
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by feelthedarkness

  1. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    i assume these knobs are using a hyper specific definition, because Metal Gear Ground Zeros had a prominent specific sexual violation? that's not some obscure title.
  2. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    One thing I'll say for certain that it's definitely a kind of privilege. I'm not the earthiest vegan, and I'll buy Beyond Meat strips and junk like that to cook with on the regular. It's probably a LOT more expensive than if I ate meat. I think if I took a serious interest in farm to table kind of cooking it could be cheaper, but that gets time consuming. My favorite side dish is this (it's a little bitter): Brocoli Rabe w/Orzo & Sun Dried Tomato: 1) cut off the tips of the stems and blanch in boiling salted water for about 5ish minutes to soften the stems and cut the bitterness a little. drain and set aside. 2) in a small pot boil 1/3 cup orzo in 1 cup vegetable stock (that might be wrong, maybe more stock), until absorbed or drain extra stock 3) saute garlic in some olive oil, add diced sun dried tomato and simmer a bit 4) add rabe, salt, and continue to saute for a minute or two until tender. 5) turn off heat, and stir in drained orzo. 6) yum
  3. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    i don't disagree with the horrors of global capitalism, and how veganism can intersect with that. I think it's sort of notable with the rise of Quinoa, which I personally try to limit, because it's become an export at the expense of native diets. But I also don't think it's wrong to try to oppose elements within the chain, like stopping McDonalds deforestation (which they have pledged to stop actually), without having a total solution. All improvements come in fits and starts.
  4. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    Like most arguments I think it's a mistake to separate the notion from the context in which it resides. The nature of factory farming, where even most of the "good stuff" is actually pretty objectionable. What the cost would be if it weren't for scaled production. What the cost would be if it weren't subsidized by the government, particularly the near-zero cost of feeding animals corn. The notion of delicious is interesting too, because by all counts almost none of it tastes as good as it did 50 years ago (before growth hormones, forced corn feeding, antibiotics). Even as a MILITANT VEGAN I can tell you the average tomato tastes nothing like it did when I was a kid.
  5. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    stars light the feeding sky my feed. feeding frenzy i command the swarm i am the double lightning bolt s in ethics
  6. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    agressive caucasery undergraduate sophistication i am borne on wings of the platitudinous jim goad, i'm coming home
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    i think the aggressive Wagner/Nietzschery is worth a chuckle, or at least an unsurprised disappointed head shake!
  8. Designer Notes 2: Rob Pardo - Part 2

    i'm finally catching up, and only an hour in, but i hope Soren asked him why the Warlock's Death Coil was originally on a TEN MINUTE cooldown, and just stole like 400 health which was less than half a shadow bolt at the time!
  9. Where in the World - Idle Thumbs Map

    I'm sort of surprised at the weak northeast representation!
  10. Idle Thumbs 193: General Interest

    I feel like Inherent Vice the film made some major deviations from the book. He cut out or minimized a lot of the structural conspiracy stuff, (references to Lemuria, most of The Boards stuff, Doc's proto-internet hacker, the shipwreck, and the whole abandoned city trip) and made it more of a personal story, shifting the focus more onto reuniting Coy with his family, which in the book I took to be less of a major motivator, than evidence of the great conspiracy.
  11. Feminism

    I always think of this article from the NY Times magazine, about birth rates, workplace, and government services. It's like 7 years old, but it covers a lot of the differences between Europe and the US. At the time it was written, the US was considered pretty flexible about protecting jobs, but offering poor financial support, where Europe offered more support, but is far less flexible as to returning to work. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/29/magazine/29Birth-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  12. Books, books, books...

    Aww! I didn't think that at all! No apologies needed! WW2 is really one of those things that's supersaturated in a kind of typical masculinity, and I'd like to think I've got some sense of where I think you're coming from on this, so I figured it was worth a mention as Narrow Road is definitely the story of a straight man going through one hell, while also loving his uncles wife. I'd like to say I appreciate, and understand a desire to see a more equitable feminist representation, especially in literature.
  13. Books, books, books...

