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Everything posted by YoThatLimp

  1. Huh, have not even thought about the cheating aspect, I wonder how bad it'll be on PC.
  2. The McElroy Family of Products

    I have a boat captain named Captain Bucklesworth I made up on the spot, I offhandedly mentioned that the Captain and one of the players ( a fairly prominent folk hero in the area) had a bit of a rivalry. Man, my players really ate that stupid character up. Every once in a while I would have Bucklesworth send rude letters to folk hero party member and they loved it.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    I have a soft spot for lil' Sebastian
  4. I think I am going to just pikc up the base game and wait on the season pass, still a little nervous about it hah. Who's getting it on PC? We should group up.
  5. Interesting! I've never actually played Pathfinder, I might have to look into that.
  6. Yeah, I might hold off until reviews. I dig the beta, but I'm still curious about the amount of content. Destiny was pretty disappointing initially for me. Yeah, Sim City was also a disappointment hah.
  7. Green Man Gaming has The Division on sale for $42 right now!
  8. Alright Badfinger, you sold me on it, I miss playing Day-Z with the thumbs crew. My uplay ID is YoThatLimp if anyone wants to group up.
  9. What's for Breakfast?

    You win!
  10. I wish I knew more people playing it on the PC, all of my friends are getting it on XBone, boo.
  11. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    Okay good, I thought I was going crazy, will have to listen to that IGN Spoilercast!
  12. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    So as you are leaving north on the rope ferry on the way to being rescued, it fades to black and all of a sudden you are standing in a clearing. The clearing leads up to Delilah's tower, but instead of going there, I was a little confused with the transition so I checked my map, Henry's little red player indicator was pretty damn close to his tower after the fade to black and for a second I thought I had blacked out and had been moved back to Henry's tower to try to escape again in a never-ending purgatory. I then just moved up this hill a bit and saw Delilah's towers and realized it might just be a bug.
  13. XCOM 2

    So pumped! Can't wait to five into the...character creator!
  14. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Yeah, that's kind of my experience with this sadly. I feel like they built out a completely gorgeous, well playing game, but completely botched everything else. I do have to say, adding my friends into my wing while playing has definitely made the game more fun (as long as we are relatively close to each other), it seems to help drive some of the emergent story telling this game has to offer. Seeing a friend get interdicted, having them request for help over voice comms, then having to race to a nearby system to rescue you by the skin of his teeth has been fun as hell.
  15. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Yep, currently in an Viper, definitely a step up when it comes to combat! I see they've added mining drones as well, I might buy something to mine in and see how it changes the mining game. Not having to scoop up ore manually sounds great! Yeah, I'm definitely a little wary of my excitement, I wonder if it will last long enough to justify the price of the used stick. I might just wait and see how the game sticks with my friends. I did find a custom binding for my Logitech Extreme 3d pro which vastly improves my handling, I have been really fighting the throttle the last few days. I kept ending up in reverse, not meaning to when accidentally double tapping back on my throttle paddle in the middle of a dog fight. This should greatly improve my experience. I also found this which I am going to play around with this weekend, it seems a little finicky, but the price is right! http://sourceforge.net/projects/facetracknoir/?source=typ_redirect
  16. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Man, you are on a whole other level than I am, I am definitely slumming it. Are you still playing with a gamepad? I currently have a cheapo Logitech $30 special which is decent, but I really hate the paddle throttle it has. I found a used x52 locally for $60 and a light used x52 Pro for $100. I am very tempted to splurge a bit. I am still undecided if I want to buy the Horizons expansion for $45, I am not sure how much it would extend the life of the game for me yet. It might be smarter to old off on the HOTAS setup and just buy the expansion though.
  17. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Hey Wookie, I've stumbled upon a bunch of systems you discovered if you go by the same name in game! I've come back to the game with a few friends and we've had fun in a Wing. Man, they have made some major changes to $$ given for missions. I racked up $300k with just 2 or 3 bounties last night, which would have taken me ages in 1.0 .
  18. Photos of things

    So we've been batting this idea around for a bit now and lets do it! Week 1 of the Idle Thumbs Photography Challenge - Portrait: Self-Portrait I should have posted this sooner, but this is a fairly easy one, let say the "due date" is Sunday, Jan 10th.
  19. Painting tabletop miniatures

    So the green glaze didn't come through on my phone, whoa, that looks great Codicier!
  20. Painting tabletop miniatures

    Looking good! I wonder if you could add oxidization to the pieces, it might be hard to get that right though. I need to get back on this horse, I'm going to strip those three storm troopers and try again. This time I will try my best to make sure to not be heavy handed with the primer!
  21. Kerbal Space Program

    I'm playing a science campaign and after sending up several Kerbals into orbit I've decided to try making an airplane and taking science readings in the desert and the poles, my first design turned out fairly well despite my limited parts selection! Here is v2, a little heavier, a few more engines on a trip to the south pole
  22. Disabled gaming -- recommendations please

    Would X Com Enemy Unknown fit the bill? It's turn based, no time limit, the UI is fairly "chunky" since it was also built to be played on consoles, and it is a great game. There is a multiplayer component to it, but I think you would need to copies/
  23. Non-video games

    Once you start earning XP and credits and start buying stuff you get a lot of stuff that helps negate the randomness of the opposed rolls. How far are you in the Pandemic Legacy campaign? I bought it but have not had a chance to get it to the table, was thinking about maybe cracking it open this weekend.
  24. Non-video games

    So we've been playing a bunch of Imperial Assault in our house with Star Wars Mania in full effect. I am not sure why, but my wife is currently obsessed with the game and she isn't a huge star wars fan and doesn't really like physical board games at all. It's combination of theme, minis and very basic tabletop rpg (investing and getting attached to your characters) has her totally hooked. We played for 6 hours Sunday, 2.5 hours Monday, and she asked if we could keep the game setup so we could play after dinner tonight as well. Was not expecting that this Warhammer RPG-esque game to be the game to finally hook my wife, but not mad about it at all hah.