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Everything posted by z_bill

  1. You read that right! I made a sequel to my first Wizard Jam Game (for WJ#1 and my first game ever, coincidentally)! Presenting Pause Screen From Battletoads 2, or..... - Pause Screen From Battletoads/ Double Dragon - IT'S OUT NOW!! (at start of jam) - - Here is the itch link! - - Here are some (fake) screenshots (that don't appear in the game at all): Here's the title screen that is actually in the game if you crave something like that: Here is a clue: You gotta escape from and glitch out Battletoads... ...and figuring out what to do, what exactly you can do, is very much part of the game. So don't spoil the surprise and use spoiler text to talk about anything weird you find! Pressing "H" may help, no guarantees...Fullscreen recommended, but F11 toggles windowed mode. I've been planning this game, goofing with bits of it here and there, for over a year. Yeah, I totally cheated, what did you expect? It's kinda long...I might guess 40 minutes (no savegame!) if you gotta figure out all the puzzles. Expect a rollercoaster of a thing... Many thanks to Idle Thumbs, this community. Thank you for propelling me into my gamedev life, I'll never forget...*sniff* (I actually am getting sorta teary) Oh yeah! Here is the itch link to the first game too! Is there continuity?...I believe yes. Please enjoy! And I'd love to know what you think!
  2. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Thanks so much! I'm so glad I was able to sorta "bookend" Wizard Jam with these 2 games. At times I felt like I was going too far afield of anything related to Thumbs or any of the pods' inside jokes. I just riffed off in my own direction...which is all I know to do really. I'm happy they found their own little slot in the community. Petscop etc.. ...furthermore on promoting this game...So I'm thinking I might do 2 things: 1) putting it on Pirate Bay as a "bootleg," just cuz I think it fits the game theme. 2) changing the series name to: "Pause Screen from BT" and "Pause Screen from BT/DD" due to the nebulous legality of this thing. Good ideas? T/F When I started the first game I really was just "hacking" a game I knew to see if I could learn gamedev. Kinda just to learn. And I feel like the idea was more novel and accepting 5 years ago: hacking an old game seemed only fun and ppl weren't obsessing over the legality. I still consider these games akin to doing a musical mashup, using samples to built an original thing. But it's something you have to play it to realize, and I can't announce it or it gives it all away. Thus it can look like I'm shamelessly meme-ing, riding on BT's coattails as a fan game. It makes this thing just super tough to promote & talk about. To the point where I wonder how something like Petscop or Frog Fractions got all their momentum from...ha, the eternal "how do I get out there in the internet age?" we all ask ourselves. Er...starting to ramble. Guess lemme know if anyone knows any outlets or YTers that would give this a look! Thank you everyone!
  3. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Yeah, it's funny. At first I thought it was just a tweet, which I RTed. Then an hour later noticed the link and saw the write up. Then an hour later I noticed the link to the YouTube vid playthrough! I am not an observant person! That vid's getting some eyes on the game, which is exciting! The comments are funny, some hilariously harsh! YouTube!
  4. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Thanks so much for your constant support, Sergio! You are the best!
  5. [Released] Piercing the Fourth Dimension

    Whoa this is mega cool. It reminds me of the start of each level of MDK. Parachute sequence. Will you ever land? I hope that's the ending. You land and everything's ok...
  6. [Release] Alpha Magus

    I love what you have so far! The stumbling model guy looks cool and the terrain/POV reminds me of an early 3d JRPG worldmap like FF7. I'm glad a biggish team of Wizard Jammers has come together! With a logo and everything! Maybe you guys will develop past the jam and Continue The Legacy...who knows?!
  7. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Thanks for that! I fixed it I think...That and the alt-tab getting you stuck error!...new version is up! Your error was caused by: Yeah! It's funny I originally pitched my first game, based on episode "Pause THEME From Battletoads," as: "Why don't we take Battletoads and Frog Fractions it up?" And then I decided to figure out how to make games and do just that! Total full circle. I poked @mogwai_poet on twitter about it hehe. I though this was fun too, just noticed it the other day. On the itch dashboard is a list of all the jams you've submitted to: I'm a slacker and just did 6 of 10 Wizard Jams. Happy I made it to over half tho!
  8. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Thanks so much! Ohh, I'm going to take a look at that...I was worried about that transition breaking things... Endgame spoilers, "making of" discussion: Your reply made me very happy, atte. Thank you!
  9. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    Ah sorry...someone else got hit by that bug too. I'm going to try to fix it before jam ends. You were extremely close to the end!... Thanks so much for playing and being so into it everyone!
  10. [RELEASED] What Remains of Idle Thumbs

