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Favorite Games

Found 8 results

  1. Behold The Kickmen is out on Steam, for $3.99/ £2.79. It's a single-player football/soccer game for the PC, Mac and Switch as of the 16th June (Linux is apparently less likely after a few tests) made by someone who neither understands nor likes football/soccer. It also has a story element with art by Michael Firman. It also has a Dystopian FutureSport Mode that puts a Speedball-style wallpaper over everything, for people who hate football/soccer. "Kickmen is a clever, cheeky, strange interpretation of “the wonderful game” by someone who doesn’t give a damn about making a soccer game, and is all the better for it." - Kotaku "Behold the Kickmen is nonsense, but it’s good nonsense ... [it] is really quite rough around the edges, but it manages to be a game that I think will somehow be appreciated by those who love sports games and those who hate them." - The Sixth Axis (Note: Although people assume so because of the Dan and Ben games, I am not a Size Five Games permanent employee. I was not involved in the making of this game!)
  2. Announcing another latest Dan And Ben game: Devil's Kiss. It's $2 or bundled FREE with Lair Of The Clockwork God, it's a visual novel prequel about Dan and Ben meeting in high school, and it's great fun. Please feel free to wishlist (wishlisting Lair Of The Clockwork God is more important, but you can do both)!
  3. Announcing the latest Dan And Ben game: Lair Of The Clockwork God, out now on Windows, Linux, Mac (Steam & GOG), Switch, XBox One, and PS4/5! “A brilliant, joyous, clever and generous experience.” 4.5/5 – ThumbSticks “This is a gag delivery device with a seriously good hit rate” 83% – PC Gamer “Great mash-up of indie platforming and classic adventuring.” 8/10 – TheSixthAxis On Steam On GOG On Steam bundled with the first two Dan & Ben games at an overall discount Nintendo Switch XBox One Comes with FREE visual novel prequel, Devil's Kiss! Please wishlist/buy/review/promote!
  4. (Note: Although people asssume so because of the Dan and Ben games, I am not a Size Five Games permanent employee. I was not involved in the making of this game!)
  5. A wazzo remake of cartoon deathmatch platformer "Gibbage", with better name and everything else. (I didn't do any design on this, just playtesting/feedback/QA. I did design on the original, but Gun Monkeys has moved away from most of that.) Keep an eye on if you want in on the beta!
  6. Hi everyone! I'm afraid my bi-annual plugfest has now become annual, because within a year of releasing Ben There, Dan That!, Zombie Cow Studios Size Five Games has released the sequel, Time Gentlemen, Please! The new game, co-designed and co-written by me, is available for £3/$5-ish here (demo available). If you haven't played the first game, it's pay-what-you-want, min. £2, but you're probably better off buying the double-bundle for £3 total on Steam. I hope you guys can try it out, and enjoy it. If you do, please pass it on to all your friends, family, employees, people in the street!
  7. I'm afraid it's already time for my bi-annual plugfest again. *ahem* Part-time Idle Thumbs forumite, and my best mate, Dan Marshall has launched Zombie Cow Studios Size Five Games. He has a few games for download, including 'Ben There, Dan That!', an adventure game written by me and Dan. It's a tribute to the classic Lucasarts adventures, and is now available as a Special Edition on a "pay what you want" pricing scheme. [EDIT: you're probably best off buying it in a bundle with the sequel these days] Please pass it on to anyone who you think might enjoy it, and direct any questions or requests for exclusive site content (interviews, etc) to, and we'll be more than happy to help. Thanks everyone, and see you in two years for the next plugarama!
  8. Hi Everyone, I posted a plug for Gibbage a while back, but this is the last one ever, promise. Dan Marshall has now completed his game, 'Gibbage'! It's a cartoon deathmatch platformer that Dan has created from scratch on his own, teaching himself to code along the way. It's so far garnered good feedback from Ron Gilbert and Charles Cecil. The website is up and running. You can download the (new and improved) demo for free, read his blog, find out about the game, and download it for only £6/$11. He's chronicled his progress in PC Zone magazine, and his blog reprints the articles. It's a really good read, and he'll soon be giving more in-depth tales of the basics of self-taught bedroom programming, so check it out. I implore you all to download the free demo, give Dan feedback if you wish, and of course buy the game for the price of a couple of pints if you're suitably impressed. It's a brilliantly fun game, with the emphasis on gameplay, and as an Indie Game, fighting against the chart-clogging corporate tosh we put up with, it needs all the support and attention it can get. Thanks, Ben Ward