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Worms Blast

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I played this game a ton when I was a kid, but I've never heard of anyone else had played it. It was just part of the humble weekly sale, so I was wondering if anyone here has even heard of this weird game?


It has very little in common with most worms games. It's actually more of a bust-a-move/puzzle bobble sort of deal, except muliplayer and with weird powerups and your shots are effected by gravity. That actually maybe sounds kinda lame? But it isn't, it's rad. How about this, imagine 2 bust-a-move boards side by side, but the wall in between them opens and closes at random intervals allowing you to shoot at your opponent, or shoot your opponents blocks to make it harder to clear, or shoot your opponents blocks to clear some of them and causing a chunk of blocks to fall on their head. It also has some single player modes, but they're mostly kinda bland.


Disclaimer: It's local multiplayer only, so I can't verify how much of my opinion is based on nostalgia.

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First I've heard of this game. I see it came out in 2002, which isn't far from when a whole bunch of us at Mojo were hopelessly addicted to Worms Armageddon to the point where I was frequently turning up for college the next day like this:




We were so into the game that one guy actually programmed a web-based analytics application that could read the game's match logs and generate in-depth statistics for weapons, levels, chat, etc. We also found ways of getting into the in-game chat channels via IRC and running bots that reported everything going on. In hindsight, considering the time that went into making them it seems hilarious that these things never even made it out of our small circle.


Good times!

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