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Everything posted by Cordeos

  1. I don't know if I can do hours of dialog trees again.
  2. Areal (aka S.T.A.L.K.E.R. / Metro 3.0)

    The story i linked from Polygon says that: "Kickstarter doesn't disclose why it suspends campaigns, but said it will take such action if campaigns misrepresent or fail to disclose relevant facts about the project or its creator; provide inaccurate or incomplete user information; or misrepresent support by pledging to their own project." "Our Kickstarter was suspended without any warning. As per Kickstarter's policy, we cannot contact them to find out why. "
  3. Areal (aka S.T.A.L.K.E.R. / Metro 3.0) This just keeps getting stranger. Now its suspended and I'm super happy I didn't fund it.
  4. Recently completed video games

    I finished Assassins Creed Black Flag yesterday. The ship gameplay was a lot of fun, it made me really want a game that is all about age of exploration ship battles. The rest is the standard AC open world, lots of pointless collectibles, stupid mini-games, bad plot etc. I just want to sail around shooting stuff. If someone does make that ship game, I would want access to more than one kind of pilot-able ship with stats balancing (speed vs. armor vs. firepower), the ability to command fleet battles in real time and a multiplayer team deathmatch component.
  5. Recently completed video games

    I beat BioShock Infinite today. It had the same solid shooter gameplay I have come to expect from a BioShock game. Wasn't a huge fan of the story line, multiple dimensions and time travel have always turned me off storylines. I feel like they are constantly trying to recapture the magic of BioShock 1 and they just can't do it.
  6. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I have three coupons on steam if anyone is interested, I don't want anything for them, just figure someone can use them: 50% off Pixel Puzzles: Japan (Expires 7/26) 66% off 10 Second Ninja(Expires 7/29) 66% off Richard & Alice (Expires 7/29) If you are interested send cordeos a message on steam.
  7. Recently completed video games

    The ideal stalker game is the story and map of Shadow of Chernobyl, the gameplay mechanics of Call of Pripyat and the faction system from Clear Sky.
  8. in 1998 my brother and I started saving our allowances to buy a dreamcast, four controllers, games and a TV (We didn't have one because my parents didn't really want one). It was so hard saving for a year, but on 9/9/1999 we bought one with five launch titles. It was so amazing. I was so sad when the motor that spins discs in my dreamcast died years later.
  9. Assassin's Creed: Buccaneer

    I would love it if Ubisoft would spin off the ship combat systems into a new game series with that as its focus. Especially if they had real-time fleet battles.
  10. Nobody expects the Dragon Age Inquisition

    All i want is DA:O in an open world setting, I hate being railroaded around in games, especially RPGs
  11. Screenshots. Shots of your screen.

    The Jackdaw was temporarily invisible, after a few crew members floated away from the hole, the ship rose back up out of the water. Very odd.
  12. Screen Shot Thread

    I used to go to a forum that had a random screenshot thread. I always liked it because you got to see random bits of gameplay and odd things people are doing in games Just post a shot of what you are playing with some context. This is a prank I pulled on the minecraft server i play on. This tree goes up to the max height. Happy posting!
  13. Just sell all your cards, I have purchased a few games with money made from selling cards.
  14. Areal (aka S.T.A.L.K.E.R. / Metro 3.0)

    Until this gets sorted out I won't be backing it. Too much strangeness. Even if they just made a bunch of silly mistakes and oversights, that still speaks to their quality as a company, which is also worrisome.
  15. Recently completed video games

    I just finished Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon it was a fun mindless shooter that didn't take itself too seriously. The initial challenge of your guns not doing much damage was fun as was the endgame when you have unlocked all the attachments. I also appreciated that the blood dragons were still difficult even at the end of the game. My only major complaint is how much they limited sniping by surrounding the outposts with high walls. My favorite part of any open world shooter is being able to actually snipe. I wish there was a mod to port the weapons and animals into the regular game. I would enjoy demolishing the pirates with my laser rifle or watching a blood dragon rampage through an unprotected base.
  16. Is Star Citizen going to be the ultimate pay to win game? how will an in game ship economy even work when people already have so many permanently insured ships? If someone just buys the game, on the day it finally out, and starts flying around, how far behind will they be?
  17. No Man's Sky

    The multi-player component confused me, i don't understand what the point of it is. If you aren't really supposed to interact with other players why bother? my main concern is that there will be annoying connectivity requirements. I would be fine if the did Spore like multi-player, where connectivity is background and not needed, but that doesn't seem like what they are doing.
  18. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

    I was super excited about the New Rainbow Six until I found out it will most likely be multi-player only. I would love a L4D style co-op rainbow six, they used to do this sort of thing with the older games.
  19. Far Cry 4: A grenade rolls down everest

    Its really strange seeing the game mechanics sharing between Assassins Creed and Far Cry. I've recently been playing AC3 AC4 and FC3. Hunting, crafting, strongholds, animal bait all feel oddly familiar. I would love if they would make Far Cry Black Flag, rob oil tankers from your speed boat loaded with RPGs.
  20. GTA V

    I keep getting almost excited about the PC port, then I remember how bad Rockstar's writing is and how irritating most of the missions in GTA 4 were.
  21. Oculus rift

    Do you know which headset you were using? There are two versions and the second one is far better. I have really enjoyed my experiences with it. The price makes more sense if you consider that it could be used to replace giant monitors. Also head tracking.
  22. Recently completed video games

    I finished Far Cry 3 this weekend, It fixed most of the things that annoyed me about FC2 and as its an open world shooter I spent most of the game sniping (Possibly my favorite activity). The story was stupid, but I have come to expect that from the FPS genre. Solid game and it passed my $1 and hour enjoyment curve, I paid $25 for it and played it from about 30 hours. Now its on to Assassins Creed 3
  23. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I recently quit playing RAGE because its a boring linear shooter. I also quit Dishonored because it has too many annoying side quests that are "optional". Maybe I should just beat the main questline and ignore everything else.
  24. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

    Which company will announce a WoW killer, which will be a WoW clone and fail horribly, The anticipation is killing me. Other than that I expect a bunch of overdone AAA shooters (New Killzone, new COD, new Battlefield, new MOH etc). More F2P games from EA and perhaps one trailer for a game that looks cool but gets totally ruined or was misrepresented (Watch_Dogs 2.0)