    Oh no, now I'm choking on the pressure to say something! I thought it was excellent, and the sort of thing that I think you might like based on other things you've liked from a narrative/prose perspective, though it's really man heavy, and I know that's not your favorite. Haha. Beautifully written, modern fiction in that it has sense of a deep history on its given topic. The characters are colorful, wretchedly miserable, and varied, being a work camp of various Australians, and a few others picked up and sent to the railway. I don't read a lot of WW2 stuff. Pretty heavy overall in that good people aren't rewarded for their heroism, and bad people aren't all punished for evil. I saw you tweeting about those Elena Ferrante books. Somebody on another board I read was talking a bit about the Neapolitan books. I hadn't heard of them. Recommended it seems?
  14. Books, books, books...

    Finished The Narrow Road to the Deep North a little while ago. I can sort of thank the Thumbs for opening my eyes to Booker Man Prize, because I've loved every winner's book I've read so far. I was in the mood for something a little more cheerful, and the description was something like "beautifully written love story set during WW2" and what I got a seriously brutal account of Australian POWs (slaves) worked to death to build a Japanese railroad through Thailand.
  15. Non-video games

    that is amazing!
  16. I like with version of the criteria where the best game is a game that does only what video games can do. I think that leaves room Minecrafts, Dwarf Fortress, and Spelunkys to sit side by side. Also, while Super Mario 3 is divine platforming, I wonder if in this situation do you not have to look to Spelunky which is also pretty great platforming, plus all this other stuff. While Monkey Island 2 is a absolute top shelf favorite I think I might leave it off that particular list? Anyway, Logarithmic Indian Jones Decay. Amazing podblast.
  17. Actually, It's about Relocation in Games Journalism

    Moving around every few years is the best way to get financial bumps.
  18. Idle Thumbs Asks: What Is the Best Video Game of All Time?

    Ultima 7! I loved a lot of game from the 80s arcades through now, but I can't think of a bigger personal "aha" than playing U7, just how big, and functional the world was. The possibilities of looking in a hollow tree stump in the middle of the woods and finding a not that led you to something. The world was huge, but it always felt like its space led someplace.The ability to make bread, or kill and animal to heal and keep your party fed. The ability to just grab somebody's chair from their room, and put it on their bed, and have the resident get mad at that (or not). It also had a narrative that struck me as really neat in terms of looking at spirituality/philosophy in a neat way vis a vis it's own history of "Virtues."
  19. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I wish I had some Valve hotline, because I want to know why the major sales aren't always little meta events? That is so much more fun. Maybe they could hire me to design them? Do any Valve hiring managers read this thread? Anyway, I've to sort of tried to cap my spending. I think I spend under $15. Though Endless Legend seems appealing. I also might get PayDay2 because I've been meaning to do some more multi with some pals. I got: Abyss Odyssey The God's Will Be Watching Bully Super Time Force Ultra
  20. I wanted to say Accolade, as a 90s company, but I guess they existed well before the 90s. I loved Test Drive and a few of their off brand adventure titles, specifically Altered Destiny, which is one of those things that is totally unimportant in the grand scheme of things but in retrospect totally shaped my taste in "what alien stuff should be like." It looks like it was heavily inspired by Moebius, but I doubt that it really was at the time.
  21. Music of the Year!

