Trip Hazard

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Everything posted by Trip Hazard

  1. Lord of the (Necro)dance - Daily Challenge!

    Could use Open Broadcaster (totally free), or I used Xsplit Gamecaster which is very easy to use but wants you to purchase it to unlock some extra features.
  2. Lord of the (Necro)dance - Daily Challenge!

    Sad to see that this thread seems to have died a death I know there are people on this forum playing Crypt, but they're all too modest to record videos for us to watch. I'm not too modest! Mainly because I'm godawful. The game is loud in this latest vid, and my voice is a bit quiet comparatively, which is likely a good thing.
  3. Steam Summer Sale Spendapalooza

    OMG Cook, Serve, Delicious! is fucking brilliant. I'm all twitchy now after just playing it for an hour. My god, Rush Hour on the first day. My heart was pounding like crazy. Has anybody played Spaceteam on an android phone or tablet (maybe apple, too)? Imagine the two games spliced together, how much crazy fun that would be. Friendships would be tested to breaking point...
  4. Steam Summer Sale Spendapalooza

    I bought cook, serve, delicious! cos it was dead cheap. Will I learn anything about cookery, I wonder?
  5. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Maybe we can finally skip all those interminable exposition sequences, which last for hours and during which you can't save your game. (but I wouldn't bet on it)
  6. Books, books, books...

    I tried to read The Cement Garden in Uni, but had to stop cause I could feel it fucking me up. Y'all are lucky for reading Gatsby/Mockingbird/Rye in school. It wasn't until Uni (and beyond) that I read those. Mind you, I got to study Of Mice and Men in secondary school so it would be churlish of me to complain Also: Silas Marner is great, I've read it a few times. Genuinely funny, heartwarming, moves along at a brisk pace and not a difficult read. Heard people complain about it loads recently but I just don't get it
  7. Steam Summer Sale Spendapalooza

    I hope nobody has bought or is planning to buy GTAV after Rockstar's maliciously misleading "discounting" Also worth noting it comes with DRM which is, if not "always online", then the next closest thing. I haven't been able to play for weeks now due to moving house and being without a 'net connection
  8. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Objet d'artmonkey
  9. Underwhelming ends to games/playthroughs

    Sorry, totally not relevant to the forum this is in. Excuse me. *shuffles away awkwardly*
  10. Not DS2 related (apologies) but I feel that some of the people that frequently post here will enjoy this series: They get quite deep into technical aspects of game design and the languorous pace is pretty soothing. Dark Souls deserves to be talked about in enormous depth (yes, even more than it already has been!) so I'm ganting on more of this.
  11. Underwhelming ends to games/playthroughs

    Amnesia. A fucking boss battle? Give me a break.
  12. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Not related to games,but the new Humble Comics Bundle is absolutely amazing, and phenomenal value for money. Locke and Key alone is worth the asking price (written by SK's son!)
  13. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    I hate all those hacking/lockpicking games. Even the very best examples, which would be fun enough in isolation, end up being much too frequent and ruin the pacing of the game. Worst offender (to my mind) in recent years is Human Revolution. Luckily I generally play on PC, and modders are quick to find ways of bypassing those minigames
  14. Lord of the (Necro)dance - Daily Challenge!

    It doesn't come up right away, but I think you can access the leaderboard. Haven't done these (played or recorded) for days as I've been moving house and it has been a tremendous ballache. Will get back on it soon! Btw, y'all need to listen to the A_Rival remix album, post-haste
  15. You know, you are kind of a dick tho (I kid!)
  16. GTA V

    However, I should say thank you for that information. I'm not sure if my contract allows tethering, but it's worth a try
  17. GTA V

    Somewhat liberal application of the word "only", there.
  18. GTA V

    It's complete wank how you can't play it at all unless you have an active internet connection. This shit is not acceptable, ever, and if I could get a refund on this game I would do so.
  19. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Always-online is BULLSHIT. I'm moving house and have no internet and GTAV won't work. I paid FORTY QUID for this game and I'm not allowed to play it for literally no reason at all. How is this legal?
  20. Foggy Memories - A Silent Hill Thread

    I played a bit of SH2 on the PC. Not long after the start you get trapped in a big, dilapidated block of flats and have to find your way through. It had some genuinely scary sections as well as a couple of interesting puzzles, but was also confusing as heck (there's not much to differentiate one room from another, or one floor from another, so easy to get turned around) and went on a bit too long. 7/10
  21. Recently completed video games

    Can you not get insurance for cars you own in GTA5? I haven't tried it yet, myself, so convenient just to stroll into the road and pinch one
  22. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    I have a myriad issues, some large, some small, some of which I can live with, some of which I can't. Sometimes when I try and chase one up and fix it, another will rear its ugly head. The latest issue is crazy blockiness around distant objects during the day. I think it's to do with shadows rendering incorrectly...? Diagnosing the problem will prove troublesome when there's other issues to work with, so for now, I'll just leave it.
  23. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    Yeah, I could really do without, say, the Shovel Knight OST coming on as I'm meandering down a country road. Would mess with the mood. I didn't know it could affect performance. Perhaps I should stop using it?
  24. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    So that Quiet figurine with the squeezable boobs is pretty gross, huh? I'm only going to buy three of them
  25. Grand ThVmb Auto PC

    Hey, if I ever manage to get a game in with you fine folks, know that I'm not ditching the game suddenly because I'm an asshole. Instead, it's because my PC is an asshole, and likes to throw a fit when I try and play GTA5 *sadface* Edit: anyway, what are we all listening to on our custom radio station? I had one of those sublime moments earlier on where I'm thinking of picking up a prostitute (just, y'know, for the sake of tradition) and Bad Brains' classic "Pay to Cum" starts playing. This would probably be less likely to happen if I had more tracks in my custom music folder