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Oh, fuck

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Not to be ignorant, but are these guys a bunch of dicks or something like that?

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The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right and whites-only political party in the United Kingdom.


They hate black people, foreign people, gay people, etc

The BNP is opposed to mixed-race relationships on the stated ground that racial differences must be preserved; it claims that when a white person produces a mixed-race child, "a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed." Nick Griffin stated: "… while the BNP is not racist, it must not become multi-racist either. Our fundamental determination to secure a future for white children is restated, and an area of uncertainty is addressed and a position which is both principled and politically realistic is firmly established. We don't hate anyone, especially the mixed race children who are the most tragic victims of enforced multi-racism, but that does not mean that we accept miscegenation as moral or normal. We do not and we never will".

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They hate black people, foreign people, gay people, etc

Oh fuck they're almost beating our own fascists : Front National. You know the one that stood up in front of the european parliament stating that "The Holocaust is only a detail in History."

And he was on the second turn of the presidential election in 2002.

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I'm waiting for the Liberals to make their come back with a resurrected David Lloyd George.:yep:

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Time to leave...

On a more relevant note, thats not really my political standpoint, but I would love to see a zombie DLG.

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Suggested policies to help police this "threat to all of us" include a Muslim no-fly policy, which would ban Muslims from flying in and out of the UK.
Founder John Tyndall proclaimed that "Mein Kampf is my bible".
We bang on about Islam. Why? ...If we were to attack some other ethnic group — some people say we should attack the Jews … But … we've got to get to power. And if that was an issue we chose to bang on about when the press don't talk about it … the public would just think...'oh, you're attacking Jews just because you want to attack Jews. You're attacking this group of powerful Zionists just because you want to take poor Manny Cohen the tailor and shove him in a gas chamber.' That's what the public would think. It wouldn't get us anywhere other than stepping backwards...And we wouldn't get power.
The BNP is opposed to mixed-race relationships on the stated ground that racial differences must be preserved; it claims that when a white person produces a mixed-race child, "a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed." Nick Griffin stated: "… while the BNP is not racist, it must not become multi-racist either.
Alongside its suggestion that homosexuality "undermines social/marital cohesion by adding confusion", the BNP would make it unlawful to promote homosexuality and "return it to the closet where it belongs"

There's so much more in there. I swear it feels like a comedy act/Ann Coulter's sex fantasy.

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Yeah, it's all pretty depressing.

Oh fuck they're almost beating our own fascists : Front National.

Speaking of fronts of a national nature, one time I was having a meal at a fairly family-friendly pub-restaurant, and I had to use the toilet. Painted over, but still clearly visible on the inside of the stall door, was some etched graffiti, including a swastika accompanied by "NF" (National Front). What amused me was that the swastika was wrong. It's probably not too uncommon to have all the points facing the wrong way (as I'm sure someone will point out is a cultural and religious symbol still used in the East without any relation to the Nazis), but this one had half of the points facing the wrong way. That's so self-evidently wrong it beggars belief. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that at least some of the people who espouse such views aren't of spectacular intellect.

I guess that's a pretty dull story, but it was a weird and faintly amusing experience.

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At least in your country dictatorship didn't get another election won by camping the medias... Fuck people are stupid !

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If I could spend my life punching each and every one of those 120,000 BNP voters in the crotch I would. Absolute fucking cunts.

The BNP make my skin crawl enough, but I was reading up on them the other day and as soon as I saw them using the words "that does not mean that we accept miscegenation as moral or normal. We do not and we never will" I retched.

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If I could spend my life punching each and every one of those 120,000 BNP voters in the crotch I would. Absolute fucking cunts.

Plus the 130,000 North West BNP voters (the North West!), and the 700,000 other UK people who voted BNP. 940,000 is a startlingly large number of misled/flippant/ignorant/evil people.

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Jeebus that's a lot of people.

Democracy is a fad. I'd welcome a nice AI overlord.

