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About Ash_NR

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  1. Wow-eee. Part 18 was just crushing. I have a lot to say, I think. But most of it I feel has been covered by others. I written and erased a lot of stuff. I think I'll call it a night and read more of what everyone else has to say. But I will say, although it mightn't be the last episode, Chris and Jake, I have really enjoyed the thoughtful interpretations you both have brought over this entire run. It has pushed me to consider creative works in far greater scrutiny than I ever have before. Thank you both.
  2. Yeah I am disappointed by the use of rape as flippant shorthand for badness. I always saw BOB as impulsiveness and hedonism. I saw it intermingled within Leland as an almost symbiotic relationship to feed off Leland's depraved desires. BadCoop is not Leland and not simply BOB, BadCoop this season has enacted a complex plan to ensure that he stays in this world. He is guided by his needs, not wants, which again doesn't feel like BOB. He is also someone that appears at least to me to have a regular, consensual sexual relationship with Chantal. The implication of BadCoop raping both Audrey and Diane echoes more of a BOB/Leland relationship. I can't imagine the nature of BOB is something we'll get out of the final 2 hours.
  3. Listening to the Rewatch Podcast along with my very watch of Twin Peaks has given me a greater appreciation of music and sound design in film & tv ( and games too). I remember Jake and Chris remarking on the blurring of diegetic and non-diegetic music (just a linky of a definition for people that might not of heard of the term) in the original run of Twin Peaks. Specifically they talked incredulously about the jukebox having Audrey's Dance on it. I thought it was super interesting at the time, I just considered the weirdness to be one of Lynch's "things". So what is Audrey's Dance? What does being "the dreamer" mean? I loved Audrey in the original seasons, but I found her being drawn into the main plot by Windom Earle to be a ridiculous conceit. Why is she a player in the weirdness of The Return? Someone give me these answers, please!
  4. Another really good one. I can not imagine what it must have been like for Catherine Coulson to utter the words "I am dying" like that. Ever since people here have talked about the some of the (white?) lodge's imagery feeling similar to Amanita Design's games, I couldn't help but see a little man standing on the base of the spout of the Jefferies' kettle. I do wonder if Dougie's electrocution means he is going to receive the message from the Fireman from the very first scene of The Return. God, he felt like he was back!!
  5. Kinda surprised about all the disappoint from this episode. Quite enjoyed this one. I liked Tammy's initiation into the Blue Rose club. Tammy and the Blue Rose has me thinking that she'll meet a tragic end. Also, that this places Secret History of Twin Peaks at around this point in the chronology of the show, presumably. I also really liked how much the french lady ate up her exit, (I've absolutely resigned myself to the women of Twin Peaks playing too small a role in the story). I did like how incomprehensible Audrey's scene was. It felt like a return to Invitation to Love that I had skipped out on for a few a seasons, with the addition of coarse language from our beloved Audrey. Which is why I find that to be an interesting take. Because I feel like Audrey's reintroduction to the show felt like she had never been gone, like literally, she felt exactly the same as she did in the original run. She had that same air of a young woman who pushed for what she want even she wasn't necessarily capable or experienced enough to do that. I'm not sure of Sherilyn Fenn's acting chops outside of Twin Peaks, but I really got the feel that not much has changed for her (she certainly isn't a lady agent). But to the actual episode, is she actually Richard's mother?!?! Why hasn't she been around? And Ben's musing over Richard not having a father, and then losing himself in a touching moment about his own father.
  6. I did the exact same thing a few of you have done with the "gym set" conversation. And reading people's ideas for how hypothetical conversations with Dougie give me such a wholesome warm feeling. I love it so much. Nothing else to add that hasn't already been covered. Good ep, good pod, good lord I'm sure it was a band-aid.
  7. @Phlogiston4lyfe, I'm trying to remember what was said about the bad drugs, did Red(?) cut something into it? I punched the air as soon as Gordon Cole said Cooper's flown the coop. I wanted that to be said so bad! Also really liked Albert and Constance back and forth. The only thing I gleaned from the recordings on Bill Hastings glorious, Notepad coded website was a "help" found in the vortex.wav at 19 seconds. Sounded a little like Coop, but can't remember when he did that. Unless that hasn't happened yet.
  8. That's actually a pretty good read on the Laura Orb,@Gailbraithe. As much as I love the Giant being a good guy with his clues and his seemingly sincere sadness when Maddie was murdered, I much prefer ambiguity. Using Laura as a lure for BOB is something that retains the culpability of Leland and the strength of Laura.
  9. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my previous attempts at speculation, I won't do it again. Anywho... Are we split on who/what the #frogroach is? ( @KaiserAullirio) I assumed it was BOB as a literal familiar as MIKE has called him during the original run. Man, that episode, loved it. I agree that there is a intentional holding out against giving us what we want. I want Coop back. But I can't stare into the void that this show presents and ask for all my ducks to be in a row. Although I agree, @Demimonde, the A-bomb representing some focal point for evil to come through, is a little on the nose. There are a lot men like Richard Horne out there.
  10. Rewatched the episode last night and can't help but think that Diane feels absolutely let down by Gordon and the FBI. I like what you had to say to back up your not sexual assault Gailbraithe, and I really hope that that is the case. Because an honest, falling out between 2 people will serve to develop Diane much better as we go back and read between the lines of all of Dale's tapes to her. I don't know how I feel about EvilCoop being the billionaire benefactor of the glass box operation. But the evolution of the arm seems more and more to me to be the brain and nervous system regrowing (ie: the Arm being able to manifest themselves in the physical world). And man, did the creepy monster in the box in the first episode look like the Arm's weird tree face. EvilCoop setting up an elaborate operation to contain the Arm who appears to be the most antagonistic towards to BOB and his previous theft of the garmonbozia, isn't a ridiculous idea (just the Lost-iest). And the Arm compelling DougieCoop to "squeeze his hand off" could be establishing a more involved partnership in the coming episodes. That would explain why GoodCoop was "caught" by the glass box as he was ejected(?) from the Red Room.
  11. Jake, I bet you ate up two older gentlemen exchanging Skype handles and a computer monitor embedded in a desk. So tar hobo, that's the name we've got? I can roll with that. I figured it was him walking down the hall out of focus, and it really freaked me out. I loved it! No-good Renaults still doing their part to keep the trade going. *Laura Dern was really good, "what's your name?" *Of course, loved bad-ass Coop This is going to need a rewatch.
  12. I do wonder what ties Audrey back into the show though.
  13. Oh that was unnerving. Cooper's dialogue was modified in such a way that really made me feel like they were talking to a possessed man. And the bit with Cole's hearing aid was really good. They don't seem to playing it for laughs very much though. I thought the woman that they were talking about was Sarah Palmer since she was connected to Dale in the Black Lodge in the finale.
  14. My partner and I were like, "is that Jacque??" Oh boy did I scoff when Shelley said that about James. Why does she even an opinion about him? Kid below her in high school.... Oh no Lynch, you can't convince me that he's cool.