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Everything posted by Dinosaursssssss

  1. Html5 and WebGL exporting engines.

    I guess the main difference would be that the stuff you're looking at all use built-in editors, while a js framework is gonna be used with whatever web development environment you want to work in (I mostly just use Sublime Text). So rather than running the game engine, you just include whatever javascript files you want in a normal HTML page with a script tag (<script type="text/javascript" src="whatever_framework_file.js">). Though actually it seems like a lot of these engines use node which'd be a whole other level of weirdness... I guess this stuff is probably pretty intimidating if you haven't done any web dev before, and it'll definitely be more work up front. But long term, that straight up js/html5 knowledge will be more transferable and useful in general.
  2. Html5 and WebGL exporting engines.

    Is there a reason you're not considering using a javascript library or framework, rather than a full-on engine? I feel like that's probably gonna be the easiest way to nail what you're looking for. It's something I've been thinking about more recently, ever since I discovered that Kongregate requires you to upload WebGL builds of Unity games. There are a ton listed here, I haven't personally used any of these, but pixi, Phaser, and Impact have all been recommended to me in the past.
  3. Rust: It puts the lotion on its skin

    I had heard that they were supporting it well for a long time but had slowed down a lot, and some friends expressed concerns that it would be stuck in permanent alpha like DayZ. I poked around a bit and it seems like they've been working on it though, so maybe I'll hop in and see how it is now. Hacking was actually the problem that drove me away from the game initially (some people flew into our house through the roof and stole everything, then destroyed it) so hopefully they have more in the way of anti-cheat stuff now. If you (or anyone else!) wanna join me, my Steam thinger is in my sig and I'll probably spend some time with the game this weekend.
  4. Intoxicated:

    in their continuing journey to be the Most Rhode Island Company Ever (they also make Coffee Milk and Del's lemonade beers), Narragansett has released their 2nd Lovecraft themed beer. It's pretty solid as far as $4 7% abv tall boys go.
  5. Invisible Inc.

    I kinda agree, but I felt like this was cause the hosts hadn't played enough of the game; I don't think either of them had finished, and the issues that folks in this thread are talking about seem (to me, anyway) to be ones that are more serious on higher difficulties.
  6. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I was having trouble with it...last weekend, I think? I don't believe there's been a big patch since.
  7. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I had a lot of fun using a a Viper with 2x fixed pulse lasers and 2x gimballed autocannons. I think the ship is only about 300k so that should be doable for you, I used the autocannons because the Viper is always short on power so 4 energy weapons wasn't really feasible. Just fly into a Resource Extraction Site (ideally on a planetary ring with high metal content, in a high population system) and kill anything that's Wanted. Also don't fight stuff that's much bigger than you unless there's some system authorities around to help, though if you do get into trouble, the Viper is generally fast enough that if you divert all power to engines you should be able to escape. This was what I did for the vast majority of my E:D playtime and it was mostly fun. Probably the most frustrating part about it is when you inevitably accidentally hit a System Authority Vessel a single time, you'll get a bounty and they all aggro, so you're forced to fly back to a station and pay it.
  8. Unity: What I needed to know.

    Huh, here's a neat little tip I just learned: "You can enter calculations into numeric inspector fields" https://twitter.com/robotduck/status/600663317888299008 (in the tweet he puts '45 * 3' into a transform rotation x field and it magically turns into 135!)
  9. Rust: It puts the lotion on its skin

    It's been a long time since I played, how's it feeling now? Are there still a lot of weird half-complete mechanics (like the thirst thing you mentioned in your post from october)? I last played waaay back, before they took the zombies out, and it was a good time, but I've heard a lot of mixed stuff about how much support they've given the game since.
  10. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I always avoid replacing my shields 'cause even if you aren't planning on doing any combat if you don't have shields it's super easy to bump a space station and explode. Anyway I started doing one of the community goals yesterday (weapons to Persephone) and found it kinda frustrating...it was a good reminder of why I don't do any trading, which is that the in-game UI is clunky and borderline useless. I used Thrudds which made it almost bearable but it's still just a pain in the ass compared to combat or exploration.
  11. Amateur Game Making Night

    At lunch today I was talking about how bad my current UI is and some friends recommended me a couple resources that seem really handy. Both are just a ton of screenshots of mobile games; gamegrafix gives a kinda nice overview of how the entire game looks, gamesinspiration actually tags each screenshot so you can filter and just look at a billion different Settings Menus or Pause Screens or whatever you need. They're mobile focused but I think grafix has a little bit of console stuff on there too. http://www.gamegrafix.com/ http://gamesinspiration.com/ edit: Actually here's another that was recommended to me that's console focused! http://gameui.tumblr.com/
  12. Amateur Game Making Night

    Good lord, this is even more expensive than Maya (http://www.maxonshop.com/us/ps/CINEMA-4D-Studio/1/s1/C100-CAT201)
  13. Invisible Inc.

