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Everything posted by Dinosaursssssss

  1. 50 Short Games by thecatamites (Game Club)

    I haven't played enough yet to have anything to say about the game but here's an ouroboros gif (source)
  2. 50 Short Games by thecatamites (Game Club)

    To me the simple music combined with the later shapes the player becomes (the one that looks kinda like a UFO wearing a cape and the 4/5 stars) made me think of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's something about the lack of rhythm or other instruments, I think. The music doesn't seem to change though and the player transformations seem to be looped on a timer so I don't know that that line of thinking is going anywhere.
  3. #idlethumbs – Join the Idle Thumbs IRC channel!

    (2:11:44 PM) Dinosaurs: i always read thermaldetonato as 'thermaldetomato' and its really great for me (6:48:05 PM) thermaldetonato is now known as thermaldetonatr you'll live on in my heart, thermal detomato and also in this slapdash photoshop
  4. Unity Questions Thread

    Apparently 4.6 is releasing this week! http://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/11/24/sustained-engineering-plan-for-unity-4-5-and-4-6/
  5. The terrible wallet scourge of the Amiibo.

    I bought the Pikachu when I was at the store getting Smash, but I have absolutely no idea what an amiibo is or how it works!
  6. Unity Questions Thread

    Just installed VS Community Edition, and it does work with UnityVS. This makes me very happy.
  7. Unity Questions Thread

    Monodevelop has this feature too! I have known it to behave weirdly on occasion, but I can probably say that about most of the IDE.
  8. The DS is ten years old.

    I bought my DS Lite the summer after graduating high school. I was working at the desk at a lake, taking admission and playing Mario Kart for $8 an hour. That summer I went to my first kegger, and drank my first beer (a warm Bud Light I shotgunned in the back seat of one of the older kids cars). Yeah I feel pretty old right now. A fond memory for me will always be playing Trauma Center on the bus and accidentally slashing peoples insides every time we took a sharp turn.
  9. Unity Questions Thread

    For what its worth, I believe if you have MonoDevelop attached to Unity, it should pause and highlight the line when the null reference exception (or any other exception) is thrown. Maybe a little easier to debug than writing lines to check specific objects.
  10. Game Jams

    If someone told me that Vine was made in the early 1980s I would believe it (aside from the whole Vine thing)
  11. 50 Short Games by thecatamites (Game Club)

    My impression was that the focus was on perspective, and more specifically how a persons can change over time? The two detectives are drawn identically, and at one point the older one says that his first case was him paired with a younger detective, running through a building, asking lots of questions. The implication to me is that both voices are the same character, which I think is more heavily hinted at in the "I am large, I contain multitudes" line (which I knew sounded familiar, so I looked it up, and discovered it's a reference to a Walt Whitman poem). There's a similar phenomenon in the form of the stage; the backdrop (the blue outline) is the same in every scene, but changes drastically over the course of the game and seems to contain a store, house, theater, etc. The thing that's stuck with me is the small house they see, that then turns out to be a 'crude billboard affair.' I think it's sticking with me because I recently watched Stop Making Sense and starting thinking about the lyrics of . That song is (I think) about a midlife crisis where someone realizes they've been living passively, and tries to figure out how they arrived where they are and why, and this frame reminded me of that idea. If they are in fact supposed to be the same person, then is this frame the Chief realizing that he actually always wanted a peaceful life but never admitted it to himself? It seems like entering the house puts the characters back into their bizarre pursuit, so maybe the 'crude billboard' is the game itself, a crudely drawn 2D box. I can't think of it. This has been my intro to thecatamites and this thread. I enjoyed playing and thinking about Which Way, and I'm curious to see how playing more of these will affect my reading of them. Also I cheated by both editing this post and stopping typing to play through the game again.
  12. Amateur Game Making Night

    I have no idea if it's actually necessary, but you might want to pick an existing license rather than just having a comment in your code? I know that if I was downloading the source and intending to modify/distribute it in some way, I'd feel more comfortable about it if there was a specific license rather than just a comment in the code. The two super open, go-hog-wild ones I'm familiar with are Creative Commons 0 and the Do What The Fuck You Want to Public License.
  13. iOS Gaming

    Anyone else pick up Framed? The animation and style as a whole are fantastic but so far I've been disappointed with the puzzle design. A lot of the frames don't really clearly indicate how your character will interact with them, so I've had to do a fair bit of guessing which really isn't satisfying. Still, it does look very good and I've only just finished what seems to be the first chapter, so I'm hoping it picks up.
  14. Unity Questions Thread

    Ooh, cInput looks neat. I've actually seperately been looking for a way to dynamically bind controls in order to handle local multiplayer games, without having to set each input up individually for each player, and that seems like it'll work. I have working touch controls using the stock Input.Touch stuff, the problem is that I can't easily test it without copying builds onto my macbook and running Unity Remote, so I was hoping for a way to emulate touches using the mouse. The axis stuff in cInput seems like it'll solve my testing problems, thanks for the recommendation!
  15. Amateur Game Making Night