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I'd rather punch the vast number of people who didn't even bother to vote, much less waste it. Voter turnout so low after all the (supposed) scandals and turmoil?

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Founder John Tyndall proclaimed that "Mein Kampf is my bible".

I wonder if he ever tried to read it. Usually people only say that for the shock effect, without even having read the book.

If you like you can get the English translation of Mein Kampf from Project Gutenberg. I never read it, but I'm pretty sure it's highly overrated.

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If you like you can get the English translation of Mein Kampf from Project Gutenberg. I never read it, but I'm pretty sure it's highly overrated.

I tried to read it, and less than one chapter in I concluded Hitler was a whining, sniveling bastard, and couldn't go any further. It was like a 1930's emo livejournal. It's pretty dire and windy rhetoric, IIRC amounting to "noone understands me! :violin:" with added racism :fart:

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Yes, that pretty much sums up what I've heard about the content from various other sources.

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What kept me from going further into the book than chapt 1 too is that very faulty rhetoric... Fuck anyone with a little common sense would find it ridiculous and unfounded... Maybe he was too much of an artist... Even the greatest artists write shit... I mean critics often call it half-science, it's not even a tenth science, when Malevitch writes that the round shape corresponds to the blue color and the vowel O or something I literally feel the urge to punch him in the ass until his eyes come out... I hate faulty rhetoric to an unutterable point...

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Plus the 130,000 North West BNP voters (the North West!), and the 700,000 other UK people who voted BNP. 940,000 is a startlingly large number of misled/flippant/ignorant/evil people.

It's easy to say "oh they're a bunch of morons", but really they're just normal people with fears and insecurities that the other parties failed to address. It unfortunately leads people to feel that they've got no other choice, which is incredibly lame.

I lived in an area just outside London where the BNP took hold. A year after his term began the MP was forced to resign because he didn't bother to attend meetings... I laughed my ass off, especially when the BNP came canvassing again ("This time it will be different!"). In reality, these people are not serious politicians, they don't really have any policies or interests outside their one (unrealistic) goal. They're just people running on fear and paranoia, trying to get others to buy into their own fear and paranoia.

It's a sad day for my country, but I blame the people who didn't bother to vote and the other parties for not putting up a good enough fight.

Gordon Brown, it's time to go... you're killing the opposition.

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Oh the irony.... The U.S.A. finally wiggles ever so slightly to the left, and Europe responds by moving to the right. What a weird fucking world we live in.

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Oh the irony.... The U.S.A. finally wiggles ever so slightly to the left, and Europe responds by moving to the right. What a weird fucking world we live in.

You'll hear this from a lot of British people, but we only mean it half-jokingly: Does a Obama have a brother you guys could spare?

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You'll hear this from a lot of British people, but we only mean it half-jokingly: Does a Obama have a brother you guys could spare?

Heh heh. I'm just praying his administration can pull off all the stuff they want to or have promised, or I fear we're gonna swing back the other direction a lot harder than you guys just did.

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Yep. I think provided he just keeps his ego in check (everyone in the world loves you? must be hard!) he'll do a good job. Whether or not he's recognized for it is another matter.

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It's easy to say "oh they're a bunch of morons", but really they're just normal people with fears and insecurities that the other parties failed to address. It unfortunately leads people to feel that they've got no other choice, which is incredibly lame.

Oh, I agree, hence why I tried to present a sliding spectrum as opposed to just calling them morons. I'd like to think that if the majority of the 900,000 were better-informed about the BNP, or if we weren't currently in a scary wave of political populism, then the amount of votes would be far less.

It's a sad day for my country, but I blame the people who didn't bother to vote and the other parties for not putting up a good enough fight.

Yeah, I blame them too, and that is the real fault here. The BNP votes were only up a smidgen over the last EU elections - so it was more that votes for the bigger parties decreased. Funnily enough, the three biggest windbags I know, who were debating and raging over the election didn't vote, either through apathy or idiocy. And they're educated, committed people - one even works for the Sunday Times.

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