
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by pabosher

  1. Portal 2

    I am totally up for co-op on PS3/PC when it arrives... this thursday /sigh.
  2. Portal 2

    I just ordered the PS3 version for £30. I'm supposed to be trying to save money to go PAX Prime this year. FML.
  3. Nintendo 3DS

    I'd recommend you save every few turns or so, just in case. It can be pretty damaging to get to the end of a long, hard level, only for the game to crash.
  4. Almost Human

    Almost Human, Barely Human, Too Human.
  5. (

    An extraterrestrial FPS that aren't Citizen Kanes of a 7/10, but great. - IGN. Man, that is the best by a mile.
  6. Realningu Japaneseru

    Kanji I dont know.
  7. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yeah, I can imagine the Q&A coming after the screening: "Uhm, Mr. Snyder... WTF was that?"
  8. Only if you held it in a gym. Either he was wearing the smallest shirt in the world, or dude is ripped.
  9. Nintendo 3DS

    Have you played Shadow Wars?
  10. All joking aside, that was the fucking best. I'm so sad that idle thumbs ended. Again.
  11. 3DS Friend code exchange

    Hate to be that guy but:
  12. Nice try, but it's about average really. 7/10
  13. Movie/TV recommendations

    The Longest Journey is a pretty sweet Point n Click adventure.
  14. 3DS Friend Codes

    Still, at least it's one per system now, as opposed to one per game! (Also Rodi I added you)
  15. 3DS Friend Codes

    I wish that, if you added someone as a friend, they would get a message asking to accept/decline. Much easier than both having to add each other's.
  16. 3DS Friend Codes

    Hey guys, So the 3DS was launched in the UK today. I figured, although little can be done yet, we should prepare for the future by putting ours in this thread, and adding each other! Yeah! Anyway 3695 - 0009 - 3891
  17. Idle Thumbs Camping

    Fly to London Vanaman.
  18. Movie/TV recommendations

    Man, that looks the best.
  19. PAX East 2011?

    How much was it?
  20. Sean Vanaman: "I love ... Chris... with his giant balls." This episode (and that story in particular) was exactly what I love about video games. Thanks for doing it guys, and thanks Sean for telling that fantastic story
  21. Happy Birthday!

    The ides of March, no less.
  22. Happy Birthday!

    Hey, thanks guy!
  23. I mean, it's for this reason I hope that, in some form, writing begins to appear on Idle Thumbs again. I think that if it's an outlet not devoted to news, but to meeting with developers, talking intimately about video games, that would be brilliant. Sort of like 'An Audience with: X Developer' -- I tried doing something similar with Media Molecule, and people seemed to like it. There's definitely an audience for it.