    Hey friends, This year I got a little proactive and comped my picks into two handy MP3s/lists, obviously Xmas themed! A Nice list, mostly suitable for family listening, assuming you family is somewhat disaffected and somber, but not without joy, and a Naughty one probably less suitable, unless your family is into 55 second long bursts of smashed apart spite. Nice (15 songs, 45 minutes): http://bit.ly/1zfBt8L Iceage: How Many (Plowing the Fields of Love lp) Third Album, dripping cool, from these moody Danish post-teens. After two records of clattering, ramshackle punk, they pivoted seamlessly to surprisingly ambitions, moody Bad Seeds style, with great success. I knew this would be my favorite record of the year, and it’s always a treat when you’re not let down. Also, they hold the record as the band most incapable of tuning, so I hold no illusion they can pull any of this off live, though the singer can cruise by on looks. Sheer Mag: Point Breeze (s/t 7”) Out of nowhere (SUNY Purchase then Philly) emerges the new kings (and Queen) of power pop, heirs to the Exploding Hearts throne. 4 total hits of pure heart and fire. The only thing more surprising that how little anybody knew where it came from was how quickly the fire spread. Theirs will be the best lp of 2015, mark my words. Yi: Going Dumb (Crying lp) Inwardly gazing, and fully homemade, all the records in its tiny run were hand painted and I think that spirit carries through to the music. The entirety of the record covers a lot of musical ground and probably belongs in the other list, but that they can deliver a sweet little pop anthem underlines the thoughtfulness and craft that went into all their stuff. Household: Panorama (Elaines lp) Nervous, minimal, a little delicate and now also defunct, Brooklyn’s Household cut a distinct profile in its short life of UK inspired DIY Post Punk. Fun Fact: Tayla holds the honor of making the pop and hard list as the bassist of In School. Connections: Aliya (Into Sixes lp) You could do worse than trying to follow in Guided By Voices footsteps, and Ohio’s Connections have done a remarkable job, delivering anthem after lo-fi anthem on more 3 lps in less than 3 years, and this half year’s entry hasn’t seen the quality slip. Estrogen Highs: Privilege (Find Me on the Numbers Station lp) The last few years have been pretty big for New Zealand pop revival, and I don’t think anybody does it as well as New Haven’s Estrogen Highs, managing to sound homemade, spontaneous and considered, and a little busted. Total Control: Liberal Party (Typical System lp) Starting as a side project of the Australian-Grammy-Nominated Eddie Current Suppression Ring, Total Control started doing, and still sometimes does a great 1970s LA Punk, but they’ve moved into weirder synthy post punk territory. FKA Twigs: Two Weeks (LP1) Everyone probably knows this. It’s this years hit. Deserved! Raveonettes: Endless Sleeper (Pe’Ahi lp) Still the best shoegaze revival, except on top of the wall of Jesus & Mary Chain inspired fuzz they now replaced the drums with breakbeats. I’ll bite. Cold Beat: Uv (Over Me lp) After the demise of semi-popular San Fran trio Grass Widow, Hannah Lew cooked up a sparse, moody collection of hits, now joined by Yi’s Jackson. Rat Columns: Only Love Can Hurt You (Leaf lp) Australian Import David West started RC as a solo recording project, of strange tape loops and experiments, but enlisted some Total Control people quickly evolved into this 80s UK jangle, plus a bigger 90s US indie thing. Blessed State: Best Case Scenario (Head Space lp) I like when bands take a single record as a point of inspiration, as I’m pretty sure BS did with Husker Du’s Metal Circus, rough hewn but huge anthems anchored by a spindly highly contoured guitar line. Naomi Punk: Linoleum Tryst (Television Man lp) Olympia, WA has had a big few years, and Television Man is a moody crashing success, each track lurches forward in fits. I’m running out of steam here! Stone Dagger: Siege of Jerusalem (s/t 7”) One-man-band of Brendan Radigan, Boston hardcore neo-legend, doing a mid 80s melodic shredding metal project. Sort of a less heavy