clyde Posted June 1, 2019 Anyone playing/played Vampyr? I was interested in playing it when I heard some folks taking about how you essentially choose which friendly NPCs to suck dry, but it wasn't until it came out on GamePass that I gave it a try. I'm currently level 13 or so and I've come across 3 of the NPC hubs. Right now I'm headed to a church to confess my sins as far as the main story mission goes. Vampyr is the Bioware game I've wanted for a long time. The sense of consequence is really setting it off for me. At first I didn't understand the pacing of the game or the main systems of providing medical treatment, sucking NPCs dry to level up, and moving the story forward. The freedom that is allowed to the player was pretty confusing for me. I'm playing on hard (which seems like a must) and I am still not sure if I am supposed to have wandered into some of the areas I have wandered into by underleveling myself and just letting monsters fight vigilantes. But now that I have embraced a few NPCs and the story is moving again after I got bugged out of a main quest for a long time, I'm getting it and this game is a gem. As far as the combat goes, I like playing under leveled in this and at first the combat seemed too simplistic and awkward. It is still awkward, but I actually really enjoy using a stake and a hatchet. In facte I just looked at the aggressive abilities that I haven't unlocked (I use the mist one) and I was like "I don't want to fuck with my flow." I imagine that if I was to play with a two handed weapon or a pistol it would be much different. The targeting system is still frustrating for me, but I've enjoyed my crowd-control methods and farming blood from one enemy so I can use it on another around the corner. I also run around the mobs when I can (which I think adds to the atmosphere). The only big problem I have (with the exception of targeting being clumsy for me) is that on the Xbox the loading times after death are excruciating. But I just check Discord on my phone. Spoilers regarding finishing the blackmail in WhiteChapel mission: I feel awkward recommending this game because it feels so creepy and predatory. Farming local gossip so that I can intimidate NPCs with my reverb voice and giving them medicine to groom these poor folks so I can pop-em like a tick for XP in a dark alley is creepy as fuck. So when I talked to Lady Ashbury about taking care of the blackmailer (the consequences of which I just discovered while playing more this morning) it suddenly clicked for me that the authors of this game aren't going to provide useful commentary on predation, it is just going to use vampires as a metaphor for the wealthy and privileged. At that point I felt weight from all these milked conversations where NPCs are skeptical of my intentions. Loving it! additional spoilers if you want details about how I finished that mission: I don't know what i did to get a third blue dialogue option for Nurse Crane, but I did and I figured I should use it because it was blue and special. It said something like "Charm her so that she doesn't remember this." Seemed reasonable. I wanted her operation to continue, she's doing good work for White Chapel. So I finish the mission and Priven is downstairs killing patients. I'm like wtf? I clear them out and on the way I see Darius. At this point I've embraced the White Chapel landlord, the dude who has been getting blood hickeys in the Pembroke Hospital, and that's it, so I need some XP. I look at Darius's infographic and I'm like "Dude, I know everything there is to know about you, you ain't got no family, why are you still necessary?" When I embraced him he was like "Who will protect Dorthothea?" I'm like "whatever Pudding". Well I just got back to White Chapel and things are not looking good. Everyone is talking about how Dorthea has gone mad and there are skaals in the clinic. I don't know exactly which parts of my bad-decision making made this happen, but I am so enjoying how truly fucked White Chapel is because of my questionable motives and muted greed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roderick Posted June 1, 2019 I was kind of interested in this! The devs made pretty neat stuff before, and though I get the feeling Vampyr didn't really take off, it's still a title on my radar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miffy495 Posted June 15, 2019 I opened the page on the gamepass app for this about 20 minutes ago. Worth a shot, then? I've been using my gamepass lately to get into the Outer Wilds, but on seeing it expand to PC, Vampyr stood out as a "I remember people speaking really positively about this" title... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted June 15, 2019 Vampyr is available on the Xbox One gamepass as well. That is how I've been playing it. I started playing Outer WildsWilds though. One I figure out how to make everything alright in the solar-system, I'll go back to Vampyr. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twmac Posted June 17, 2019 Game Pass is so good right now. Smoke and Sacrifice, Vampyr, Moonlighter and Void Bastards have all been on in the last few days because of it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irishjohn Posted June 29, 2019 I'm loving Gamepass (I don't have an Xbox) but it is weirdly inconsistent in letting me download stuff and sometimes even play it. Also, the Outer Wilds does not seem to be on the PC version of Game Pass, which is a bummer. But I can't complain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites