Travis Posted June 22, 2019 This thread is for recruiting team members! If you have a game idea and need help from a reader with a particular set of skills, post in this thread, preferably in the following format to make it easy for people to skim the thread and find you. You should also look for collaborators in the team seeking thread and come join the #wizardjam channel on the Idle Thumbs Slack channel and see if anyone can help out. Or just drop in and chit-chat with us while you're working on your game! And if you have enough members, please edit your post and note that. This is the recruiting/LFM thread; if you want to post what you're able to contribute and have someone else find you, use the team seeking/LFG thread. Format: Pitch: Game Pitch (Try and keep this to one or two sentences!) What I need: What you need (Artist, programmer, writer, etc) What I'm doing: What you're contributing Contact Info: Your contact info (PM, email, whatever) And optionally:Time Zone: It's probably easier to work with people who aren't 12 hours off from you? But maybe it's fine.Portfolio: A link to your portfolio / website / whatever if you have one, so people can check your style. Then whatever else you want. Example: Pitch: I wanna make 'You, Fisher', a 3D stealth fishing game about casting lines without being spotted by security, and catching as many fish as possible before sunrise. I want to learn UE4 and C++ What I Need: 3D artist who can animate some fish (and help with design!) Audio person to make some sneaky music and fish noises. Smoky jazz? What I'm doing: Programming in UE4, Sam Fisher impressions Contact info: PM me on the forums or message me on the Idle Thumbs Slack Time Zone: EST (UTC -5) but I'm usually up late Portfolio: Here's my website with some gifs of other games I've made! I've been a fan of Splinter Cell since first seeing screenshots of their dynamic shadows in ~2005 and I have a Sam Fisher bust above my fireplace. I'd like the game to have a light stealth system, fully rigged realistic humanoid characters, and a dynamic music system that's entirely early-2000s style drum and bass but made exclusively out of samples of water splashing and seagull noises. Template: Pitch: What I need: What I'm doing: Contact Info: Time Zone:Portfolio: --------------------- Thanks to @Dinosaursssssss and @zerofiftyonefor writing the original set of team building threads this was based upon and @Spenny who I flagrantly just ctrl+c & ctrl+v'd into this thread with a different title with formatting I like less upon reflection. I also updated the link to the other thread. Exhausting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites