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Everything posted by SuperBiasedMan

  1. Plug your shit

    Oops, I forgot to say of course it's based on a book of the same name by Deborah Ellis. And thanks to you both!
  2. Plug your shit

    This is a weird thing for me, but the place where I work released a movie in the US*, and I think folks should go see it! It's animated, but really isn't a just for kids kind of deal. I'd honestly be a little more cautious suggesting this to people with kids, as the subject matter can get intense and it does have strong allusions to off screen violence. It has been screen tested with kids but depending on you or your child's disposition you'll want to be sure that it's suitable. It's about a little girl in Afghanistan who has her father arrested and then has to try provide for her family by pretending to be a boy. It's a beautiful film (I didn't work directly on the art so you can trust me on that!) and would really benefit from some support to show that there is an audience for films like this. * Out in Canada at the start of December and elsewhere "soon".
  3. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    Are you sure about this? I thought they were still being vague about that release date. I also had no idea about Tiny Metal's date! Hyped for that.
  4. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    I'll just pitch you on the one selling point that you probably haven't been told. One of the best things about Spla2n is that matches last 5 minutes at most.
  5. Recently completed video games

    Yeah agreed. It was best when it was inventive with the golf mechanics rather than falling back on 'traditional' game stuff like that section.
  6. Super Mario Odyssey (One D, Two Ss)

    There's a good article about the little touches they used to achieve this here
  7. Recently completed video games

    So you're saying it both sucks and blows? I quote recently finished Golf Story on the Switch. It was a good, charming and inventive game. It applied the idea of an RPG to a golf game very well. It varied up the quests in a way that made it all fresh and had good themed areas that were fun narratively as well as changing up gameplay. It was a smidgen too long, but I was very happy when I put it down. I'd like if more games took up the mantle of making an RPG but swapping out the battle system for another type of mechanic.
  8. Idle Thumbs 312: Hashtag Nick Nod

    I would normally be the same, but in Zelda that doesn't work since you also have limited carrying capacity. You can still have some swords that you keep forever, but you will have to use up your good ones eventually.
  9. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Hrmmmm. €47 is... tempting. I said I'd hold off til closer to Christmas.
  10. Idle Thumbs 312: Hashtag Nick Nod

    I really like how Breath of the Wild fixed this and I hope games steal from it.
  11. Important If True 33: The Meme Scream

    Just cause they seemed curious/confused about this on the cast. Beef or pork gelatin is a key ingredient in jelly style sweets and lots of other jelly textured things, like Tylenol capsules it sounds like. Vegetarians and vegans don't need to buy special products to get around this, we just check the ingredients and find the brands that use a non animal ingredient or don't have jelly.
  12. Ahhh, congrats! I was worried but then you had a hell of a last day. Looking forward to the development and updates over the next while!
  13. I read this in Nick's voice

  14. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    Just yesterday played through almost the entire game with a group of my friends and I second this.
  15. Most of the time I don't even buy furniture, because most rentals here are pre furnished whether you want it or not. Just like every other part of renting, if you have the luxury of choice, you just take note of the fridge that's in the place when you're looking and make sure it seems fine.
  16. Black Mirror

    The thing I didn't like about the pig episode was the line at the end
  17. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Heat Signature? (A space heist rogue-lite game by the creator of Gunpoint)
  18. If you were reversing over it would it sounds like ALOC ALOC KNIRD
  19. Glad to see it's off to a good start! Just got my pledge in now I looove the idea of Mysteries. A really good way to hook in some more clear progress to latch onto in a game that's otherwise so formless. Plus it still fits the almost "slice of life" anime feel, where it's not a quest or problem to be solved, it's just a curiosity that you can figure out. Good luck over the next few weeks!
  20. Just a quick aside, I always thought of that as a line imploring fire itself to walk with the speaker, not for somebody else to fire walk with them. It's curious to realise ambiguities like this that my brain wholly glossed over.
  21. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Yeah I've been using a card to transfer them over to my PC anyway, so I should be good on that end.
  22. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I believe you. I've been transferring as I go, so that probably makes it easier. I don't have an exact count but I know I've made over 60 tumblr posts of 7 - 10 pictures each, and I'm just about to do the first divine beast. When (if) I finish, I'll have to give a final count. EDIT: Having just done most all but the boss fight of my divine beast, I'm at 750+ pictures. I wonder if I'll break 2000 for the final count.
  23. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I've been documenting a playthrough of Breath of the Wild just by taking screenshots and then mass grabbing them from my SD card to my PC. I am then uploading them though, just onto tumblr instead of twitter. The journaling is a lot of fun, I'd definitely like to do it for other games on the Switch that have the right feel. Unfortunately I don't think my other main game Spla2n quite has the right fit...
  24. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I never had a Wii U, but the posts in Spla2n are such a delight that I wish I could be getting something similar when playing Breath of the Wild. It's such a simple way to add a community integrated into a game, I hope they continue including it in certain games at least.