
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by twmac

  1. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    What is the annoying humming in the second half of that video?
  2. E3 2017

    I own one and it is my main source of playing games (I don't own a PC, I have a Vita but only use it when I am traveling). I have to agree with you, there was nothing that just screamed at me 'Holy shit! Look at this!'. But, there was lots of stuff that I was happy that was there. Every Wednesday I get together with 3-4 friends and we play multiplayer games so State of Decay 2 is (hopefully)going to be great. Ooblets looked adorable and that Anime Dark Souls looked interesting. Again, nothing said I need an Xbox One, at all, but as an owner there was a sigh of relief that the library being promised - mainly for this year and early next year - looks solid and entertaining and not just Gears and Forza.
  3. E3 2017

    I sit in conversations with people I used to work with and they are like 'people need to get over racism' and I am like 'have you read some of the stuff that people post on the internet?'
  4. Weird, I wonder what version I have watched then - everyone referred to it as the TV movie, maybe I have just watched the full version but internalised that it is the TV MOVIE version. Hmm.
  5. E3 2017

    I think it is hard to make the Xbox One X look impressive - how do you do that when you are watching a stream? I do like that they showed the evolution of resolution over the years to give you an idea of what to expect - it was an acknowledgement that pretty graphics just don't work when you are on a 720p monitor. In more full detail these were the thoughts bouncing around my head: Did Metro just turn into STALKER/Far Cry 2? I can dream Ashen has a nice art style but what is it really? I don’t want any more announcements on State of Decay 2 unless it is coming out this year, oh, it is coming out this year... Good Wow, that game looks like a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma, oh it is an MMO called Black Desert, garbage, blarg Man, that’s a lot of First Person Shooter nonsense Tacoma looks cool Oh great, Assassin’s Creed Borza Motorsnore 7 BACKWARDS compatible Xbox games – Crimson Skies is a good start, now please release Metal Wolf Chaos, Psychonauts, Phantom Crash and Brute Force Minecraft sounds like a fucking nightmare to dev Xbox One X, that is the best you could do? Fucking stick with calling it the Scorpio Bioware are releasing a sequel to Dark Void! I was not expecting that. Oh, it looks a bit like Destiny with cool mech suits.
  6. E3 2017

    This is what I found: I really liked Bioware's remake of Dark Void. I am also kind of excited about Ashen and I want that Metro game.
  7. I've only seen what people call the TV movie so I always specify that one. If there is a 90 minute theatrical cut I should check that out. As for Jaws, oh man, it holds pride position next to 'The Negotiator' and 'Anti-Christ' as film I have fallen asleep during the most times (I think it is about 5 times). I find Jaws a deeply tedious film to sit through, I don't care about the characters and I find it devoid of any tension. It is framed sort of like a Western and I think that is why I tend to fall asleep during it. My brain switches off when there is the deliberate moment for character exposition and then I am gone until the loud bits.
  8. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    That's when I stopped playing. MGSV went from this cool, free-form stealth game in an open-world, to an annoying rehash of the original missions with limitations that meant that you were restricted in what you could do. This undermined the point of the game to me and it went from Far Cry 2 Solid, to Metal Gear Solid very quickly and I hate MGS games. This was the exact same experience for my two other friends who don't like MGS but love Far Cry 2. So, there is that.
  9. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    It is great and then the second half is terrible. Be warned, after the first 'ending' that game gets real bad, real quick.
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    Wow, I am having the exact opposite reaction to Season 3. Some good moments but it feels like it has lost the thread completely with their need to fall back on some pretty generic plot points (Kimmy isn't happy go lucky and has to solve a problem that also gives her insight into her own foibles). Don't get me wrong, there are still some great moments but not enough.
  11. Resident Evil

    I frequently get the two DVD covers for that series mixed up when I see them at a distance - it would have been delightfully stupid to have Zombies,Werewolves and Vampires in one film.
  12. Inside

