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Oh, fuck

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I think the biggest problem is that the "non-racist" UKIP actually managed to beat Labour!

Yep, that's pretty bad as well. Although, I'd like to think that as UKIP are primarily a one-note party (the UK leaving the EU), then the majority of the voters who went for them knew what they were going for. Not that I agree, but I can understand if people didn't want to be in the EU, they'd vote UKIP.

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Yes, it sucks to live here sometimes. But not everyone is a facist! In fact, since someone kindly outed the BNP membership and posted it online, you can find out via a fairly up-to-date list (circa 2008 iirc) if there's anyone in your area.


There's quite a few in Pudsey, just up the road from me, also in Bramley, 2 in my area (all middle class areaa)... in fact there's a staggering number in Yorkshire.

Sadly, I was all ready for this. I voted against, but I was not enough. ;(

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I really don't see what posting the home addresses and phone numbers of people does for ANYONE :tdown: (thumbs down!)

Although it did, at least, allow this to be made:


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I tend to agree, but it's out there, 1st google result. It wasn't my intention to provoke an argument viz. the rights and wrongs of that, I was using it to illustrate why it was not surprising West Yorkshire an Humberside elected the idiots.

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What kept me from going further into the book than chapt 1 too is that very faulty rhetoric... Fuck anyone with a little common sense would find it ridiculous and unfounded... Maybe he was too much of an artist... Even the greatest artists write shit... I mean critics often call it half-science, it's not even a tenth science, when Malevitch writes that the round shape corresponds to the blue color and the vowel O or something I literally feel the urge to punch him in the ass until his eyes come out... I hate faulty rhetoric to an unutterable point...


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The Dutch are heading this way too. Geert Wilders and his bunch of anti-Islam populists, are incredibly popular. People are buying into his shallow rhetoric and empty plans by the bucketful =(

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Sorry to keep the BNP train going, but I saw this and thought it was an interesting idea. Trust crazy, genius, misanthropic Warren Ellis fans to come up with this, in a thread called 'How to fuck with the BNP':

Right. Here goes:

1. The BNP winning European parliament seats means they have a budget to employ staff and various sub-contractors.

2. These budgets and staff positions are subject to anti-discrimination laws, as they come from public funds.

3. Watch out for when these positions are advertised. If anyone sees them advertised, chuck the ads about on as many social networks, blogs etc as possible.

4. Man the Harpoons - If you fall outside of the BNP's discriminatory membership criteria, due to being black, Jewish, whatever, apply. If you are white British and want to help out this plan anyway, just spread the idea about.

5. When you/they don't get the job, take it to an employment tribunal.

6. ????

7. Profit.

Even if you're not especially bothered about taking the BNP to an employment tribunal, spreading this idea about, and forcing them to consider it and raaage over how unfair to the poor ickle racialists it is, it's still funny.

Not sure how successful it would be, even if it got the support necessary to even make it possible, but a nice angle to come at it. A bit more gleefully crackpot-aggressive than pelting Griffin with eggs, or posting pictures of your liberal face on the internet (not to criticise either of those plans of action).

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Brilliant Nevsky :tup: (and Dan, who posted it on facebook too).

Rodi, my friend Catherine is living in Amsterdam at the moment. She said it was something like 28% who voted for Wilders? It's scary the far right can garner this kind of support, but only a minority of those voters are actually going to be fascists.

Parties like the BNP have a pretty good history of fucking up and generally disgracing themselves. Given economic circumstances, I expect this is a peak for them... unless the world economy just keeps on getting worse.

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In school one of my classmates and at that point a member of my circle of friends read Mein Kampf. I'm not sure how far he got, and he didn't seem to be particularly into race war (at the time the person he was closest to at school was of Sri Lankan descent), although I guess he was probably the most right-wing of us.

And yes, that thing Nevsky posted seems a much better response to the BNP than eggs. I share the disapproval of the party, but physical assaults don't exactly lend legitimacy to those who oppose the BNP, and leaves the door open to cries of victimization and all sorts of nasty talk about how thuggish the pinko leftists all are. They're already claiming the government instructed the police to hold back.

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