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Everything posted by Badfinger

  1. Dan basically never does this. He will keep living his dumb life, but he will acknowledge it's his dumb, wrong life.
  2. Starbound

    Absolutely yes.
  3. No Man's Sky

    It makes sense to build A base in Starbound, though. It makes much more sense to me than NMS. It's where all your things are. There's agriculture and cultivation. Gotta come back to pick your corn. It also makes sense from a travel standpoint, because my understanding (I am still a Starbaby) is between hubworlds and technology you can teleport between some places. That makes "going home" viable in a way that backtracking in NMS doesn't seem to be, or seems to be somewhat discouraged (either by a quest mechanic pushing you forward, a sense that seeing new things is a goal more than returning to previously seen things, or the overall disposability of so many planets). Plus there's multiplayer. It's drop in/drop out. You can invite whoever you want into your game to see your rad castle, or give them a planet's coordinates because they're all accessible to everyone.
  4. What resolution are you expecting to be using? I wouldn't get SLI unless you're doing some insane 4k gaming thing. 550 would most likely be fine for your system but the 750 is an excellent PSU and you'll have loads of overhead. On recommendation I also upgraded to a 750 gold recently. 32gb is a LOT of RAM. Are you doing any sort of processing where you'd need it? Let me know how the case is. Sounds like you're not doing the actual install, but the fact that my case feels a little cramped and old now was one of the biggest gripes I had about upgrading. I thought about getting a whole new one when I bought the PSU.
  5. ketchup on pizza

    Real bechamel-based mac and cheese is one of the finest calorie implosion heart attacks ever conceived. Hot sauce on mac makes perfect sense. Ketchup does not.
  6. I don't agree that there's only one style you can play with a limited card set. These are 0 dust decks that'll take people who internalize concepts to 15 if they click with the deck. There's only one aggro/face deck in the whole bunch and it's weapon warrior. There's a ramp deck, a tempo deck, a mid range deck, token, board control. Almost every class has a reasonably viable C'thun deck out there that's cheap and synergizes. You can play an inexpensive deck of almost any archetype if you search hard enough and are patient enough to play it. 1100 dust C'Thun Druid 600 dust C'Thun Druid! The thing about RNG is it's secretly also winning you games or turns when you're not thinking about it. Curving out perfectly with removal is RNG. Yes, I was very much on the wrong side of the curve for learning how to play mid range shaman. I was so frustrated. I posted a 20 minute video where I won 1 game and it felt inevitable and lost 2 games where I felt helpless. And then I realized I wasn't playing all the deck's strengths. I wasn't using my weapon properly. I was trying to save up for a single turn wombo and flooding the board, getting it cleared and leaving nothing in my hand to reload vs. controlling and chipping away to put them into reasonable burst range. I watched someone very good playing bloodlust shaman and went "OH WAIT REALLY?!" in a way that someone just telling me what I was doing didn't illustrate.
  7. Starbound

    I have started playing Starbound, somewhat as a self-counterprogramming move on the release of NMS. I am really, really enjoying myself. I have never played Terraria or minecraft or any of the buildy-style survival games. The game from this vantage point seems almost infinitely vast. I have a space ship, but my biggest advancements thus far are an iron hat and planting corn.
  8. No Man's Sky

    I was getting a hankering for More Space, and I'd decided I was willing to invest more dollars into Space Games. I was having the internal debate over whether I should get the Elite expansion or NMS. I ended up buying Starbound last night after a longer conversation with a friend and the general tenor of NMS discussion. His recommendation was "There's no reason to rush". They'll hopefully get feedback from this open beta period and get some PC stability fixes and Quality of Life fixes and at some point it'll be a game I'll happily buy and mess around in to see what there is to see. (Starbound is amazing for the brief 30 minutes I played it before collapsing into bed last night. Already content with my purchase)
  9. I'm a weird hearthstone outlier apparently, in that I 1) love the randomness. Praise Yogg. Praise the hell out of Yogg best card in the expansion even when it's on the other side of the board and 2) feel confident in saying that the best players win more often and more consistently and that deck construction is very important but card rarity is much less important than it seems sometimes (except in Arena). There are people that consistently fight for top 100 legend every month running Zoo decks with only basic, common, and rare cards. Yes, sometimes deck archetypes revolve around either a particular card or set of cards, but the top players can and have played to legend on a consistent basis with a fresh f2p account. I've fought back and forth with myself about this, but I've come to grips with the fact that not dumping money into the game limits deck variety, not deck viability.
  10. This beastcast was tre magnifique. Austin dropping Foucault and being in Dan's corner in a roundabout way was wonderful. My guess is Dan ignoring the "both reptiles" thing was probably less of him omitting that and more hearing himself and losing a very quiet comment in his headphones while they were talking over one another. The fiver was so good, and I certainly miss Austin. I think the Beast is excellent for Dan. Their combo of patience and subtlety works wonderfully to make Dan stop and think not only upon reflection which he has done all along, but also in the moment.
  11. Super Metroid Appreciation Station

