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Everything posted by SuperBiasedMan

  1. 2016

    Assuming that was accurate enough its cemented my 3 game list. Firewatch was such a great follow-up to what I liked from the Walking Dead. I still need to replay it with commentary but I loved every inch of that game. Hyper Light Drifter was a fantastic Zelda with elements of Dark Souls infused back into it. Fun and the right amount of hard, not to mention gorgeous audio and visuals. Overwatch is the game I've played way too much of this year. It's a nice, tighter and new version of TF2. I wish it was a bit more like it, and less of Blizzard's controlled polish but I've had a lot of fun with it.
  2. Android Games

    I think each got more polished, but the most stylish cohesive whole is Hitman. And it had the optional objectives too that made the solutions more interesting.
  3. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    Oh right yeah. I always forget how big of a pixel gap these resolutions are.
  4. I'm unsure of the exact mechanics (when I played it, I thought you had to do the duel bow to them) but they were attacking Nick for not engaging in the duels with those large knights. Perhaps in your game you'd done something that meant you no longer had that requirement.
  5. Android Games

    It was Hitman > Lara Croft > Deus Ex. That's the order of release and also my order of preference.
  6. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    On the latest Waypoint Radio, Austin Walker was talking about this and he basically said how I feel about it. I'm not at all expecting this to be a powerhouse, I'd like this to be a solid platform for nice looking games like Steamworld Heist, Shovel Knight and other projects of that type. I have a PC for other games, I'm under no illusion of the Switch replacing it. What Austin didn't say, but I also feel, is that I hope this isn't a decision that would cripple the console's appeal. I know some people would hope for this to be an on par console, and might be turned off to find it's not. But if it turns into a similar rhetoric of the Wii U's failure then that's gonna suck.
  7. I think Nick will likely skip the Ancient Dragon because the run is too tedious for the stream especially when it's a boss lots of chat recommended against. I imagine the same could happen in the Frigid Outskirts. Even more so, since that part of the level is out of the way and easy to miss.
  8. Has anyone else played Blight at all? It's from the makers of Neptune's Pride and Subterfuge. A slow scale real time strategy game. You send an army to a neighbouring town and it can take 3-8 real world hours. Unlike in NP though, this is a co-op game. All the human players are working together against zombies to try and repel the hordes. It's got some really neat ideas. You only produce gold when you have civilians left in a town, so if you train too many up as soldiers then your money starts to dry up. And the zombies will turn the soldiers of yours that they beat, unless you swoop in with an army that can burn the bodies before they rise as undead. I like the co-op more, because it avoids the problem of there only ever being 1 winner. I liked the paranoia that the Thumbs talked about with NP, but going into the games I did play, I knew I'd lose. It was just a question of how long I could hold out. Is anyone else playing? I've played a couple games now and I'm having fun, it'd be interesting to try a game with thumb folks.
  9. Idle Streaming Community: Twitchy, Tasty

    Oh, oops! IGNORE ME.
  10. Idle Streaming Community: Twitchy, Tasty

    I'm dipping my toes into the streaming waters too. My channel is No set schedule, likely to be around 7pm-11pm GMT (2pm-7pm EST) Monday - Thursday I plan to stream some wizard jam games, but beyond that I'm not sure. I test streamed Overwatch and Dark Souls 1 but I'd like to stream something I'm new to. Also side note, badfinger's URL in the first post is his old account. It's sadfinger instead of his updated And I think we can ping @Jake to ask if Idlethumbs would want to set up a team for the community streamers. Hope he doesn't feel put on the spot by it ^^'
  11. Idle Streaming Community: Twitchy, Tasty

    I was doing some test recording with a less shitty mic I just bought, and I forgot how weird my voice sounds. I know this is a common phenomenon, it's just a part of recording myself that I had forgotten about.
  12. wrong thread

    i dunno X Files really lost me when they all got off the island but then Jack insisted that they had to go back to fight Sylar. I thought he'd already been found out as a Cylon!?
  13. I was also named Nick Bredon.
  14. I wanted to invade Nick so that my naked red skinned man could wave at him and goof around. But I forgot there was a regional restriction thing.
  15. I don't think vanilla DS2 is available for purchase any more? I'm curious why you think it's a bad idea, I only ever played SotfS.
  16. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    More MGS2 I would say that the overall series is confusing and hard to follow, but within an individual game if you can keep up with the info dump then you'll follow it. Just don't try to follow the lasting canon of the series.
  17. "This slyboots has one weird trick to make an underground coaster park. Tycoons hate him!"
  18. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I had this experience at the very start of the game, couldn't find my way into the car park.
  19. This clip thing is great.
  20. One of the fire keeper souls is a bit awkward to get depending on if you got a key in the Duke's Archives. The other is easy to get, you can warp right to it and just need to kill an NPC. (Chat might just call you a monster for NPC killing)
  21. I found him not too hard because I was probably overlevelled a bit, a quick dex build and I had a good healing trick. Spoilers in case Nick doesn't want it I guess, though I don't know if it works for other builds.
  22. Wizard Jam 4 Feedback

    Really, 2 weeks being a long jam means that it's very hard for all participants to have those be a free 2 weeks. I didn't miss any of week 2 but was less productive because of illness. It's just going to happen, especially with exams, Christmas lead up, holidays etc. I really don't think it should be strict at all, because the relaxed welcoming attitude is such a selling point. Multiple people have made their first game ever as part of wizard jam, and if they were told "No it was too late, it doesn't count" it'd be deflating. I think just casual reminders to not just completely disregard the deadline are more helpful, because they give meaning to getting something done along with the community without boxing people in to a relatively arbitrary end point.
  23. Wizard Jam 4 Feedback

    I think the issue with awards is that it turns the jam into more of a competition, where people feel pressured to perform in order to "win", even though one of Wizard Jam's strengths is that it's relaxed enough that people feel inclined to jump in with little knowledge. I'm not sure how to manage people doing protracted post jam development, but maybe it's worth reminding people that the jam has most momentum in the two weeks, a lot of games don't get played as much after that and while the Thumbs stream is a big thing, it's better to have the game wrapped up before then because it's hard to know when it can be scheduled.
  24. I'd vote against joining the CoC unless Nick specifically wants it. When I started DS2 I accidentally joined it, and was getting creamed with damage, not realising that was why. It just made the game seem more punishing and hostile. Even if Nick is aware what the CoC does, I wonder if it'd be hard to separate the added hostility from what the base game experience is.
  25. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    I blasted through an hour of DS1 just because I missed playing it last night. If the Switch meant I could do that comfortably on a couch then it'd be a real solid purchase, especially as I haven't gotten Dark Souls 3 at all.