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8-player Double Dash

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Yesterday I played some Double Dash against seven other players. It ruled!!

A friend had gotten two gamecubes and two beamers together. We sat in front of the projections in two rows, one row of stretchers and one row of chairs. Everything was in perfect symmetry as the two gamecubes had the same color and the beamers were identical, so it was a pretty damn cool set-up. I wish I had a picture of it.

Bomberman was also played. Plus I got to experience the grandness of Super Smash Brothers for the first time. Jake could cuddle this game to death, but I had to take his word for it up until now... I kinda like the game too.

In addition I finally got to play a fair portion of Viewtiful Joe. DAMN. Repeat: DAMN. I knew it was great, and I had played demos of it at the tradeshows, but shit, now that I got the full experience I really want to have this game at home. (One of the downsides of still not owning any consoles is experiencing these great games much later than anyone else.)

Wow. With a bit of work this could have been a blog post. Hey I have an idea! What if we had blogs on Idle Thumbs...

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Not having a Gamecube isn't much of an angsty blog topic. You need more problems before you have a blog, or perhaps just lots of small ones to blow out of all proportion.

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Your ramblings about blogs has left its mark in the Google ads...

And yes, Super Smash Bros. Melee rocks. And Viewtiful Joe must be in my hands! Soon!

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I didn't really like Viewtiful Joe all that much (I own it and beat it), although I did enjoy the over-all difficulty and art style..but it was still just a regular action game, tumbling into the same repetitve prat-falls as every game in the genre. Get river city ransom instead.

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