
Bionic Commando returns

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Coming to PS3, Xbox 360 and - rather surprisingly (for Capcom) - PC. GameSpot has the exclusive.

Never played the original, but I'm sick of people raving about it. Thoughts?

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I notice that he says *nothing* about gameplay, choosing instead to blather about story, colors, and how cool the team thinks the game is. :blink:

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And it's surprisingly being developed for the same consoles as the first remake. I don't remember the last time I've seen a current-gen side-scroller on the PC...

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And it's surprisingly being developed for the same consoles as the first remake. I don't remember the last time I've seen a current-gen side-scroller on the PC...

I'm guessing indie games don't count as "current-gen"? :shifty:

Anyway, yeah, I'm looking forward to this 2.5D version of Bionic Commando. That's how you update a classic property for the current era, not that brown monstrosity that is the new 3D Bionic Commando.

Also see: Contra 4 for the DS :tup: :tup: :frusty:

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I'm guessing indie games don't count as "current-gen"? :shifty:

Anyway, yeah, I'm looking forward to this 2.5D version of Bionic Commando. That's how you update a classic property for the current era, not that brown monstrosity that is the new 3D Bionic Commando.

Also see: Contra 4 for the DS :tup: :tup: :frusty:

Yeah, I meant commercial, "big-budget" games.

And I'm unsure about this whole remaking classic games trend. I guess it's a good idea to expose a new generation of viewers to classic titles and to make them available again to old fans but something about it seems lazy. Whether it turns out to be as mediocre as it looks or not, I'm more interested in how they can rework the classic mechanic for current-gen technology. The purist in me wants to say that the original artwork is invariably better.

Though I'm sure they're offer an option to play the classic game as well.

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That's how you update a classic property for the current era

By not actually updating it at all?

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the platform version looks great.

it's not an update... it's just a remake of the original, same game, newer graphics.

just like the original PoP remake (right?)

an update would be like what PoP SoT is to the original PoP

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Well if you watch the trailer it's clearly added stuff, but yes.

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By not actually updating it at all?

By not messing with the mechanics that made the games so appealing in the first place. Few games make a good transition from 2D to 3D (beyond Nintendo titles).

You can update the game a lot with modern graphics, sound, tech but still keep the core mechanics that made the original so good. Gradius V comes to mind. It was a true 2D horizontal shooter, like its roots, but it looked modern, had new controls (using dual stick) and was awesome without being too different. It wasn't cashing in on the prestige of the name.

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elmuerte brought up Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. IMO that's a proper way to do it. This one is only interesting for old fans. It's unlikely to create new fans.

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Anyone played the final version ?

I dragged myself over the first two hours of gameplay and it really seems that they missed the point Spiderman 2 on Xbox made; most sequences being constructed like this : appear from a tunnel, swing into a corridor toward a building while evading mines and opponents, kill the opponents inside the building, swing your way to a a relay station, kill everybody there, hack the station to create an escape route and then swing to the next tunnel in which you disappear.

Like Spiderman2 the controls and camera are very good - after you get used to the weird swinging control scheme - but the game is surprisingly limited not only horizontally, but vertically. Forget about climbing on the highest rooftop m everything is made out of radiation below the ground and above a low altitude.

Also, they've got the most terrible depth of field effect ever and a pathetic synopsis.

"You put me in prison, I should kill you!"

"Don't! I know where your wife is!"

"My wife is alive!?!?!.... Ok, then."

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