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So they guy who made Knytt has made a new one, Saira. It's all the rage on Twitter, with people asking others to spread the word, etc. Someone also mentioned GOTY.

So, I tried the demo, and want to ask some of you who I know love this: Do I have the general idea of the game after playing a couple of planets? It seems to me the platforming (jumping, climbing and the flying thing) is the main mechanic, and that the overarching structure is getting to parts strewn around each planet. It's really nice looking and the controls are smooth (although the UI controls are stupid... ESC, really?), but things are feeling a little empty. I'm running around in these tile-caves trying to find something interesting, but for some reason it seems the caves are supposed to be the interesting part. Does shit get mixed up in all sorts of awesome ways as I go, or is this one of those games where it's more of an experience, etc?

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Have you played his other stuff, toblix? How does it compare to those, if you have? I really like the atmosphere niffas games create.

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Yeah, I played Knytt, I think, and it's very similar in atmosphere (i.e. awesome atmosphere). I believe his earlier games were more focused on the exploration/platforming, without all the awkward additions of the menu UIs and tabbing between windows, etc.

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I love it so far. The story seems more interesting than Knytt already. I can't remember if I finished Knytt or not, but it was pure atmosphere and not much story.

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Downloaded the demo yesterday, have to try it in the near future as I don't have time yet.

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Had a crack at it last night but not really sure where I'm supposed to go in the nearest star system to the one you start off in.

I'm fiddling about on some world where there's a bunch of things I can interact with but they all seem like they're frozen solid or something(?).

I don't like how the flying charge runs out so fast; it's tough to figure out where you need to use it sometimes and to have to run back and recharge not because I tried to use in it in the wrong place but because I didn't run to the right place quickly enough is annoying.

It is pretty visually appealing though and flying charge thing aside the platforming has not been excessively difficult.

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I actually do find the platforming a bit difficult, and I have to retry segments too many times. I happened on a couple of puzzles I have no idea what to do about as well.

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Granted I've only played the first few minutes, but I'm really disappointed by the visual style. I miss the old, colorful pixel art. This is about as close as you can get to falling in uncanny valley with side-scrollers, with the bloom-y, washed-out background looking slightly like a bad photograph.

I dunno.

Call me shallow, but I couldn't get past it.

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So they guy who made Knytt has made a new one, Saira. It's all the rage on Twitter, with people asking others to spread the word, etc. Someone also mentioned GOTY.

So, I tried the demo, and want to ask some of you who I know love this: Do I have the general idea of the game after playing a couple of planets? It seems to me the platforming (jumping, climbing and the flying thing) is the main mechanic, and that the overarching structure is getting to parts strewn around each planet. It's really nice looking and the controls are smooth (although the UI controls are stupid... ESC, really?), but things are feeling a little empty. I'm running around in these tile-caves trying to find something interesting, but for some reason it seems the caves are supposed to be the interesting part. Does shit get mixed up in all sorts of awesome ways as I go, or is this one of those games where it's more of an experience, etc?


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I got it yesterday and I beat it today! :grin:

I like how every planet not only has it's own theme (lava, ruins), but it also has it's own "puzzle" theme....

The camera is the main gimmick of the game, you take photos of the clues and you can access them while you are at the puzzle itself...

One world will quiz you about the planet you must search the whole planet and take photos of the scenery to have the clues, while other will be more platform orientated...

Each system has two planets, you always have to visit both even though only one has a teleporter piece, the other either has clues or fuel for your vessel.

To get the best ending, you need the best parts, which means solving the HARDEST galaxy! It has pretty hard platforming.... on a timer! :eek:

But it was worth it....

One final thing.... once you get all the pieces, mess around with them to get several ending.... One of them will have a familiar face! :tup:

PS: Is it on sale on Steam? I could swear it cost more before?

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I finally bought it because Night Sky left me wanting more Nifflas' style. But I don't really like Saira as much as Night Sky.

The thing is: Nifflas seems to be all about CAVES. I think he is pretty much overusing them by now. Except that his latest game is a PERFECT cave game. In Night Sky you are just a ball rolling around, no story and the atmosphere is second to the cool physics puzzles.

I don't think caves and finicky jumping fit very well in this game, though. In the start it feels like it should be a relaxing exploration and puzzle solving game, but it ends up not being that. That said, it's still good and I'll probably finish it.

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Oh god, those timed levels on the farthest planet are awful. "Level 3" seems specifically designed to be completeable only within milliseconds, whereas on the next level I had 6 seconds left on the second attempt.

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