    Look forward to hearing your opinions!
  13. Deadly Premonition

    So, I decided to buy this after watching an absolutely cheesy advert on Giant Bomb (it was 24.99 brand new in HMV) and I have to say it lives up to the fromage on display. The graphics are a mess (no anti aliasing, terrible re-used assets) and the plot is ridiculous. The controls are solid if a little antiquated and the game seems to be obsessed with crowbaring every type of gameplay element possible (free-roaming ala Shenmue, street racing ala Need for speed, shooting from Resident Evil, fishing from Zelda, click and point elements from any adventure game) This game does not know what it wants to be and I've been playing it for about 5 hours and I can't tell whether I'm actually enjoying it. It might be officially the first game to be so bad it is actually good. Plot elements I've encountered: - Main character who I thought was talking to himsself but appears to be talking to the player and calling them 'Zach' - A gay deputy sheriff who knows a lot about different types of squirrel and bakes home made biscuits - A passionate sheriff who names his dumb bells - Lots of weird ghosts straight out of Silent Hill - A pair of eerie twins who are embroiled in some kind of ritualistic murder - Something that may or may not be happening inside the main character's head that involves weird red seeds and flowers - The entire history of the "Attack of the killer tomatoes' franchise ... Awesome?
  14. Resident Evil

    That dissolve is so blatant that I almost admired it.
  15. Resident Evil

    Hhahahahh, yup! There is also the whole reveal where it does the cruddy freeze frame in AvP as the facehuggers jump and it cues the shitty music. Just like the first Zombie attack. There is the butch female who gets relegated early on to a nothing part (in Resident Evil -Michelle Rodriguez gets a bigger role but we basically know she is dead almost from the outset). There is the nerdy guy you think is dead but then isn't dead, then is actually dead. There is also the bit where the person with close personal affiliation with the female lead helps out, only for it to back fire (Resident Evil = betrayal, AvP = violent death). They are the same fucking film. Anderson made a Mortal Kombat film? Oh dear.
  16. Resident Evil

    What makes the first Resident Evil film worse is the fact that it is the same film as Aliens vs Predator. Having watched them back to back, there are whole premises and shots ripped off directly from each other. Terrible. I had a lot more time for part 5 than I expected and it is a goofy stupid thing but it had the best laughs of all of the films.
  17. Thank you for that link, it is awesome.
  18. Dragon's Dogma

    So, I wasn't even really thinking about this game much (having mistaken it for Asura's Wrath for the longest time), and then I read some info that made it sound pretty terrible. However, this series of videos completely turned me around and now I can't wait for it to be released: It seems to be a combination of Dark Souls and Skyrim. There are some amazing set pieces with the gameplay seeming entirely emergent. Watching one of your AI teammates climbing up a giant's arm and stabbing it in the face then seeing another video where the main character did the same thing was awesome.
  19. Dragon's Dogma

    It is coming, what I have been looking for:
  20. Deadly Premonition

    One of my hopes is that this game comes to the Backwards Compat list on Xbox One. I would play it all over again. Everything Marginal mentioned is a legit complaint, it just didn't matter to me. Also, another thing I have discovered, I like games based on Twin Peaks (Deadly Premonition, Virginia), but I don't like Twin Peaks... Tried watching the show and didn't get far at all.
  21. Deadly Premonition

    Has it really been 7 years since Deadly Premonition came out? Shit, I don't even know what to think right now.
  22. This film left me empty. I felt like that episode of Black Books, where Bernard goes to see a film and no one turns the projector on, so he sits in the dark for 3 hours. Once the lights come on he dusts the popcorn off himself and walks out in a daze. I walked out into the Sunshine in Warsaw and just blinked for a bit, went home and just had nothing to say about Covenant. Nothing to say other than it reminded me of the Friday the 13th remake from 2009, utterly forgettable.
  23. Recently completed video games

    Just on your inconsequential comment, people live and die depending on what you do and there are multiple endings depending on this. I love Binary Domain and reviewed it when it came out.
  24. To add to the Bloody Baron Witcher 3 stuff. It is so compelling as a story because his penance can be viewed as genuine, or as an act to allow him to get his hands on his victim again. Most abusers outwardly seem like 'bloody nice blokes' until they are alone with the target of their abuse. The flash backs in this game where the Baron is very nice to Ciri corroborates this along with the stats that just 2% of abusers reform themselves. It really sucked for me because I treated the Baron like the piece of shit I saw him as, but didn't speak to his daughter at all (not sure if that was a bug or design) then at the end of the quest he takes his wife under his charge and I was left going 'that is the worst outcome possible'.
  25. Darksiders 3 Excitement?

    When it leaked I was excited. Then I saw what they were demoing and I was less so. I think I'll be a lot more into it once the game has been spruced up a bit and they show something off that doesn't look like a very early demo. I loved both Darksiders games, I am a big fan of the art style, so I will definitely buy it. What I am not a big fan of is things like the Fury collection, good deal, misleading marketing.