
WIZARD JAM 8 // Team Seeking

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This thread is for folks seeking a team to work with! If you have a particular set of skills and want to contribute to someone else's game, post in this thread, preferably in the following format to make it easy for people to skim the thread and find you. You can also drop by the #wizardjam channel on the Idle Thumbs Slack and chat with people to find teammates. Or just drop in and chit-chat with us while you're working on your game! And if you find a team, please edit your post and note that.


This is the team seeking/LFG thread; if you have a game idea and want to recruit people, use the recruiting/LFM thread.



What I'm Doing: What you're able to contribute and your experience level

Contact Info: Your contact info (PM, email, whatever)

And optionally:
Time Zone: It's probably easier to work with people who aren't 12 hours off from you? But maybe it's fine.
Portfolio: A link to your portfolio / website / whatever if you have one, so people can check your style.


Then whatever else you want.



What I'm Doing:

Programming; I'm a web developer and don't know any game engines but would like to learn.

Contact info:

PM me on the forums or message me on the Idle Thumbs Slack

Time Zone: 
EST (UTC -5) but I'm usually up late


I've never made a video game but here's my website! www.puffin.biz


I've been programming for a long time and am a terrible artist, I'd like to team up with someone who has a little Unity experience that can help teach me and also do art. Willing to work 24 hours a day for 2 weeks straight and my cat can do a perfect Wario impression.





What I'm doing: 

Contact Info: 
Time Zone:



Thanks to @Dinosaursssssss  and @zerofiftyone for writing the original set of team building threads this was based upon.

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What I'm Doing:

Music/Sound Design

I contributed to a few games in Wizards Jam 5 + 6 + 7, and am looking to get more experience and have fun. I'm definitely more interested in the music side of things, but I can do small bits of sound design if it is required.

Contact Info:

Here on the forums, on the slack for the duration of the jam (@atlantic), or via email at attlantic [dot] jam @ gmail [dot] com

Time Zone: GMT/UTC


For Wiz Jam 5 I contributed music and sound design to The Calster's A Thousand Dormant Machines, and music to Zirrrus' Prepare for the Jelly and BenX's The Robot's Lips.

For Wiz Jam 6 I made some cyberpunky music for both SuperBiasedMan's Get Hoisted and Mythalore's ICE Wave/NEON Shell. 

For Wiz Jam 7 I SuperBiasedMan's Our Newest Show.


I've made mostly electronic music for wiz jammers but I have a piano, guitar, and viola at my disposal as well if you want acoustic ambient music instead.


Here's a Soundcloud link with all the music and more:



(fake edit: i will not apologise for the nudity in my soundcloud link)

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