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About DoomMunky

  • Rank
    Thumb Tourist
  1. Hot In Space: Heat Signature

    I want to change the UI on this to make it super-accessible and controller-friendly so that millions will play it. I hope it did incredibly well for Tom.
  2. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Welcome back, thread! I keep wanting to play this again, but am waiting for the Remastered release in May. I have the Switch version pre-ordered thru Amazon (you get some % off if you're a Prime member), and I've heard there's a planned 'loyalty discount' for the Steam version if you've got the Prepare to Die Edition in your library. I just beat the game for the first time recently, and I've never played any of the DLC. I'll probably try a Dex oriented Pyro. I like the idea of having Pyromancy for the big damage output, and otherwise ripping it up with little quick weapons like rapiers. I did just do a bleed-oriented build in DS3 (SUPER FUN), and may try the same thing here. Hurry up, May!
  3. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Cordeos is on to something - while it's easy for me (and this kind of thread) to focus on negativity around the frustrating thing that made me give up a game, being grateful for all the fun time I did have with a game is a lot more rewarding to focus on than the part that didn't work. Disappointment is real, but gratitude is a powerful force.
  4. Hot In Space: Heat Signature

    This game is fucking amazing.
  5. Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord

    I sent @zerofiftyone a message with my email addy, mickmize [at] protonmail dot com; I heard this is the place for PUBG matchups? I want playing friends! @tabacco, can you add me? Woot.
  6. Dead Cells

    Your write up and recent GOTY threads make me want to dive back into this. Thanks!
  7. Star Wars Episode 8

    As I think about this further, and process other's reactions to this movie, I remember this is much more than just a movie; it's the foremost element of an aforementioned "transmedia brand experience", it's a movie, and it adds more to our understanding of the Star Wars universe. And to me, at least, it's objectively not a very good movie. There's hardly any coherence to the structure, the character threads are all over the place, many characters' stories are explored halfheartedly, and the relation to the overall 'Star Wars' world is muddled, both too-reverent and putatively rebellious at once. But interesting character questions get raised, some questions and suggestions about the overall Star Wars world are posed, and some long-standing assumptions are persuasively challenged. In that way, I think it is a hell of an entry in our understanding of the world, and as the internet is showing, people loooooove to talk about Star Wars. There's the 'rebellious' anti-Star Wars stuff that many are giving Johnson credit for. Luke throws the Jedi under the bus, Kylo Ren says "throw away the past", Rose shows Finn what the glitz of the casino is built on, and so on. That's all catnip to fans. But then some of the reasons this doesn't work as a film for me can be traced to its function as a franchise element. Finn's hero moment with Phazma is the most egregious, but there's a lot that's in here that felt scattershot, empty, and/or unjustified. Fanservice and in-jokes like the blue milk, empty formalism like Laura Dern's lame "rousing" speech, "homages" or "echoes" like the Hoth-alike setting at the end. And this is where I try to critique that without saying that people are dumb for liking those things. <deep breath> Here goes: To me it seems many are latching on to the elements that hook into the old Star Wars they know and love, are stroked and gratified by the fan service, and/or are just grateful it's not a purely cynical rehash like The Force Awakens. And those are perfectly good reasons for liking something. But they relate to what Film Crit Hulk calls the "tangible details" theory of movie criticism; specific elements that work (or don't) are chosen as the "reason" a film succeeds or fails, while ignoring or disregarding structure, theme, and other more analytical or formal elements. For me, The Last Jedi fails as a film because of structural problems and storytelling confusion, and while it raises interesting questions about the world, characters, and themes of Star Wars, it doesn't explore them particularly well as a film. (Others obviously find it very satisfying and that takes us into what we want from these things, and that's a whole other discussion.)
  8. Star Wars Episode 8

    So I'm suffering from Blockbuster Exhaustion in general, so I'm not predisposed to forgive the various issues inherent in blockbuster storytelling, but I was excited for this as the lights went down. We whooped (as is required) at the opening fanfare, and then I settled in to enjoy, but found myself annoyed, bored, and frustrated by the first half, then more interested as the various threads wound their way to the (for now) conclusion. I was annoyed by a number of things - The main issue For me the main problem is that Rey is pretty uninteresting in this movie, when hers should be the struggle we can't look away from. I fully agree that when we like something, we give lots of little things a pass - this post is my demonstration that the reverse is true, as well.
  9. I JUST started playing Silent Storm again. I'm in!
  10. Mindhunter

    You guys make me wanna give this a second shot, though I initially bounced off, finding the writing pretty boring. 30 min into the first episode and nothing was interesting.
  11. Mario Bava - Godfather of Italian Horror

    This is awesome! I love watching someone passionate turning on someone else. Welcome, WELCOME BWAH HA HA
  12. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    This discussion is awesome. That is all.
  13. PSN ID exchange

    Doommunky here, all SP stuff but I will guide you through Bloodborne if you're scared!
  14. Middle-Earth: Shadow of War(dor)

    This game is amazing, ignore the haters. Tips: Skip every cutscene. Every one of them. Every second of one that I've caught I've been bored crazy by, so I've skipped every second possible. I've played for 7 hours and ALL of it has been orc-blenderizing madness. Try out Nemesis difficulty. It makes things feel dangerous. I also do a lot more hits-and-runs, and victories feel great. Leave on the combat prompts, if you're on Nemesis, especially if you're like me and don't know the PS4 controller well enough yet. : ( Turn OFF the combat prompts on Easy or Normal if you're at all good at the game. Then pay close attention. It works! Try to stop playing, I dare you. I haven't even unlocked the Dominate ability, and I can't stop running around trying to cut off Captain's arms. And the relationships I've formed with some of them! I love them!
  15. Super Mario Odyssey (One D, Two Ss)

    That video is amazing. Thank you, @plasticflesh