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I'd definitely be up for games. My Origin name is "Pepyri". Every time I log on I seem to do pretty okay in terms of ranked chits, but I've barely done like 5 or 6 matches like that. It was a lot of fun though. I really adore this game.

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Someone just gave me what I think is a compliment yesterday when I was playing.  He said I was the most aggressive Stryder he'd ever seen (I took on two other Titans (an Atlas and the bigger one that I can't remember the name of) and doomed them both while dashing around before I ended up dying.  He then later said that the way I dash in at full speed scared the hell out of him in another match.


What he didn't notice is that I tend to lose my Titan pretty quickly even if I do take down a few Titans before I die...I tend to charge in and do as much damage (with the homing missiles that fire three at a time (I suck at remembering the names of stuff in this game) and with my 40mm cannon) as I can before the other player can react and then I make some distance and finish them off with my 40mm cannon and trying to get shots in on their flashy orange bits.  If somebody's paying attention and they try to hit me that whole time I'm done...but most people aren't expecting it (because its so stupid to go charging in close with a Stryder that no one does it) so it sometimes works.  Its not even a thought out strategy...I just generally play too aggressively, which is why in games like CS I do horribly because I'm the person who charges in first and gets gunned down or blown up.

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I try to always congratulate 100+ scores in Attrition regardless of which team they are on.

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I try to always congratulate 100+ scores in Attrition regardless of which team they are on.

I always try to say "nice shot" or "nice kill" anytime it seems warranted.  Its not only a nice thing to do, but it actually seems to improve the atmosphere of any game I'm in...if people are positive and nice I've noticed that it tends to have an effect on others and everyone is a little nicer.  I often forget to actually do it though...its really easy to forget to compliment people, but I think its a good practice and makes for a friendlier environment.


One time a guy was being a real asshole griping about people killing him this way or that and I complimented him a couple times when he killed me and he actually got way more positive and easier for everyone to deal with.

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