want my pony blowing away in the middle of the night, you know. Only some genius put up a gate that doesn't actually open, so that made things pretty difficult right from the start. That, and she's always down the very very end of her field, because she likes to stand under the cherry trees down there. So I had to take a ten minute friggin' walk in the friggin' dark to get the friggin' animal, and then I had to try and yank the friggin' gate open, and then she got all "blah blah blah the gate is making noises let's run back down to the cherry friggin' trees blah", so I had to open the gate FIRST and then go back down to get her, and then after making sure she had water in there, and food, and after securing the doors so the friggin' ROOF doesn't come off tonight, I tripped over the friggin' wall. And when I was lying on the ground in a puddle of stinking, slimey, nettle-filled mud, I realized that the iron pillars, for lack of a better word, that hold up the roof of the hayshed, are eroded and rusted away at the bottom. It looks like a tree after a beaver has drilled away at the sides, a tree that's ready to just keel over. Only it's not a tree, it's an open sided hayshed. So I figure we won't have that in the morning, either.

The good news is, the roof on THIS house seems to be staying on, even if the other house is questionable on account of being halfway through having a range installed. I think that means they have to knock a hole in the roof and put a new chimney in. And I think they're halfway through doing that. I forget.

Anyway, what's important is that the telephone poles are still standing, apparently, because I'm still online. HOW ARE THINGS IN DUBLIN, BACON FELLOW?!? AND CORK/DUNGARVAN, TWILO!?? Are you guys even still alive? Because I wouldn't be surprised if you were dead. I'm actually afraid to go across to the other house in case a tile falls on my head, or a tree, or a roof.

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I think that chewing nettles might actually be good for your teeth. I must ask my dentist the next time I go there.

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Actually, the weather is going to be pretty bad here as well. We have been warned for a storm coming our way. It's been pretty windy here since Thursday. Fortunately our telephone wires are buried in the ground (as are the power cables and TV cables).


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We had a blizzard here the past two days. Snow days for my sister and her kids, as all the roads are not driveable, so they had to stay home from work and school. The sucky part is, weather like this affects our satellite internet service. Whenever this happens (and it happens often enough) I get pissed off at my brother-in-law, who has shit for brains, because he's the one who decided to install the service in the first place and didn't listen to my advice to stay with cable internet, thus my sister's work suffers (she works 2 days a week at home, needs internet for it).

He's a moron.

But the snow is absofuckinglutely beautiful all around. Right, Kingz? :grin:

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