
Elaborate set-up by CNBC show puts games in a bad light

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Check this out. Basically they lured a bunch of people to the studio saying they'd discuss a whole range of games related topics, but it turned out to be a sensationalist program just about video game violence. One game journalist from Ziff Davis / 1up did the right thing and walked off the set.

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Holy crap. I now wish to do violence to the show's director.


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"You can win GTA by raping women!!!"

This comment makes me so mad. Is there some kind of competition hosted in America whereby you win a copy of GTA by raping real women or something? Or does she mean the game can be completed by raping women? You can't rape women in GTA, can you? You can have sex with hookers. OMG sex?!??

There's sex in movies, books, radio plays, theatres. In fact, real people have sex! This may shock and disgust you, you conservative whore.

I hate people that don't like video games because they think that they are about raping and killing women. Stop feeling so self important and stop lying. Do some research. The world doesn't revolve around women. Nobody wants to rape YOU. Do you want to think that all video games are about raping women or something? Nobody is going to set up an entire industry centred around raping you. Although I wish somebody would, just for you exclusively, and Nancy Grace, and also Danny Douche or whatever his name is.

I'm not saying that because I just spent an hour raping women in Psychonauts.

Oh man my heart is racing, I'm so angry, I feel like I want to stab someone.

I think people are a bad influence on video games.

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I don't know about you, but I certainly feel like some kind of retribution is in order. There should be direct retalliation for this from the geek/hacker/gamer/internet/smart community :grin: I just remember that thing that happened on Penny Arcade once. As little as I usually care about the general public I think it's time gamers got a voice in matters like this!

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You know what? I've been thinking...

Just what is the percentage of actual gamer in the world?

Vice City sold 9 million in the US, so I'm guessing there are at least 20 million hard core and maybe 50 million if we include the casual gamers? :erm:

How many acts of video games violence have there been this year? 10, 20, 100? That's not even %1 of the total gamers in the world!

Call me when there are 100,000 cases of Video game violence.... :blink:

The thing is there are more and more gamers everyday... It's just a statisctical coincidence...

For Christ's sake if they were right, we would have decimated the planet by now! :shifty:

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Man, that is really infuriating. How can people call themselves journalists?

I only wish that Davison had said "This is a farce," on camera, thrown down his mic and walked off the set while tape was rolling. If it was sensational enough maybe they wouldn't have cut it from the final edit.

Man. Bullshit.

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The one thing that's on my mind is what kind of wankers must work on a show like that.

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Studies about violence on TV, movies and video games have pointed out that they do make you more violent....for thirsty minutes AFTER you have just watched it. Yep it is true VIDEO GAMES DO MAKE YOU MORE VIOLENT!!!! For twenty to thirty minutes.

They get you all pumped up on adrenaline, and then you calm down and you are exactly as you were, no more or no less violent than you were before viewing the violent media.

So guess what? I am not worried about violence in video games or TV. And I do think M rated games can disturb young kids. And another study came out and said THE PARENTS were at fault for young kids seeing violence, not the movies, TV nor video games. Apparently parents ignore the rating system and assume their kids can handle it when they can't.

I don’t think it makes kids more violent, it just bothers them and gives them nightmares.

Another study came out that said 90% of all inmates on death row were physically abused to point where they were knocked unconscious or were in coma. The damage was done to the frontal lobe of the brain where the brian is able to determine long term affects of actions. The damage was so bad in all those cases that scar tissue could be seen with a simple x-ray. So if you want to make a killer, just beat a kid hard enough on the frontal lobe of his brain. So my point is we should worry less about violent media and more about physical abuse of children.

Also crime rates dropped because abortion became legal in the US, so there were less unwanted kids being abused.

So if you are worried about violence in America;

1.) Outlaw physical abuse of children and make laws tougher

2.) Keep affordable and easily accessible family planning legal.

A US Army study showed that today’s game playing soldier was a far more accurate shot than his non game playing predecessors. And today’s game playing soldiers were more likely to shoot back at an attacker, than to panic and run for cover like his non game playing predecessors did.

So video game violence helps people not panic under pressure and duirng violent situations- it helps you stay level headed and not panic. NASA knows this because they have a panic room where they make the astronauts do complicated tasks while they are bombarded with violent shakes, lights, noises, steam etc. They don’t want them to panic under pressure.

So video game violence good. Hitting kids bad.

‘Nuff said.

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