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Everything posted by taterdactyl

  1. Jiff?

    I didn't know there was controversy over the pronunciation until a couple years ago when some new friends called it a gif (hard g). I had always pronounced it with a soft g (like gin) and thought everyone else did too. So now I cringe a little when I hear 'gif' and smile inside when I hear 'jif'. And if someone pronounces it 'gif', I feign ignorance and tell them I've never heard of such a thing. On the subject of peanut butter... Almond butter is the way to go. Peanut butter is for the birds.
  2. iOS Gaming

    Dangit! ...that made me laugh btw. Made me feel like a little kid who just struck out in t-ball lol.
  3. iOS Gaming

    :x Also, anyone looking for a time-waster that you can jump in and out of, try Robotek. It's a turn-based strategy game with an element of luck. And it's free.
  4. DOTA 2

    The bf and I do a Tusk/Centaur combo that's beyond fun. As soon as we hit level 2, he rolls us in, I stomp, get a hit or two, double edge, d-e-d dead. And if they try to run, ice shards then d-e-d dead. We usually get a lot of early kills, so I'm nice and farmed up and get tanky as f*ck. Then I sit and laugh maniacally as they try to kill me late game. Our friend usually plays sniper with this combo so he can sit back and blast them while we have them occupied in team fights. Makes me smile just thinking about it.
  5. DOTA 2

    And it really sucks when someone does it to you. I had a horrible game yesterday because the other team's WD kept getting awesome cask/death ward combos. I died *at least* three times from being cask-effed with one other person while WD danced around shooting his dumb ol' death ward. Being on the receiving end is no bueno.
  6. DOTA 2

    Nice job! I love playing support. Lich can be fun, but have you played any Witch Doctor? He's one of my absolute favorite supports to play. Even if I'm having a bad game, I still feel super useful. And when I'm having a great game, it's just so much fun.
  7. Idle Fantasy Doto

    So apparently the North American Rejects are now NaVi North America, in case anyone cares. Just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how Korok went from playing three games on Friday (as of yesterday) to zero. Turns out they changed the team name within the past 24hrs. Whew. And as frustrating as it is, I also find it kinda fun to have to look up all this info. Gives me something to do in my free time at work.
  8. Idle Fantasy Doto

    I kind of agree. As it is now, it requires a *lot* of research.
  9. Idle Fantasy Doto

    I wrote some VBA code at work today to pull match schedules from joinDOTA into Excel. :x Sooo much easier to filter through.
  10. Idle Fantasy Doto

    Still feeling some residual pain from Casktapper ripping my face off last week. Holy hell, dude. (...but great job!) And just to rant a bit... I hate having to do all my player swaps in-game. I only get on in the evening for a few games and end up playing too late, so then I have to rush off and forget to make swaps. Life is hard... /rant
  11. DOTA 2

    It happens... I laughed so hard the first time I saw this. Then again, I'm easily amused.
  12. DOTA 2

    I didn't play the original Dota, so I know nothing about Techies. Sounds skeery. Must research...
  13. Show me your desk/gaming space

    I work with VBA a lot, so it's nice to have my database/spreadsheet on one screen and my code on the other. And when I'm not working on something, one screen has "work" on it (so I look busy) and the other has some random website I'm perusing. But unfortunately they blocked most gaming websites recently, so I have to stalk idle thumbs via my phone.
  14. DOTA 2

    Ping-spam is exactly what I'm talking about. When people ping just for the sake of pinging, or for the sake of being a d-bag. It becomes like nails on a chalkboard and makes it so hard to focus on the game.
  15. DOTA 2

    Speaking of pings... I need Valve to add a 'mute ping' option for each player. I go into a *RAGE* when people ping nonstop. Just thinking about it is making me angry. And the language issue... Also very annoying, but I only seem to run into it when I play alone. So I try to do that as little as possible.
  16. DOTA 2

    It's a deep, dark hole. Join us... :cue creepy music:
  17. Idle Fantasy Doto

    Lol, that made me chuckle a bit. Sooo, we can change our roster daily, right? We don't have to lock them in for a full week like in fantasy football... ?? And is the Dota client the only way to check on our teams? I keep forgetting to look while I'm in there.
  18. Idle Fantasy Doto

    Whoa! Very cool to see another Louisvillian here. Go Cards!
  19. Inclusion in Gaming

    Interesting. Is this a common setting? I don't know that I've ever noticed a 'field of view' setting. And yea, I'm almost at the 1,000 hour mark in Dota and I'm still just average. Meep merp.
  20. Show me your desk/gaming space

    Wine + Ability Draft = Oops Bad decisions were made. I'm not proud. Nice! I'll take that. I was worried about not having any towels in there, but I'm glad you caught the paper towels! I also noticed there's a dish towel on the oven behind the wine glass. Boom!
  21. Inclusion in Gaming

    So true. They're always going to find some way to pin it on someone else, regardless of whether it's a legit reason or not. I've heard chewing ginger helps. Haven't actually tried it though...
  22. Show me your desk/gaming space

    This is my usual gaming space in the basement. Fancy, right? And yes, those are grill utensils hanging on the wall. This is my secondary gaming space at the kitchen island. And because I'm jealous of all the home dual monitor setups, this is my work area. Veno says hi. He's watching that spot for me...
  23. Inclusion in Gaming

    The Dota community can also be quite foul. I almost never use voice chat because I've had a few bad experiences with my team finding out I'm a girl (which they somehow don't notice from my avatar pic). A few weeks ago, an 0-6 Sven found out I was a girl after I said something and he and another guy spent the rest of the game blaming the loss on me because I was a girl, naturally. Never mind the fact that I was 6-3. Sometimes I notice my boyfriend becoming the 'elitist a*hole' (to a small degree) while playing Dota and I quickly call him out on it, but it makes me realize how easy it is to slip into that role. And as for first-person shooters... I can't really play them because they make me nauseous. :/ I have zero motion sickness issues otherwise, but first-person games just wreck me. I recently started BioShock Infinite and it's going to take me forever to finish since I'm playing it in 30 minute chunks.
  24. Idle Fantasy Doto

    Tater's Tots are ready to go!
  25. Idle Fantasy Doto

    I'll be on tonight to officially join. And I'm free all day Saturday.