spinoff from one of his other bands, last year’s best in show, the Sabbathific Magic Circle lp. It’s actually weird how many currently active Boston bands consist of the same 3 people in different positions. I can think of 10. Raspberry Bulbs: Finger Bones (Crippled lp) Ok, here’s something nobody will dig, but I’m sort of fascinated. RB evolved out of the grim, guttural, black metal act Bone Awl, but then went in some vaguely accessible direction, while retaining all of the obvious sonic markers of the prior band. Bleak and sinister, but a bit hooky. Naughty (19 songs, 32 minutes): http://bit.ly/1xdYptT In School: Conquest (Praxis of Hate 7”) Four seriously cool BKLYN women get smart and raw. Tayla makes both lists for her skittery Household lp Civilized: Wallflower (Dust and Blood 7”) Best use of Youth of Today voice. Replica: Night Life (Beast 7”) Frontwoman Darhma needs to be seen to be believed, fast and brutal. Fury: Day Today (Demo) I will never tire of hard 88 revival/Chain of Strength done well. Good Throb: You’re Shit (Fuck Off lp) Tremendous lp in a tremendous year for London’s punk women. Discordant and mean. Depths Of Reality: Revolution 101 (Demo) 2013 was HOAX’s year, and with the singer switching coasts, I assume to give his smashed face a rest, comes this dingy basement blur. Frau: Snakeskin (Punk is My Boyfriend 7”) London women, total spazzed out garbage. A little bit of Cramps (the band) a lot of shedding the skin of caring (hah). Negligence: Forgotten (Demo) Boston guttural crusters. Love the slam intro. Hysterics: Psychic Drain (Can’t I Live 7”) Four Olympia women, trashing and sick of life’s garbage. Boston Strangler: Forward Into Death (Fire lp) Boston Supergroup digs into the classic XCLAIM sound, plus a bit of early Sheer Terror. New Brigade: Ignorant Ways (Join the Brigade lp) Youth Crew revival again, over before you know it. Survival: Forged In Iron (Forged in Iron 7”) Warzone and Breakdown inspired NYHC. Ignorant! I think they’re euros though. Scalped: At a Cross (s/t 7”) Tony Molina’s latest HC band, mean and blown apart. Peep his solo records for pitch perfect Replacements/Weezer/Thin Lizzy material. No joke. Head Creeps: Break Their Knees (Demo) More NYHC, ignorant and stomping. Not euros. Sludge: Surface (Conduct lp) Surprise hit of the year, out of rural Japan delivering the best take on the classic 81 Japanese sound that’s been coming back around, metally, distinct, and vicious. Midnight: Evil Like A Knife (No Mercy for Mayhem lp) Vintage Clevo metal-punk stuff, fast and sleazy. Battle Ruins: Slaughtering the Wolves like Sheep (s/t lp) Boston skins, sort of sketchy vibes, but not a sketchy band, another Brendan project. Teargas: The Place that was Promised (Burning Spirits 2014 7”) Austrian take on a later Japanese sound, this from their tour split with Japan’s Forward Iron Hand: Vainglory (Infected Fear lp) Heavy crust from New Haven, with a bit of an epic conclusion.
  22. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I have E.Y.E., haven't played it yet, but always see it described as a nice Deus Ex/STALKER type game, that's really open ended and allowing for custom character builds.
  23. (superlative) adj. + boxart

    oh man, that poor Golden Axe Valkyrie has two left foots and what is no doubt a serious knee injury to leave it bent like that.
  24. Idle Thumbs 189: Serious Ma'am

    I'm enjoying DA:I, but I think they scaled the combat depth back a bit too much compared to DA2. I really liked playing DA2 tactically, and on the harder settings I thought it was a fun challenge, and the cooldown timings were really tight around healing, and managing CC. I'm struggling with DAI's removal of traditional healing. Unrelated I want to salute Danielle for solidly representing nerdom on the cast. I've already forgot the specific incident, but on this cast Sean, Chris, and Jake were stumbling around some reference and she's always right on that business.
  25. Life

    I'm not looking to pry into the lives of folks I don't know, and I feel like half a creep even posting this, but THE COUPLING was mentioned a few times on the Twin Peaks podcast!