    No that's Headlander.
  12. No Man's Sky

    Oh it's absolutely reductive! I'm not trying to make a political statement; it's just a observation kicking around in my head that coalesced into words after reading the polygon article that touched on it. I think it's absolutely fair, though. The verb they chose is discover. It tracks 1:1 with the age of discovery. If they chose "indexed" or "documented" or something else as their verb it doesn't draw me directly there. It doesn't change my opinion on the game in any way, but I think it's a valid point of discussion. Exterminate is the last X. There's a long way between that one and Explore.
  13. No Man's Sky

    Someone managed to encapsulate the game's premise more elegantly than me, but yes it seems obvious that you're Space Columbus in the Age of Space Discovery. "I discovered this!" 'Hello welcome to my house. My family has been here for 19 generations.' "HIGH FIVE ME ON THIS DISCOVERY!"
  14. Mouth Feel - The Summer Wizard Cocktail Jam

    We've been way into margaritas, and also recently into Moscow Mules. It's not a real mule if you don't have ginger beer, but it still makes a tasty drink if you use ginger ale. I present the Shadow of Something 2 oz vodka (I used Tito's. It's making me change my opinion of vodka) 1/2 oz lime juice crushed ice or cubes 6 oz ginger ale pour ingredients over ice for fancy, serve in a copper mug with lime wedge
  15. ketchup on pizza

    I suppose I'm a little grossed out, but mostly I just don't understand. Tomatoes have food associative properties. If you have tomato sauce on a pizza it doesn't need ketchup. That's also why hamburgers with tomatoes on them no longer need ketchup, and if you have pico or salsa on tacos they don't need additional tomato.
  16. No Man's Sky

    That's about the same place I am with regard to the game. I suppose there's some vagueness that I'm either ok with or actively like. "How structured is the game?" is a different sort of question to "Is there multiplayer".
  17. No Man's Sky Sean Murray implied that there would be some interaction between players that's possible besides just seeing discoveries, but didn't elaborate. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised about internet uproar for things I thought were pretty clearly spelled out, but I am. Outside of the vagueness of how players can "interact" with each other, I really don't feel like I have been illuminated with hidden secrets to the game mere hours before launch. I haven't been following it rabidly, just through osmosis of liking video games. C'est la vie. Is there any sort of preorder bonus? I was cautiously approaching the game, but it's gotten enough positive coverage and the loop seems palatable enough that I'd, for instance, rather put $60 into trying this than buying the Elite expansion. I wouldn't get to play until Sunday at the earliest, so preorder/launch buildup doesn't mean much right now.
  18. Vinny and Alex are the perfect foils for Dan. Alex can judo his wrestling crap and won't put up with it on podcasts like Jeff indulges far too often. Vinny's incredulity is pure wonderment, and he'll dig at the weird edges of Dan's personality rather than being cynically dismissive like Brad has the penchant for doing. Dan is like, peak Beastcast. Imagine him playing Kerbal Space Program. It'll be a cool month. I listened to the first 20 minutes on the drive into work and it's Very Good just like I expected.
  19. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Yes, I've almost been destroyed multiple times and feel occasionally helpless. I almost got destroyed by an eagle in my python. I feel kinda helpless. I don't even know what changed.
  20. I don't think that this is an uncommon reaction but the fact that Valve, of all companies, said anything at all while currently in a lawsuit regarding gambling is an incredibly strong statement. I know people want sweeping action but that's not what you'll get from any company, setting aside that it's Valve. Promising to pursue further action on sites that don't cease and desist is a very aggressive position. e: Per Polygon, that note along with the notices to the companies has been effective at shutting down a number of sites.
  21. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Finally bought the expansion packs. Good news: Game is still amazing, even a game-spawned generic Geralt felt familiar, UI tweaks have improved it greatly. Bad news: can't really stream playing it unfortunately. That's about the only bad news.
  22. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    No way, they look awesome!
  23. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I was already mad when you're supposed to die to whatever that monster is on the boat. I was mad enough to quit and never play it again on that first boss. I got much madder when my friend tried to tell me that I "should have" played a magic class because the bosses are much easier. I picked knight because that seemed like the reasonable thing to start with. I don't know what anything does, I'm content playing a middle of the road archetype, I'm gonna pick the class you start the cursor on. No map seems like a giant oversight, but I didn't play it long enough to hit that particular frustration.