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Don't put your own educated worldviews in the same category as beliefs based on gutfeelings and indoctrination, Nachimir.

I see what you mean, but this

'believing in something despite the lack of any evidence pointing towards it'

is not the sole definition of faith. It's not a purely religious thing, it can mean confidence or loyalty. I'm confident there isn't a god. I can't prove it, but I don't see any atheist as having to, I think it's a likely reality. While I openly mock the most extreme forms of religious belief, there are some I leave alone as not all religious faiths are unreasonable or based in indoctrination. I came from an extreme religious background and it took me quite a few years after leaving to see that religion isn't entirely harmful.

I have secular beliefs because they, often in opposition to orthodox religion, have led to us being able to feed billions of people and put machines on other planets. At the same time, every era has had its fictions, its secular faiths, and naivety only visible in hindsight. For all that's been achieved in our lifetime, I don't think we'll look that different to our descendants.

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