
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by miffy495

  1. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    I'd be interested. Got a few chores to take care of first, but should be good by then.
  2. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Whatever, that's a full 3 days after July's important day.
  3. Can We Discuss the Possibility of Shenmue 3?

    Man, looking at that old thread is weird. Hi, 16 year old me! I bought the original when I bought a used Dreamcast and am now considering trying it again. That game was already HARD to play in 2007 when I got the DC though. I can't imagine it's any better now...
  4. Life

    I'm in!
  5. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    I have still not messed with the clothes at all, only different weapons. What is a good place to start for changing up the clothing?
  6. Feminism

    The amount that "Dude stick" sounds like "dude's dick" when you say it fast enough is really making this for me. "Bro, I gotta bounce for a sec. I'm feeling real weird and I think I need to get some dude stick on my lips."
  7. Life

    I just got called in to the principal's office today and was told that they wanted me back next year. Same school, same grade, same everything, just the word "permanent" at the beginning of my contract. Pretty good deal!
  8. Mirrors Edge at E3

    Yeah, I got that achievement too. I remember vividly a section quite late in the game with a turret and a LOT of dudes where you have to jump across a gap in a mall or something to a small round thing suspended in the air and then climb out using it. I think I spent about 3 hours at that checkpoint, which I probably could have done in one or two tries if I had shot people or if there had been slightly less than a million people shooting at me at once. Fuck guns in Mirror's Edge.
  9. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    I could do a Sunday heist now and then. This week, probably not (report cards are due on Monday), but after.
  10. Meow.

    Juniper is adapting well to the move:
  11. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    God do I need to go back and finish New Vegas. It fell victim to a hard drive failure causing there to be a 3 month gap where I didn't have a PC to play games on. I didn't want to re-do the 30 hours I had done, but I had no idea where I was anymore. Maybe the time is right to jump back in.
  12. Social Justice

    I actually talked about a watered down version of that with my grade 5s today. It was a hard conversation, but I think they benefitted from it.
  13. Double Fine - Kickstarter - MASSIVE CHALICE

    Free on Xbone for gold members. Gonna give it a shot soon, hopefully.
  14. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Ok, if we're explaining user names: When I was in Jr High school, I was on the phone with my friend. My sister, in the background, started calling her cat. My friend misunderstood and thought she was calling me "Miffy" and couldn't figure out why. He thought it was hilarious though, so he started calling me that. Then others did. The name stuck for most of high school. As a 6'3" burly dude, I just thought it was hilarious and embraced it. I've been Miffy to the internet ever since. The 495 came about because we were playing Battlefield and decided to add random numbers to the ends of our names to sound cooler or something? I don't know. I'm always happy to voice chat with Thumbs (fuck you, Patters) because playing GTA and Forza (fuck you, Patters) with some of you guys over the years has been by far my favourite experiences playing online (fuck you, Patters). It's also lead to Patters (fuck you, Patters) and I telling the other to go fuck themselves at every possible opportunity. Always fun to explain the giant "FUCK YOU, MIFFY" on my facebook wall on my birthday, but luckily he has the same birthday so it's easy to respond in kind.
  15. The terrible wallet scourge of the Amiibo.

    Man, so if any Thumb has an extra 3-pack of Splatoon guys, I spent a bunch of time today looking around Calgary trying to find one and am totally out of luck. The one that really matters to me is the squid in the middle, so this is super frustrating. I wish Nintendo had their shit figured out a bit better on the production of these things.
  16. Life

    I totally hear you, Twig. I also don't like Lord of the Rings. My sister is constantly calling me out for being "some hipster who just hates popular things because they're popular", but I also have an enduring love for the Fast and Furious and Indiana Jones franchises, so whatever. I rank Star Wars and LotR as "things that I came to at the wrong point in life" and will probably never be into as a result of that. I mean, they're fine, but I have never managed to care for longer than the running time of any of the movies and found reading LotR to be an exercise in tedium that I only stuck with to the end due to incredible societal pressure from my friends. Star Wars is actually a weird one for me because I love the aesthetic of it but find the movies just ok. I love the games because that world is a fun one to be in, and I have a bunch of the lego sets because I find the ship designs really cool. I just don't care about the films that much.
  17. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Ok, I caved and bought it. Looking forward to some games!
  18. Life

    Well, I'm at least glad that there's someone else out there who sees the Star Wars series as "6 ok movies" rather than "3 works of genius and three abominations".
  19. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Whether or not I buy Splatoon depends on the strength of the single player. Anyone have thoughts on this to share?
  20. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    Jumped into the mumble about 10 minutes ago and it was empty. I was up for a game, but also had moving responsibilities today so was delayed in jumping in. Oh well. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I took it as a personal day to finish off move stuff, but if I get done today or early tomorrow I may be able to take part in that game.
  21. Life

    We call him Mr. Dibs.
  22. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Yeah, it's an old-timey school desk. Even has a place for an ink pot. Looking forward to being able to replace it with something that fits everything a bit better this summer.
  23. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Not drastically different than before, but here's the desk at the new place. Metroid painting by Tegan, bought from here in a frame. This summer, will be making a road trip to Victoria to pick up an antique roll-top desk that my mum has been holding at her place until I had a place big enough to put it in. It'll look a lot better once that's in place.
  24. Media by women

    Music: Sleater-Kinney, Best Coast, Fist City, Janelle Monae (I still really like her stuff...), and always ALWAYS Amanda Palmer.
  25. Do You Have a Preferred Perspective for Games?

    Given that my favourite games tend to be centred around really good traversal mechanics, I usually prefer third person. Much as I love Mirror's Edge, so few first person games are able to get the fluidity of movement that I crave right. I love making a character do ridiculous things while flipping and soaring around a world, and those games are nearly all third-person.