A Test with No Answers

October 6, 2015 We stand on the brink of a date ... with data. And destiny. We are destined to date data. *ahem* With the impending release of Data & Destiny, each faction will now have one major expansion for each faction, plus three new mini-Runner factions. At such an interesting time in the game's development, Terminal7 sits down the Netrunner's lead designer Lukas Litzsinger to talk about the development of Data & Destiny. In some ways, this brings the first chapter of the game to a close. Lukas will be granting the mantle of lead designer of Netrunner to Damon Stone, so we also discussed that changing of the guard, how board/card game design differs from video game design and how Madmen was a springboard into game design.

Games Discussed: Android: Netrunner, XCOM: The Board Game, Runebound 3rd Edition

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