
Which would you pick?

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I'm about to sign up for LOVEFILM and I know there's a "refer a friend" site that allows you to get free hardware if you take up one of their offers from their partners... and one of these is LOVEFILM... So I've figured if I'm already going to do it, I might as well see if I can get enough referrals for some free hardware (we'll see).

Question is... What should I get?

I've already got a 360, which I love and am happy with, but should I get:

a) A 40GB PS3

B) A Wii


c) A 360 Elite (and then sell my 360)

I'm tempted to go for the 360 Elite, but am I just being silly seeing how I've already got a 360?

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What would I pick? The PS3 because I have the other two.

What should you pick? Well, it depends which games you like? If you're looking for mostly casual stuff, a nostalgic fix on Virutal Console or established Nintendo franchises (cause that's all it has going now): Wii. If not, then PS3.

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I'm definitely not a PS3 person. But the reason I'm not a PS3 person is that it's just so overpriced when you look at the other systems.

Get a PS3 if you have the chance to get one free, since you have a 360 and the Wii is only $250, right?

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You're probably being silly as the Elite really isn't that much superior to the normal 360, at least in ways that're actually significant. A lot of them don't even have the revised motherboard that is meant to fix the overheating 'red ring of death 'issues. Ultimately you'll be playing the same games in the same way.

I'd go for a PS3 as it's a new console, some great exclusives will be coming out such as Metal Gear Solid 4 (and others -- this is a Sony console after all, and even until relatively recently there've been awesome PS2 exclusives). You'll probably get one eventually anyway if you like your games.

The Wii stands out a bit there as it's so relatively cheap; clearly it's the persisent difficulty in getting one that's adding the value, but if you can wait you might as well just get the more expensive PS3 and then buy a Wii later on (much better than the other way round).

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Yeah, I'd go for the PS3, since you're getting it for free. The Wii may be more fun but is also more affordable.

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Something worth mentioning is that on the cheaper two packages you don't get any access to games (the ones where you get a hard limit of how many items you can take out per month rather than a limit of how many you can have out at once).

Do not be the Thrik that got one of those packages and ended up arseholed upon browsing into the games section. ;(

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I should probably add that there's different amounts of referrals needed for each one... although they're not that different, surprisingly.

XBox Elite: 12 Referrals

Nintendo Wii: 8 Referrals

PS3: 10 Referrals

The thing is: I'm highly unlikely to buy a Wii. I just can't see myself sinking money into it, when I might not play it. So I guess it's a toss up, in terms of quality more than cost, between the PS3 and the Wii (XBox Elite is off the menu - thanks Thrik, that makes sense).

So which is the best in terms of... enjoyment?

Edit: If anyone is likely to sign up to LOVEFILM soon, then could you be a kind soul and use this link? :) Thank you!

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Honestly, I'd be going for the Wii; it's more realistic in terms of achieving the referrals and it's completely different to the PS3 or the Xbox 360.

For me, PS3 and Xbox 360 just have too many parallels to validate me owning both. Wii is like an exquisite little tray of sushi compared to Sony and Microsoft's steak-and-ale pie 'n' chips.

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go for the wii, definitely. It may be cheaper but if you do change your mind and decide you want a ps3 at least you'll be able to go anywhere (including to the people on the street using them as blankets) and get one. wiis, at least in ireland, are like golddust at the minute. and you'll be able to play wiivil, galaxy (defining point of our generation) metroid, twilight princess, there's just no competition really!

or make like me and have a friend with a souped up custom job pc who's going away to thailand for a few years, and is giving me the beast. he's also giving me all the games he's bought over the past while and hasn't had time to play - assassin's creed, halflife, lotsa stuff ive wanted to buy but haven't had the card for. and i'll finally be able to get broken sword 4 running too! huzzah!

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or have a friend with a souped up custom job pc who's going away to thailand for a few years, and is giving me the beast. he's also giving me all the games he's bought over the past while and hasn't had time to play - assassin's creed, halflife, lotsa stuff ive wanted to buy but haven't had the card for.

I need me some jet-settin' PC gamer friends... ;(

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be in dublin in a few hours and i'll fight you for him. the beast, or el beasto, is also so loud that we have to put it up on blocks to stop the house vibrating. amazing.

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My last "proper" PC was like that, no expense spared, each part loving hand-selected and then slotted/screwed together by yours truly into a great, matt-black-and-anodised-red-jet-turbine-of-a-case.

6 months later, I had to get rid of it for space concerns and settle for a laptop, whose spec was the equivalent of being at least 18 months out of date. And the DVD drive finally died in it last weekend. And I'm horribly skint. :\

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