    The art has got a nice boardgame feel, sorta like Monopoly in Hell with the map laid out like that! It's weird, you don't see 3d motels turned 2d isometric much anymore. I'm kinda nostalgic for it at this point!
  11. [Release] Pause Screen From Battletoads 2!

    gif action...pretty much the only thing I'm willing to reveal... Did you beat it?!
  12. [Dev Log] The Eyes In Search of Paradise

    Great! We're all wrapping up our oevres. This is so inspiring and bittersweet! How many are in the "Eyes of" series at this point?
  13. [Released] Beppo's Hole (in one golf)

    I can't wait to play this!
  14. [Release] Do You Believe in Dot Gobbler?

    Gob The Future....? All the gobs we can get for this final jam! I love that poster.
  15. [Release] Alpha Magus

    Don't be afraid! Haha...that's cool. I look forward to updates!
  16. [Release] Alpha Magus

    I'm looking forward to this! Do you need any player-facing "billboard" sprites (ala Doom)? It might be cool to do some overtly thumbs related art for the final jam.
  17. [Release] Decrepit (GOOD... BYE)

    Cool you are make a Broughlike! There's a 7 day Broughlike jam I participated in last year (might happen again? Not sure). A lot of interesting stuff came out of it. It's like a way to make minimalism complicated..or something like that haha. Item degradation as a mechanic is a great idea too. Cool art! Do you play as a bell guy?
  18. [RELEASED] What Remains of Idle Thumbs

    Ha I like the idea of a tower defense game where the point is to wage war on people's psyches. I like the title. But man, you know this jam is gonna tear at your heartstrings when the title alone is enough to make you sad...
  19. [Release] Live from the Past

    Whoa cool. I can't wrap my head around the gameplay really. I can't wait to see what it'll play like! If I understand right tho, wouldn't there be an unfair advantage to whichever player "camps the spawn point"?
  20. [Released] In the Shade of the Puffin

    Looks really cool and I love your ambition. Right now it looks like 3 different games: -Isometric Hyperlight-alike -First person Adv Game-looking home base -Puffins...? Looking forward to seeing it all come together!
  21. [Dev Log] The Wizard

    This is gonna be a sad one isn't it? Looks so good so far. It would have been funny if everyone titled their game The Wizard for this final go-around.
  22. WIZARD JAM X - Welcome Thread

    The finale? Wow! That seems fitting...and I've got something that absolutely fits that theme that I've been brewing! Thanks to Wizard Jam, I started making games, and my life is much improved! Let's do this! Get all your Dot Gobbler lore out there while you still can!
  23. That's right! The rowboat and robot (and the skulls/bones) are 2d sprites made in a voxel program, Magicka3d, which is also where I made the 3d models I imported for the walls, non-roboted rowboat, dock, etc. I'll keep posting here and may actually be pretty close to a release!
  24. I'm continuing my experiment from last wizjam! I have big ole plans for this game, but there is a secret to it all that I don't wanna reveal yet. So right now I'm just tooling around with 3d in GMS2 like a fool! Here is where you find a spoocegate and must navigate a spoocemaze to get the requisite spooce. And of course we all know this to be an extended reference to OddWorld Munch's Oddysee. You knew that right...? *ahem* I do want to finish the full project and doubt I can do so in the alotted 2 weeks, but I maaaay continue straight on after depending on how much I can get done during jamtimes. Good luck, jamsmen!
  25. er....is it weird to keep posting here if I seemingly have no respect for the actual Wizard Jam dates anymore, haha? I guess this game is connected to the jam, even when the jam isn't happening? Here's a robot in a rowboat.