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Tribes 3 Beta

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Just in case you missed it, FilePlanet subscribers get to participate in the Tribes 3 open beta testing for the next week. You can check out the specific page here, and some screenshots here.

Incidentally, if anyone is a (paid) FilePlanet subscriber and isn't interested in this beta, could you be so kind as to throw your key over here? It'd be a terrible waste to not use it, and I'd really like to participate in this myself. :~

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Yeah, I could be tempted to give it a go.

I still miss planetside though :\

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Can I buy Tribes 2 which costs below 10 bucks, or even 0 bucks if you have any luck here: , and then to use that cd key from Tribes 2 with the third installment of the game? Like is this Tribes 3 an expantion of some kind? I haven't played any Tribes 2. Is it more fun that UT2004? Or what makes it better?

Edit: I just read on the site: that is includes a single-player mode. That doesn't help me much know if it will need a new cd key or not.

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Well, it went public. Got it, played it, loving it. I stuck up a short video of one of my flagruns up here. You can read info about the video on my site if you wish.

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Got it played it, got my ass kicked, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, got my ass kicked again.

is that tribes or windows xp?

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People who get their ass kicked in Tribes must be shot.

Actually, I had the flag flew back to my base, was about to reach MY flagpole, got killed, and my dead body landed RIGHT on the flag. Then some other asshole grabbed it adn walked the 1 step to the flag and got credit for my work....

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Actually, I had the flag flew back to my base, was about to reach MY flagpole, got killed, and my dead body landed RIGHT on the flag. Then some other asshole grabbed it adn walked the 1 step to the flag and got credit for my work....


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It's a team game, who cares if he gets "credit" for your work? The point is you got the flag back for your team. Who capped it is regardless. ;D

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Man, Tribes. I haven't played a Tribes game since the first one. I wish I could run this. :sad:

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Checked on the beta last night and found that it is now open :woohoo:

So, downloaded it and gave it a quick play before work. I suggest that if you fancy giving the beta a go you sign up sharpish as there's no telling how long it will be open for.

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It's a team game, who cares if he gets "credit" for your work? The point is you got the flag back for your team. Who capped it is regardless. ;D

Yeah, but we were 12-0 my team 12, so now we were just capping for credit more than anything. And it's still frustrating ending up in last place (total score of 28) because I died 2 feet from the flag.

Anyway, I was playing Isle-Fuel map play, I was walking towards the neutral depot, then saw that there was a guy there, so I ran forward, shot once, then out of behind him comes out a tank and blasts me. I was laughint so hard it sounded like "kaphew BOOOOOOOOOOOM" off I go flying because my jetpack was on :fart:

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I had a go at tribes 2 when it was released for free a few months back. I really really didn't like it. Perhaps it's one of those games which needs to grow on you, an acquired taste maybe. It seemed too slow, the vehicles weren't great and I seemed to spend most of the time walking about or dying.

The other day I downloaded the Tribes vengeance beta, because Thrik kept banging on about it. How it was much better than Tribes 2 etc. The gameplay seems improved, it's faster for a start. The vehicles are a bit better, earlier today I managed to land the gunship(whatever it's called) on Thrik's head during a match ;D

It still has a steep learning curve, but I think on the basis of the beta the full version might be worth a look.

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