    I realized the other day that if you wanna get those sweet smoothing animations in Unity, you can use an AnimationCurve to do it, which also then means you can change the curves at run time. Pretty nifty. Super sloppy copy + paste from my project: public AnimationCurve animCurve; void Update(){ newPosition = Mathf.Lerp(position, targetPosition, GetMoveFromCurve(currTime, totalTime)); } float GetMoveFromCurve(float time, float endtime) { return animCurve.Evaluate(time/endtime); }
  16. Unity Questions Thread

    Does anyone know of a way to simulate touch controls in-editor on a PC? I was hoping I could just create dummy Touch objects, but every field/property in Touch is read-only, as is Input.touches. I have Unity Remote working so I can test using the iPad connected to my Macbook, I just really prefer developing on my desktop and it'd be handy. edit: Chatted with SpennyDubz about this in IRC for a second, his suggestion (or my understanding of it, anyway) was to have an input wrapper class to handle all input and reference that rather than directly reading Input.touches. Which is a good suggestion and appears to be the correct way to do this, I was just hoping for...well, an easier way.
  17. Game Jams

    According to a helpful person in the comments, this is something on itch's end with file downloads. I switched mine to use Dropbox rather than me uploading a zip directly and it seems to have fixed it. Apparently it's a recurring issue for itch, so I guess keep that little fix in mind for the future. I can't blame them, hosting ~350mb zips for free is quite a commitment. And actually this highlights some weaknesses of UE to me, that are particularly problematic in a jam context. The "tiny" (by my estimation) game I made is actually 600mb unzipped, only runs on Windows, and has to be downloaded, unzipped, and run as an .exe. Certainly small barriers to entry, but barriers nonetheless. Unity Web Player isn't perfect but it certainly seems to nail accessibility in comparison. Glad I took a poke at it anyway, I'm starting to get a better sense of when and why you'd use each engine.
  18. Game Jams

    I guess I'll take that as a compliment? Anyway I made some more gifs, including one of what the cactus growth actually looks like now: http://imgur.com/a/fHvc7 I pretty badly need to do some checks on the cacti to make them stop growing if they hit another cactus or kill them off if they intersect too many cacti, this is spawning super dense clusters of hundreds of them that lag out pretty quickly. ...that said, I'm not sure I wanna keep working on this, and even if I do, I'd probably rather move it to C++ and change it all anyway? *shrug* Game jams! Also the next Ludum Dare is Dec 5th to 7th, I'm gonna be travelling on the 6th so maybe I'll do a 6 hour Plane Jam instead.
  19. Game Jams

    I made this thing http://dinosaursssssss.itch.io/cactus-farming-simulator-2014 for 7dfps I don't really know what it is or where I was doing with it. I sort of enjoy it though, I suppose. Mostly I'm glad I finally sat down to mess with UE4. I still haven't written any C++ (though I have been intending to) so this was all done in Blueprint. Anyway here's a silly gif of a bug I made SpennyDubz, I dig the game, you got the movement to feel pretty good. Gliding around is pretty fun, though I wasn't always sure how different angles would affect my direction. Also I used that destroyed building model in my cyberpunk jam game, its pretty solid.
  20. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    I started messing with UE this week and was having a looooot of performance issues when building lighting. Everything else seemed to run ok to me, but those builds were crushing my RAM to the point that windows services and other programs were crashing out. edit: I was lying awake last night thinking about my 7dfps project so I tweeted a haiku, cause what else do you do when you can't sleep super late at night? 3 o'clock am In bed, thinking to myself 'UE4 is sweet'
  21. Check out these sweet Soldat acrobatics. What a strange game.
  22. Game Jams

    I saw clyde retweeting some stuff about Indies vs PewDiePie, which seems kinda interesting? Mostly cause PewDiePie will play the top 10 games on his stream and that would be pretty good exposure. Frankly when I first saw the #indiesvspewdiepie hashtag I assumed he had done something wrong and people were organizing against him; much to my dismay this is a far more positive and productive event. The premise is to make games that are fun for the player and fun for people watching streams. Maybe a good excuse to make a Goat/Surgeon Simulator physics-y thing? I donno. It goes from Nov 21 to 24. http://jams.gamejolt.io/indiesvspewdiepie Also, based on irc chatter it looks like a bunch of us are doing 7DFPS in some format. I myself have been messing with UE4 and Blueprint and uh honestly not having an amazing time, which I'll probably be posting in the UE thread about soon...regardless, I look forward to see the rest of ya'lls games!
  23. Soldat was neat. No idea if it was intentional, but the kinda awkward character acceleration plus jetpack mean you can kinda do Tribes-style skiing to get good speeds going off ramps. Some of the other physics-y stuff was cool too, like how the minigun pushes you backward, so if you're in midair shooting down you hover a little bit. Little touches like the 2d ragdolls, rolling/backflipping, and ricocheting bullets added some fun and unpredictability too. I kinda wish I'd given this a shot when it first came out, I imagine it would have been a lot of fun to play at LAN parties.
  24. Intoxicated:

    hi I'm really hung over and can't get any work done today. I ate some burgers 'cause I thought it would help but I think it just made me sleepy.
  25. Screenshots. Shots of your screen.

    I sorta forgot there was a screenshot mode in this game until I was more than halfway through it. Pretty fun pausing combat and just spinning around.