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June 5, 2017
With the premiere event behind us, it's time for the first truly weekly installment of Twin Peaks season three. We're thrown headfirst into Dougie Jones' work life, we're given the identity of the John Doe in South Dakota (or are we?), we get our first glimpse at the next generation of Twin Peaks' troubled teens, and crucially, we finally learn why Dr. Jacoby wanted all those shovels. It's an episode full of setup, new characters, and new places. Where we're going from here is almost impossible to predict, and it feels great to be along for the ride.
If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Looking for a place to discuss the season with fellow viewers? We recommend the Twin Peaks Rewatch forum.
June 1, 2017
After a wild and wide-reaching start to the season, Twin Peaks is finally starting to center itself. Or, at least we think it might be. Let's talk about the home life of Dougie Jones, the FBI's run-in with a very different man than they were expecting, the overwhelming delight of Agent Cooper's first sip of coffee in 25 years, and of course, Wally Brando.
If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Looking for a place to discuss the season with fellow viewers? We recommend the Twin Peaks Rewatch forum.
May 29, 2017
Twin Peaks: The Return is broadening out, getting funnier, sadder, and somehow even stranger than it was before. Agent Cooper completes his difficult journey out of the Black Lodge only to land in an unexpected pair of shoes: those of a slot machine mega-jackpot champion named Dougie. Hold onto your shoes and follow us through the unknown, as we discuss The Return, Part 3.
If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Looking for a place to discuss the season with fellow viewers? We recommend the Twin Peaks Rewatch forum.
May 24, 2017
Is it future or is it past? Storylines converge, and events fold in on themselves in Twin Peaks' second new episode of 2017. What will happen to Cooper now that he's left the red room? What is his doppelganger's plan and what could it mean? Was that Jacques Renault in the Roadhouse? Has James always been cool? Join us for a deeper look at Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 2.
If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Looking for a place to discuss the season with fellow viewers? We recommend the Twin Peaks Rewatch forum.
May 22, 2017
The first new Twin Peaks episode in 26 years just hit television. We'll unpack what's new - and what has stayed the same - two decades later, share our thoughts on the fate of Agent Cooper, dig into the new mysteries and characters introduced, and take our best guesses at what Mark Frost and David Lynch are up to with the season as a whole. Join us as we stare into a glass box for hours, watching to see what happens.
If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Looking for a place to discuss the season with fellow viewers? We recommend the Twin Peaks Rewatch forum.
May 17, 2017
Twin Peaks is coming back and so are we! Join us as we kick the rust off this podcast, in anticipation of following all of Twin Peaks season three in real time, starting next week. This week, we're warming up by sharing our own expectations for what the new Twin Peaks might hold, discussing Showtime's marketing of the series' return to television, and scratching the surface of Mark Frost's novel, The Secret History of Twin Peaks.
We'll be recording a podcast for every episode of the new season and we'd love to hear from you! If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the Twin Peaks season premiere, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.
Some notes on upcoming scheduling: Showtime is airing the first four new episodes of Twin Peaks two at a time. During the next two weeks, we will be putting out two episodes a week, to keep pace! So look for the podcast covering the premiere on Monday, May 22, and the podcast covering episode two sometime mid-week.
June 12, 2015 It's the last episode of Twin Peaks Rewatch... for now! As we await Season 3 of Twin Peaks, we're capping off our rewatch of the original run and film by digging through the listener mailbag for observations and questions that take into account everything we've seen so far. Plus, we touch on some of the official and unofficial cultural artifacts inspired by Twin Peaks in the decades since it aired. (Visit the forum thread for this week's episode at twinpeaksrewatch.com for links and details.)
June 2, 2015 As a followup to our Fire Walk With Me discussion, this week we share our thoughts on the Missing Pieces deleted and extended scenes from the Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery Blu-ray set. Plus, we delve deep into listener opinions and theories on Fire Walk With Me!
May 28, 2015 This week, enjoy our discussion of the Twin Peaks film, Fire Walk With Me. It's a double-size episode about what is essentially two movies in one: the investigation of the Teresa Banks murder, and the final days of Laura Palmer. We think it's great. Join us!
May 20, 2015 Our rewatch of the full run of Twin Peaks has finished with our enthusiastic discussion of its stunning finale. But stay tuned for continuing Twin Peaks talk, including our take on the film Fire Walk With Me next week!
May 14, 2015 We've come this far and it's finally paid off -- the moment we've all been waiting for is here: the Miss Twin Peaks competition! Let's all join together to lay Twin Peaks' bizarre back nine to rest, and clear the board for next week's series finale.
May 5, 2015 This week on Twin Peaks the darkness that permeates the town is felt with a potency we haven't seen in a long time, and Windom Earle is on occasion the actual vicious, driven, and brilliant villain we have been told so much about, but it's all still in service of a spooky treasure map found in a haunted cave. Points for trying, but we may be too little too late at this point. Two weeks until the finale!
April 28, 2015 It's another enjoyable but aimless episode of Twin Peaks! As we close in on the series finale, the full suite of late-season-two plot threads chugs along. At least we're always glad to see Gordon Cole.
April 21, 2015 As we approach the series finale, Twin Peaks has returned to Twin Peaks, and we're pretty pleased about it. On the other hand, Lost has also come to Twin Peaks, and we're sort of confused about that. In any case, we had fun with episode 26, "On the Wings of Love"!
April 14, 2015 Major Briggs and the Log Lady have a secret. A deeply unsettling man threatens the Hayward family after paying Donna a visit alone. It sounds like Twin Peaks again, until you get to drunk Sheriff Truman, the fashion show, the wild ferret attack. Twin Peaks is coming back to life, but it's not quite back yet in "Wounds and Scars."