Salacious Snake

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Salacious Snake

  1. Idle Thumbs 179: Shadow of Something

    QuickTime VR! Actually a separate product from the interactive encyclopedia (Omnipedia). This thing gave my CD-ROM drive a serious workout. Edit: also the new smash bros. games are officially titled "Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS" and "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U."
  2. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    I've only been playing on a Vita through remote play 50 miles from home, so between the sub-optimal controls and latency, I think I'm going to find out what happens if you die like crazy and let the captains power up forever!
  3. Idle Thumbs 177: The Good Ones

    Oh man, Power Stone! Played the shit out of that on the Dreamcast. See also Kung Fu Chaos for the Xbox Original.
  4. Idle Thumbs 177: The Good Ones

    "Role-playing game" made more sense in reference to the dice and pencils variety. The electronic games which came along and adapted or took inspiration from things like D&D only used certain elements, and we ended up with all sorts of games that barely resembled each other, even early on. Look at Ultima, Wizardry and Final Fantasy. As someone who grew up playing D&D, I always felt that most computer RPGs missed the point of what made it special. It seemed weird that they would focus on the stat-based combat and turn structure, which were contrivances adopted to enable a simulation with nothing but paper, dice and pencils. If you have a computer doing the calculations and bookkeeping, you can do so much better! The interesting thing to me about RPGs was the shared experience of a group of people imagining a different world and inhabiting invented characters with boundless freedom. On the other hand, D&D in its early stages was entirely about fiddly tactical combat as an outgrowth of wargaming, so a lot of that ~theatre of the mind~ shit came later. That was a lot of words to basically say I agree with Chris that RPG as a term is pretty meaningless. MUDs and early graphical MMOs were the closest to the traditional RPG experience. People really got into their roles, and the systems supported a wide variety of character types and interactions. I feel like we'll never see that again outside of small communities of weird people.
  5. Idle Thumbs 177: The Good Ones

    "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna have to hold onto your butts."
  6. Non-video games

    After seeing reactions, I really want to try D&D 5. Also I need to try to convince people to play this: At least it has a solitaire mode!
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Yeah, although to be fair, I think the guy who posted it on SA is just scraping GG shit that makes them look like lunatics, I don't know if he is actually a jerk. I didn't read the thread too closely for fear of my sanity.
  8. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I was (dis)honored yesterday to find myself in an "incriminating" 'gate screenshot yesterday (on a site called The Ralph Retort), even if it was just an out-of-context Nicki Minaj lyric: This conspiracy runs so, so deep.
  9. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    People are STOKED TO THE MAX. I'm pretty stoked myself, for this and smash bros. Games!
  10. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I'd be glad to have a look.
  11. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    I'd like to see more Metal Gear Rising someday. Or even other spinoffs. I have this dream game I've wanted for years, it's like an MGS-themed Hidden & Dangerous where you play as the Cobra Unit, using their stupid abilities in concert. Even a simpler framework like Commandos would work. It would be especially good in cooperative multiplayer. "On three, I'll haunt the soldier on the left, and you shoot bees at the other one."
  12. That's a great way to put it.
  13. I loved this episode. Disney is weird, board games are cool and Anita Sarkeesian is a great guest. It did make me regret not having played Guts of Glory when Zach was showing it off at an event at Kickstarter HQ a while ago. It sounds pretty crazy.
  14. Destiny (MP)

    Joined the group, and my PSN ID (playing on PS4) is Revised_Anarchy
  15. Destiny

    I appreciate the way you people are describing the game. I feel like I'm going to enjoy it a lot, but I'm going to approach it as mindless comfort food right from the start, listening to podcasts and junk while I get my shoot on. I may have been disappointed had I gone in expecting something more engaging.
  16. Idle Thumbs 175: It's an Itchio

    Danielle mentioned Bik, but then it wasn't discussed, so I wanted to say it's a cool game! I actually reviewed it. I start off kinda bagging on it, but I like it a lot. I hate rereading things I've written later on; jesus christ what an awful review. (Also, if anyone is looking for a freelance writer, hit me up.) Anyway, Bik is a tight little adventure game with good characters. edit: thought I should mention that it's on various computer platforms in addition to iOS and Android.
  17. Idle Thumbs 173: Ridonkulous Rift

    It's so good! I have to play it again to see more stuff! It's so on target; it made me happy and sad at the same time.
  18. Nintendo 3DS

    I was part of a big pile of posters from something awful who kept a healthy flurry of swap notes going for a surprisingly long amount of time. It was fun!
  19. The dark... are you afraid? I'm not. The dark is afraid of me.
  20. And according to wikipedia, it has another reference to that parrot. I don't know why, but I love this.
  21. Captain Hector! Named after the office parrot/company logo. She was one of the better shareware nags. I love the EV series. Nothing else has come around for me that quite scratches the same itch, to use a horrible cliche.
  22. Jake, if you're interested in the Fighting Fantasy books, a company named Tin Man Games has been adapting them to electronic formats, such as iOS and Android. I think they're supposed to be good.
  23. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    After screwing around in the beta for a bit (with TrackIR and a HOTAS Warthog) I have to say, this game really seems to have its shit together already. I'm impressed!
  24. Project Godus: Don't believe his lies

    While playing the iOS version for review, I found something that may explain a few of the design decisions in the game:
  25. Idle Thumbs 169: On Blade

    There is something to be said for that. I appreciate that you guys are sharing your thoughts about this stuff. On the other hand, in the words of Doug, Ramiro and Arthur (and the guy in the back, sorry man):