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Oh man, discrimination.

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This is weird.

So yesterday I called up this hotel, which shall remain nameless to apply for this job as a generic hotel lackey-type person. So I get through to this woman and I say I'm interested in this job. She asks me why I'm interested and I tell her that I just love crappy jobs and I can't get enough of them, really. She asks, would I like to know more about the job? I think no, I already know everything I need to, but I say yes anyway. She goes on for about two minutes and I remain politely silent. This is going somewhere, I promise.

So then she says "Well, to be honest...", and I see where it's going and realise I'm probably not getting this job. I don't. Guess why.

It's because - get this - because I'm not female, and therefore don't have a natural attention to detail.

I am not making this up, that's what she said. A natural attention to detail. Fucking hell.

Yesterday I was enjoying the whole thing because, well, it was funny. Now I'm kinda bitter.

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I'm hardly being told to sit at the back of the bus. It's more a case of one person being weird rather than anything serious or harmful and I don't think it requires vindication or civil disobedience on my part.

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