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Everything posted by netmonkey

  1. XBox Live gamertag exchange

    munditor is my tag. I don't really have a 360, but my housemate does and I figured while I play on his machine I use my own xbox account...
  2. So, this "GTA 4" thing then...

    Uh, am I the only one who thinks that the game is just same old gta 3 with experienced/next-gen polish? Am I missing anything? Don't get me wrong, the game is pretty awesome, but I don't see why it's getting perfect 10s all over the place. Not that I really believe in those numeric reviews, but it just proves that the system is really broken when the numbers don't really mean that the game pushes the genre in new directions but instead that it's like a new edition of a book with better grammar, spelling, and more detailed description of the events with new characters added. Oh, and and the pages are in color and in glossy paper! Too bad the events are still as shallow and meaningless as the previous editions.
  3. Feature: GDC '08: Indie, I Love You

    You guys should start reviewing at least the commercial indie games. These always need exposure, and they don't really deserve the point-based rating that the mainstream has decided to adopt. I think the people who would like these games could be the same kind of people who'd hang out at the idle thumbs. You could start out with Aquaria. It came out in December... that's not too long ago!
  4. GDC 2008

    I miss the smell of urine. :'(
  5. Wisdom Tooth: Removed

    I had mine removed a couple of months ago right before xmas. It was actually quite exciting seeing the surgeon use scissors to cut your gums while at the same time not feeling any pain. I got three teeth pulled. The last one really hurt. It felt like stepping out of a rollercoaster ride without feeling excited but instead feeling physically depressed. Anyway, the next day I was fine, though. Then the fun part comes, when you have holes in the back of your mouth where random food gets stuck, and you have to play a game with a toothpick to mine the gold out!
  6. GDC 2008

    In America, everyone wears jeans! (It's the law.) And no, that's us. I'm the one with the greenish hoodie.
  7. GDC 2008

    For the books: Ben, Marek, Me, and Alex.
  8. GDC 2008

    I'll be there. I'll get in touch with you guys through Jake, I guess, then we'll exchange thumbs and shifty eyes. :shifty: Sorry, Rodi.
  9. It's a Festivus miracle! Also, Remo's article was linked at my school's offtopic/misc/spam mailing list...
  10. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    The graphics kind of remind me a lot of Guitar Hero for some reason. They're seem no match to your typical AAA but who the fuck cares. You know the game will be saucier in many other areas. Ironically, I'm trying to download the HD trailer, lol. But the link doesn't seem to work anymore. I googled around but all I could see was flash videos. Could anyone point me out to a download location for this trailer?
  11. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    So, is Brutal Legend an action-adventure with a level system like Psychonauts or is it more of an open ended sandbox like Grand Theft Auto... I read something about a "massive world"... or maybe it's more like the Legend of Zelda? It's definitely Full Throttle meets God of War but with the awesomeness of full throttle and without the retardedness that is god of war.
  12. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    I knew Idle Forums would have appropiate emoticons for this!, now can we get \m/ made into a hand like the ? Also I read a lot of comments that it's a parody/comedy of Metal stuff. I'm thinking that also, specially because of the things that creature says in the beginning of the trailer and the ridiculous shot of the guy sitting in a throne surrounded by chicks at the end. If it was designed by some other designer, like David Jaffe (God of War), it would have stupidly embraced unecessary bad-assness (like that movie 300). Also... the story about a nobody who saves the day by the end of the game in a world that is kind of humorous. Doesn't this sound familiar? I heard that Tim Schafer came up with this game while working on The Secret of Monkey Island...
  13. What the "Halo"?

    I'm really hoping that one of you Idle Thumb/Shacknews folk can write a proper review for this game because it seems like everyone reviewing it is assigning the writing to their 7-year old son. For example, here's Bungie's summary on metacritic: I think I wrote a report like that when I was in the 2nd grade. And Gamespot's summary of the review: Thank you so much, captain obvious! So please, if you guys have written a decent review about this game, link me up!
  14. Double Fine

    Ooh the site is so double fine... makes the 2-headed baby even freakier. Also, what did you guys do? Those news are all over the place! I wonder how much of it is true or not, anyway...
  15. Please respond to this thread when/if you find any new fresh games at E3, and I mean stuff that we haven't heard about before or any sequels. I'd like to know what's new.
  16. Phantom Hourglass footage

    Don't tell me you bought a PSP.
  17. Starcraft 2

    Does anyone else find the theme of Starcraft II to be boring and outdated? It's... space marines... with cigars on their mouths and catch phrases? Kind of reminds me of Duke Nukem, and I don't mean to insult the greatness that will be DNF, but starcraft feels like it's 1993 all over again. More of the same yay!

    Last year I spammed the forums with this game called Skyrates that some of the people at my university made, and now it's time to talk about a game where I was involved: I've been working this whole semester with a group of people on this crazy new kind of "online web game" we called Bandology where people get together, form bands and travel around the world playing in gigs. But there is more than that, because the real experiment is that we are trying to connect the typical Bejeweled-playing casual player with gamers like us so that they play their own way but still play together. So, one side mostly plays casual games while the other has this sort of fantasy band management/final fantasy-like RPG experience. Anyway, the time has come for what we call "beta 1" which means that during the summer we are going to let it go, keep it running, and see what happens. In the meantime, we'll be working on making the game a lot better (it really needs it) based on what happens during the next few months but as of now, here it is for everyone to digest and destroy. I'm actually pretty terrified to show it at you guys, but I would really appreciate input from the Idle T crowd. So, please, if you got some time try it out and I hope you enjoy it! (I'm usually online in the game. My character's name is Mundito.)

    Really? Where did you get that from?
  20. Rusalka is so awesome!

    Didn't you start a thread like this last year? I remember I was involved somehow

    BTW, Skyrates has been reset recently, so everyone is starting out again, and there's more content and other neat things. It's been pretty crazy since the Skyrates folk have been in our office getting their new beta out as well...

    I'm watching lol!

    More people should join on the casual side and you guys can join Wrestle's band and form The Idle Thumbs
  24. 3DS Friend Codes

    Mario Karto DS: 137524 031010 Is there some kind of sites that let friend exchange friend codes and see when they're online? Cuz that'd be pretty nice... (if not the thumbs should be the first to do it! )