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Things to do in east 'Merica

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Hey folks!

I am currently on a road trip on the west coast of America and I don't know why it didn't ask for recommendations on this board earlier but better late than never right?

I've still got around 2 weeks left here and I am currently in San Francisco and I was wondering if there are any good places to get food in the downtown area or things that one should visit in San Francisco. Other places I'll be cruising through are: Salt lake city, Colorado springs and Phoenix.

Thanks in advance Thumbadeers

EDIT: I meant the WEST coast, silly me

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That's... not the East coast.

(That's the other side.)

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I had a great time in San Francisco visiting Alcatraz, Japantown and the little comic museum there.

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I had a great time in San Francisco visiting Alcatraz, Japantown and the little comic museum there.

We went on the Alcatraz Tour and it was very interesting. We also managed to find an awesome restaurant that had a half pound cheeseburger and fries for only 4 bucks(!). SF has really been the most "modern" town so far on this trip. Many thanks for the tip Rodi.

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If you like a crazy science museum, you might check out the Exploratorium. Also kind of cool is the cable car barn. Also also, maybe consider going to a Giants game? Sadly, looks like there won't be any home games 'til the 25th, but if you're around it's a lot of fun.

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We went on the Alcatraz Tour and it was very interesting. We also managed to find an awesome restaurant that had a half pound cheeseburger and fries for only 4 bucks(!). SF has really been the most "modern" town so far on this trip. Many thanks for the tip Rodi.

Nice to hear you had a good time! I can also vouch for the awesomeness of the Exploratorium, good tip from tobacco.

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If you like a crazy science museum, you might check out the Exploratorium. Also kind of cool is the cable car barn. Also also, maybe consider going to a Giants game? Sadly, looks like there won't be any home games 'til the 25th, but if you're around it's a lot of fun.

Nice to hear you had a good time! I can also vouch for the awesomeness of the Exploratorium, good tip from tobacco.

Unfortunately we left SF today and are heading east for Salt Lake City. A Giants game would definitively been enjoyable, baseball is one of the more exciting sports that I am sad has little to no coverage in my country.

I wished you would have mentioned the Exploratorium sooner, after googling a bit I am hooked. Guess I'll have to visit it on my next visit to America.

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