
Having a Job Sucks

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My students give me funny looks when they see me in GAME and ask me if I'm buying games for my boyfriend. When I tell them my boyfriend doesn't play games they look blankly at me again and say 'Your brother?'. Kids r dum.

I have barely any time for game playing :violin:

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My students [...]. Kids r dum.

erm... isn't that your fault?

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I like how you obviously just typed exactly what you were thinking at the time when you wrote that post, Spaff. Including changes of mind.

PS. Yeah it's such a shame neither of us have FF6 to play on our DS isn't it?

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i used to feel this way a lot when i was working, i was buying a ton of games and doing that really irritating thing where you play something for like a week, profess it to be the best thing ever and then find something newer and shinier to play with. the only game i manage to play on a regular basis is animal crossing, but thats not a game, man lil jo would die if it wasn't for me. i bring my ds into the lab every day, which has its upsides (everyone knows what a care bears fan i am from the stickers) and its downside (comp sci geeks asking me why i don't have a ds lite).and of course sim city but that's inescapable.

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I beat you, Metroid Prime 2! I beat you beat you beat you!

Ok, admittedly, I *did* use a FAQ to figure out how to fight the various final bosses...but still! I am the one who pressed the buttons with the right combination of manual dexterity and strategic timing such that the villains onscreen met their demise! Hahahaha!

Alright, now onto...Okami? Or should I finally play the Half-Life games everyone tells me are so good...

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Or should I finally play the Half-Life games everyone tells me are so good...

Jesus Christ!

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I am beginning to suspect that this is in fact not a gaming community. ¬¬

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Jesus Christ!

I know, it's awful, isn't it? But until a few months ago, you had never played Ocarina of Time, so watch it :P

Gaming community?! More like... ah, forget it.

Say it....Say it!

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C'mon, toblix. You've been holding out on us for a while. Let loose!

I enjoy my job, but lately it's gotten a bit hectic, and going to school at the same time has been sucking out all of my free time. For example, this is the first time in a week I've had time to come on the thumb and see what's happened. New subforum? WTF? I've still been getting in a bit of Guitar Hero, and as I have tomorrow off I downloaded Prince Of Persia Classic earlier tonight, but after tomorrow I'm swamped again until next Thursday. Jobs suck, school sucks, combining the two really sucks. (I like my job and I like what I'm studying, but you know what I mean.)

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Yeah, working and studying, which I've been doing for the last six months, really sucks.

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