    I don't think there are any other environments? I finished a campaign on easy and didn't notice any others. I really enjoyed the game, and the structure (short, repeatable campaign that unlocks more tools/characters) is neat. Difficulty felt just right; the game is tough, but 5 rewinds is pretty forgiving and the game gives you some time to learn on easy missions. The unlocks I got seem significant and kinda interesting, so I'm looking forward to upping the challenge a little bit and playing through again.
  14. Amateur Game Making Night

    Eh I made a tigsource thread, it feels silly to copy paste stuff from that back here. http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=48031.0
  15. Amateur Game Making Night

    Oh thanks, I was pretty sure I had it set to unlisted. Should be ok now.
  16. Amateur Game Making Night

    I submitted my monster truck game to the Boston Festival of Indie Games today, which meant having to record a ~5 minute gameplay video with me talking over it. After a couple hours and nearly 40 takes, I ended up using this I didn't do a great job; I was talking and playing, when really I should have recorded video and audio separately so I could plan my talking points a little better. Also I had to record it from the Unity Editor with OBS and the resolution came out kinda bad. BFIG isn't the most professional show so I'm not too worried about that stuff; I was actually a curator last year and saw the quality of stuff that made it in, so I feel pretty good about the state of my submission. Plus, reckless amateurism is part of my brand identity, I think. After the success of the dev log threads for wiz jam, I'll probably start a dev log thread in here soon (unless anyone thinks we shouldn't do that format in the game dev forum? It might get a bit cluttered in here) and maybe see if some other readers wanna help playtest.
  17. Game Jams

    Gaah I want to do PD jam but I have no ideas right now. I was picking through old public domain Phillip K Dick and Lovecraft stuff the other day but nothing grabbed me. I'll do some more reading tonight/tomorrow and hopefully something inspires.
  18. Game Jams

    A friend of mine just announced the International Love Ultimatum dating sim jam I think I have an idea for it, my dedication to that idea will depend whether I can draw characters to the standard I'd like to hit.
  19. Unity Questions Thread

    Update! I ended up implementing object pooling today, and decided to just use this script from UnityPatterns rather than writing it myself since it didn't seem like it'd be very interesting work. Pretty happy with that script, the only issue is you need to put all the prefabs you want pooled into an public array on a singleton component, and I have a LOT of prefabs I need pooled so that list is pretty huge and unwieldy now. Haven't done a huge amount of testing (or even tried it on a phone yet) but in editor it seems like about a 20-30 fps increase.
  20. [Release] Pause Screen From BattleToads

    There's an article about Pause Screen from Battletoads on KillScreen today!! Congrats http://killscreendaily.com/articles/this-game-wants-you-break-it
  21. Unity Questions Thread

    I'm using the default font material and setting its color from a script, but I don't think it's creating new materials. And I think I misread something in a Unity forum post that made me think the text was using multiple draw calls? I think the problem is actually that I was just creating a lot of Text objects and not doing a great job of cleaning them up. They were fading kinda slowly before and taking a while to completely disappear (which is when they get destroyed), so there were just a lot of them in the scene at a time. I'm being more aggressive about it now and the framerate is much better. I am still looking for other hot optimization tips though.
  22. Unity Questions Thread

    Fairly late in the game I'm seeing 70 static colliders and 20 active. That seems reasonable? I've been taking a closer look at my profiler output and it definitely seems like Canvas/UI is the biggest offender...it's a pain in the ass finding info on it though, since that UI only went in during the fall last year. It seems like each individual Text component has to be its own batch? Maybe I can make sprites of the most common text so they can be reused. Batch is a weird word. batch
  23. Unity Questions Thread

    It's getting slow in the later parts of the game, so my guess is that it's either that there are too many colliders or that I'm instantiating too many objects. It starts getting slow when there are ~7+ enemies on screen firing between 1-4 projectiles each. It could also be an issue with UI? I'm generating quite a bit of floaty text (health pickups, damage notifications, etc) and I read somewhere recently that moving UI elements is really expensive.
  24. Unity Questions Thread

    All right here's an actual question...does anyone know of any good resources (tuts, talks, anything) for optimizing unity 2d for mobile? I've been looking into it a bit, but so far all I've done is start using the sprite packer and clean up some scripts, and I'm looking at implementing object pooling soon.
  25. [RELEASE] Shoot that Pizza / I Like the Hair

    (This is just about Shoot That Pizza, I haven't played I Like the Hair yet) The UI work is top notch in this, in particular the load screen being full 3d and panning around looks excellent. Also as people have said, the screenshake and effects are really well done. Game rounds are a little on the long side I think, and the gameplay could stand to be a little more varied. Maybe some timed powerups, or pizzas with different amounts of health to incentivize saving specific ammo types and add some strategy? Anyway, this was almost certainly the most polished of the wiz jam games I've looked at. Nice work!