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About Spud

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  1. Is it time to move back here?

    Games Video games Video games Video ga-a-ames But yeah I imagine a lot of people can relate to brkl. The last 2 years I've had so little room in my life to play games due to young children and study commitments bleeding well beyond work hours. Maybe in a few months the study will be over...
  2. Fresh Indie Game Compendium Extraordinaire

    It's nice to see there are still occasional posts here
  3. YESSSSSSS I left Something True subscribed in my podcast app just in case this happened one day, and sure enough... Little red triangle appeared on the Something True bod today I'm definitely looking forward to this. Best news to come out of this website all year.
  4. New WR speedrun! 1:38.585. I think this guy had a prior WR as well
  5. Monster Hunter World on PS4

    So has anyone actually been participating in this? Lack of replies makes me think maybe not
  6. I was saddened to see 45brains.online appears to be offline. I nominate Zach/sci-fi Martin Shkreli from last week's episode as one of the 45 brains.
  7. Yeah, this is the closest Ive come to wanting to buy it.
  8. The discussion around Martin Shkreli and uploading consciousness to the cloud to be "digitally immortal" is basically the entire premise around the book Altered Carbon (which is also a Netflix series now). I am simultaneously saddened by the "Zach" news story (which was quite widely read here in NZ) and enthused to know that someone else from New Zealand cares enough about IIT to submit reader mail. I hear you, Chris. Was it you who sent in the article? I had also never heard of either of the Whales or any of their companies before this episode. Honestly after watching the video from last year on Stuff, and seeing the way they talk about their business ventures, I am actually thinking less that this is pure scam from Albi and more in the direction of a delusional disorder or bipolar.
  9. Strong episode here. I think the telepresence robot is what we all need in our lives. In my mind, the saxophone involved in the Nick Breckon costume to give the maximum effect is not a baritone, but a Contra-bass saxophone: During Nick's suggestion about how to stop saying "bro" so much, the longer it went on the stronger my desire became for the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme to start playing in the background. Alas, it was not the case. I'd also heard about the "paper town" story of Agloe, NY, but I had forgotten about the part where the eventual formation of the town meant they could no longer use it as copy protection in court. Truly a great example of being hoisted by ones own petard. I'm disappointed the Thumbs didn't call it as it is. The Wax House story is probably the best Wikipedia vandalism story I've ever heard. That guy was a real sly boots. This is 10/10. I guess it only worked because Maori pronunciation/syllables and Japanese are so similar to each other.
  10. As much as I like this show, I do find it a bit hard to listen to the hosts mentioning basically every week recently how bad 2017 apparently was. I can't relate.
  11. Just got around to listening to this one now... Holy crap the weird "crashed and erased itself" bit at 12:45 blew my mind listening to it late at night.
  12. I got really thrown off by the music choice in this episode. There's a New Zealand politics podcast (Gone by lunchtime) that uses Jahzzar - Take Me Higher as their intro music.
  13. I noticed this too; I couldn't help frame-by-framing that bit to see what was there. Whatever it's supposed to mean, it certainly seems to suggest a clear link between Sarah and the Black Lodge, if there was any doubt. Another thing I noticed a few episodes back but haven't seen anyone comment on: Anybody else wonder if the symbol of the black blob with the pointy antennae on top (As seen in Hawk's map, or on that card earlier on) is supposed to be representing the same thing as the "owl"/ring sigil used in season 2? Except the diamond shape has been replaced by a black circle.
  14. Yep definitely a twig. The camera is stepping backwards a bit to it comes into frame. I agree that it was really weird and jarring how the kid was just running across the road, and then he stops BEFORE he turns to see the woman. That happening right at the start of the episode made me feel like they directed the scene/actor poorly. Knowing Lynch though, he probably realised but kept it in anyway.