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Marek, corporate website done differently

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Firaxis has been known to be good to its employees and generally be non-evil, and now I noticed they updated their website to more accurately reflect that lack of evilness. It's a pretty awesome site. Not in terms of design per se, but the content has been quite nicely pulled together. I just thought I'd highlight that.

There's bios of each and every employee, which is pretty cool. They even have bios of all their contractors. There's an "employee showcase". There's lots of stuff about things they're doing for their local community. There's a section dedicated to how their games as being used for teaching (even though the games weren't made with that in mind). And there's lots of nice photos.

Generally their site just strikes me as something you don't really find elsewhere amongst game companies. They're a good (though extreme) example of what is pretty much the opposite of EA: they make games that sell, though they don't assrape their employees, and most of their games are of good quality too. They seem like a good company.

Edit: they also link to the International Talk Like a Pirate Day website, which is total win.

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I love the fact that they ave a big button saying "New Downloads for Pirates". Good to see that they're not scared of software theft.

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Generally their site just strikes me as something you don't really find elsewhere amongst game companies.

Yeah, and I can't figure out why that is. Tech savvy companies with a whole armada of artists... and most have shitty, shitty websites.

Firaxis now becomes one of the few exceptions. Nice site.

(They lose a few points for the unnecessary and gratuitous flash on the front page. I don't mean the large splash image, but the smaller call-outs... which are not only excessive but broken -- hand cursor breaks over them sometimes.)

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