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About nkornek

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  • Birthday 09/27/1989

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    Mackin Cheese

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  • Occupation
    Game Designer/Programmer
  • Favorite Games
    Psychonauts, Spec Ops: The Line, SOMA

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  1. [Full Release] Farewell, Video Games

    Thanks for posting this! It was a really fun read!
  2. [Release] Live from the Past

    The game is done! Grab it here and grab a friend! https://nkornek.itch.io/live-from-the-past
  3. [Release] Live from the Past

    Sadly I had some unexpected things come up this weekend and I won't have time to finish the game today. It's getting very close though and really just needs some additional polish and also sound effects so I think I'll be able to finish in the next few days. I probably got a little carried away adding little details but they were fun to put in so that's all that counts. Here's the (near?) final game environment that you'll be dueling in! Probably my favourite new thing that I added was this little bridge between the two buildings that can be cut by bullets! But wait, what's this? A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES??? Hidden in the game is a secret code that can be used to unlock this glutton as a playable character!
  4. [Release] Live from the Past

    Took some time tonight to art-up the character select screen and add a little practice area. I think I may still clean up a few things but overall I'm really pleased with how this came out. Next step will be to build out the game environment even more!
  5. [Dev Log] The Wizard

    That skull looks like it should be giving me the finger guns
  6. [RELEASED] What Remains of Idle Thumbs

    I like that everyone who enters must face the eyes of Luigi
  7. [Release] Live from the Past

    Threw in a basic character select screen. I had some fun choosing the different fonts and names for each character.
  8. [Release] Live from the Past

    Took a night off of programming and whipped up a quick logo
  9. [Release] Live from the Past

    Update! The core game loop is now working! Forgive the bad character movement, it's very hard to control two character at once for the purposes of recording a gif. I'll try to get someone to help me record a good one that really shows it off. This actually motivated me to finally implement character assignment so now all 6 characters are playable! Now on to LOTS AND LOTS of polish.
  10. [Release] Alpha Magus

    Looking great so far! I'm loving that intro, very stylish!
  11. [Release] Live from the Past

    End of weekend update! So much stuff has been added. I've largely been working on building up the environment and now have the full central saloon built out. I'm still going to add a few props in places and also want to add some smaller buildings along the sides. There are also now doors that open automatically when players walk up to them but can also be shot open, as well as windows that will shatter when shot. Also, you can finally shoot each other! Well not really because TIME PORTALS The whole thing is really starting to come together. I'm looking to finish the environment in the next few days and then implement the scoring. After that it's the home stretch!
  12. [Release] Live from the Past

    Added dodge rolls! Great for evading enemy bullets or sneakily shooting through your past self!
  13. [Full Release] Farewell, Video Games

    Some good chunky pixels you got there.
  14. [Release] Live from the Past

    Playing around with more interactable physics objects and the new 2D dynamic lighting
  15. [RELEASED] What Remains of Idle Thumbs

    OMG I love the giant cheatin hitman.