
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by empika

  1. GDC '16 / SF thumbs hang out

    See you there!
  2. Game Dev Talks/Lectures

    Heres the talks from the latest DICE and Steam Dev Days
  3. Idle Thumbs 10th Anniversary

    Hip hip hooray!
  4. Pinball Club

    Been loving me some Pinball Arcade recently, really got back in to it, so much so i'm looking at getting one when i move in a few weeks (if i have room!!). I used to play the Data East Star Wars machine at the place we always stayed when i was on holiday as a kid, reaaaaaally want to get that! Think my favourite on Pinball Arcade is Scared Stiff, mainly because it's a bit easier than a lot of the others and it's has fairly simple rules
  5. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    Yup there is also... . Great game, really well crafted and put together. I like how it started out super creepy after listening to that answer machine message, along with the storm and all the lights being off. Glad I read through the last few pages on here because it answered a bunch of questions about things I missed or didn't piece together. I think the only bad thing I'd say about it is having to find that one damn object in the whole house that would open up the attic, I obviously hadn't searched everything that systematically, so finding that thing took ages of me wandering about trying to find a tiny object amongst all the other stuff. I think there is a bunch of other stuff i missed too, so going to give it another playthrough during the week.
  6. Death of animation?

    Not alot to add that hasn't already been said but, It's a shame that there might not be any more Disney feature lengths, but traditional animation will still survive in shorts/cartoons etc. As pointed out already, the line between CG and hand drawn is already blurred with flash/Toon Boom etc and that stuff is still thriving from cartoons, games etc. Moving to 3d is just a different set of tools to achieve the same effect (as pointed out by John Lasseter in that article), all the same principles are used. Just watch and listen to any of the commentaries on any disney or pixar film and the animators are both talking about the same things. Interesting discussion though. I love all types of animation, but especially disney. I got asked at work this week if the stack of 8 disney bluray on my desk that got delivered were for my niece. People wouldn't have batted an eyelid if they were ghibli films.. although that's a different discussion
  7. Downton Abbey

    Heard good things from a bunch of sensible people, and also mentioned on the podcast numerous times. Just wondering what people think about this show? Just started watching it and finding it fairly enjoyable. For me it's like a good Pride and Prejudice, full of intrigue adn romance, except I'm no longer 13 and don't think it's shit (yes, that bbc series was in 1995).
  8. Downton Abbey

    This is why I was intrigued to watch it, I think they've mentioned it in passing on the podcast a few times.
  9. Downton Abbey

    Near the end of the second series and pretty much agree with both of you now. First series was enjoyable, now it's just very soap-ey. And also yes, all political stuff is junk. Although, what did I really expect from an ITV series?
  10. Transistor

    Content I guess. Looks great though.
  11. DuckTales Remastered?! WOOHOO!

    I constantly get the duck tales music stuck in my head, which inevitably leads me to getting the chip and dale tune in there... and then gummi bears. Now I have all three and think I might go mad! :s
  12. Downton Abbey

    Ok, I get it now after watching the 4th episode. It's like the dramatic intimacy of TNG or Firefly or something, but in an english country house... with better acting.
  13. Hallo there, long time thumb, first time caller (or poster) here. I've been listening to the podcast and lurking on here for a number of years. Anyways, I've built this lovely site, http://www.gdne.ws, to collate interesting gaming articles from around the web. It's kinda like Hacker News (if you know that) but for video games. A place where you can quickly find a cool thing to read in your lunch break and things, without having to check a million rss feeds , or visit a millions sites to check for updates. I thought i'd post it in here as I need people to beta test and presume that other thumbs are also interested in reading good stuff. So, please check it out, sign up, and start posting things. There are a few bugs, so if you come accross one or have any feedback please let me know either on twitter (@empika), in here or on info@gdne.ws. Oh and some more details and ideas of things to post are over here http://www.gdne.ws/about/ Thanks! Edd (also, no idea if this is the right forum for this or if i should have posted it in Idle Banter? if the latter, hopefully a mod can move it?)
  14. Some more people asked for it, and I finally got round to it, so GDN now has an rss feed (after nearly a year!) http://www.gdne.ws/feed Enjoy
  15. When I was a kid, one of my big sisters friends drew me a sweet picture of Cool Spot, I had it on my wall for a ages (it may even still be there at my folks house). Years later I had a fling with the same girl. During our intimate moments I often thought of Cool Spot.
  16. Plug your shit

    Did a quick mix for Valentines day of some of my favourite 80's soul jams https://soundcloud.com/parrisian/love-selection-vol-2 All vinyl, booty slappin' goodness!
  17. Aliens: Colonial Marines

    Amusing review up on rps http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02/12/wot-i-think-aliens-colonial-marines-single-player/
  18. Aliens: Colonial Marines

    I might pick this up in a few months just to give it a look. As for the films, Alien is about 99.99999% perfect to me. The only thing that bugs me these days is the chestburster running across the table. Still, forgivable for 1979. Every time i watch it i'm instantly transfixed and more convinced of how good a film it is. Definitely one of the greats. Aliens on the other hand gets worse every time I watch it. Don't get me wrong, it's still amazing and in my top 20 (maybe even 10) but I've just never been as drawn in as the first time I saw it. Dunno, just gets a little hokey-er with age I guess.
  19. Ni No Kuni

    Also, good tip is to hit R3 and look about in person when you see lovely stuff
  20. Ni No Kuni

    After about 15-20 hours, all my previous concerns were nullified. Th AI can actually stay alive in battle and do stuff and the economy aint to bad (thanks for the handmedown tip juv3nal!) Still loving it
  21. Ni No Kuni

    pretty much loving this game. soo charming and beautiful and definitely pulling on those old ps1/2 nostalgia heartstrings! Only annoying things are that the AI in battle sucks... either that or i'm doing something wrong. most boss battles i've ended up finishing up with my main guy as my other two party members just die (even though they are both on 'keep us healthy'. Also, the economy seems nuts, stuff is just super expensive, so I never have enough money to buy ether/phoenix down and upgrade weapons/armour without massive amount of grinding! Also... too many mans to equip and level up!!! Still, finding myself running home from work to play more every day, so it must be doing something right
  22. Discworld

    Love me some Terry P! I must have started reading them in my early teens and have read them sporadically over the last 16/17 years. Over the last 2 or 3 years I've been listening to the audio books, which are pretty much all excellently read. The first bunch were read by Vivian off the Young Ones and he is awesome. The new guy is pretty good too, just took me a while to convert to the different voices. I think what I love about them most is that there is so much variation, it's not just wizards and witches. I remember reading Feet of Clay and realising after that it was actually a bloody great detective story. I think up until that point i'd only ready the Rincewind stuff so i was pretty surprised.
  23. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Wait. What is that thing hiding in the back of his chair?
  24. Ni No Kuni

    I have the Wizards edition on preorder (the game's been delayed in europe). Played the demo and it's suuuper pretty. <3