Frenetic Pony

Rust: It puts the lotion on its skin

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I didn't realize how much I was missing the weird Rust stories.  That's amazing.

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I miss having weird Rust stories to tell. I know you said the game is pretty broken clyde, but are there interesting changes worth checking out, or is it just the same game, but more broken?

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I miss having weird Rust stories to tell. I know you said the game is pretty broken clyde, but are there interesting changes worth checking out, or is it just the same game, but more broken?


I'm not going back in until they tie some of the mechanics together. You have a thirst-meter, but no way to drink; eating cooked meat is a placeholder for relieving thirst. There is tons of stuff like that and personally, I don't enjoy having to figure it out knowing that it won't be the case two months from now. I know they were changing things in the old build, but the current form seems really unintuitive and frustrating; like I  said, waking up from sleep is not an assumed victory. I'm actually really excited that they are doing this rebuild because I think it's going to be a significantly better game. The new house construction mechanic is pretty interesting and far more flexible for instance. They are putting neat new stuff in, but the mechanics and feedback are too far asunder for me; I'm going to wait a while. 

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I have the day off and I'm not feeling very creative, so I was comfortable opening Rust again and thinking I might spend the rest of the day there. I mention this because it is the main barrier I face when considering opening Rust. I keep thinking that I will have to have enough time to make friends and build a house. In reality, I got a satisfying session within an hour. Many things happened. 

It's my opinion that the new build is now better than the legacy build. If you have been waiting for that, I'd say jump in. 

Rust is still weirdly surreal. 




I spent my first night here roasting meat and keeping warm. I built a wooden spear and some bandages. I killed a pig during the day and gathered wood.

Pigs can now jump up on rocks and this changes the hunt dramatically

. To give you an idea, in the legacy build I would have had a bow and ten arrows at this point. But in this version I have a wooden spear, not even a stone-axe.




I spent ten minutes chasing this deer down with my spear. I tried to be sneaky, but he would still dash away.

Deer can now jump up on rocks and this changes the hunt dramatically

. I was so proud of this kill that I spend a minute framing this screenshot. On the way over to it after taking my trophy-photo, the deer disappeared. I wasn't able to dress it. That was rough.


There are now wooden signs that players can make and paint. Do you like games where you can shoot nazis? Rust may be the game for you. The prevalance of poorly drawn swastikas was concerning in one way; coming across a sign that informed me that I was in the "Dingo Nation" was concerning in a fun, game way though. There were houses everywhere, but seeing that there was some political structure in one of the neighborhoods increased the sense of danger. Indeed, I was killed in Dingo Nation by a player named "Trolololo" with a wooden spear as I used my new pick-axe to harvest stone. 


I really enjoyed my hour. I'll probably do this more frequently.

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It's been a long time since I played, how's it feeling now? Are there still a lot of weird half-complete mechanics (like the thirst thing you mentioned in your post from october)? I last played waaay back, before they took the zombies out, and it was a good time, but I've heard a lot of mixed stuff about how much support they've given the game since.

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It's been a long time since I played, how's it feeling now? Are there still a lot of weird half-complete mechanics (like the thirst thing you mentioned in your post from october)? I last played waaay back, before they took the zombies out, and it was a good time, but I've heard a lot of mixed stuff about how much support they've given the game since.


There are still half-mechanics, but I didn't find it frustrating to the point of feeling like my time was being wasted like back in October. Results may vary. I would recommend just going in and looking around for an hour or two. It's crazy and interesting. 


What have you heard about the support?

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I had heard that they were supporting it well for a long time but had slowed down a lot, and some friends expressed concerns that it would be stuck in permanent alpha like DayZ. I poked around a bit and it seems like they've been working on it though, so maybe I'll hop in and see how it is now. Hacking was actually the problem that drove me away from the game initially (some people flew into our house through the roof and stole everything, then destroyed it) so hopefully they have more in the way of anti-cheat stuff now.


If you (or anyone else!) wanna join me, my Steam thinger is in my sig and I'll probably spend some time with the game this weekend.

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I haven't played Rust in over a year, but I got served this video on my Youtube page:



It's interesting to me that what are effectively states, are being formed and the more individualist players are concerned about their inability to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

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