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Critical Path

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Holy shit dude, how'd you find this? Looks incredible! Especially that list at the end, it's basically a who's who of the industry.

This has *got* to be organised by a well-known name in the industry, I'm not sure how else you'd get all those guys in a room to interview.

Also, loved Kojima's quote: "I'm not trying to tell a story."

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Cliffy B is telling me that games don't have to be dumb in a documentary about stories in games?

At least it seems to have a lot of cool game designers in it that are trying to do new things with games.

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This is actually a trailer for Molyneux's iPhone 3GS Frogger clone.

(Interesting stuff! Looking forward to this.)

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I've been watching a couple interviews every morning before work and it's incredible. There are a lot things said by certain individuals that I would not expect them to say, since it is sometimes the complete opposite of what their games have been like up until this point. Great stuff.

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It is. Also, uh, very representative of games industry demographics, or the relative lack of them. Via LewieP on Twitter:

Send an email to to suggest other developers they should have on there.

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