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It's actually not raining

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So it's dark outside... very dark because there's a cloudy sky, no moon, and I live in the middle of the country. When all the curtains in the house are closed, there's no light in the yard at all and for all the world you could be standing on the edge of infinity, or two inches away from a brick wall, and you couldn't tell the difference because it's too dark to see anything anyway.

I thought I heard the cat outside, so I opened the door and stood outside just far enough for her to be able to see me while I called out to her. It was highly unpleasant, because it was raining. Still, I didn't want to venture any further into the rainy, pitch-black yard, so I stayed close to the door. The cat never came, and I went back inside, dripping wet.

After this, I thought that, due to the weather conditions and all, it might be an idea to turn on the yardlamp, so I went into the back room that doesn't-have-a-name, and fiddled around with switches until the yard light came on. I took one last look outside to see if the yard was flooded, you know, because of the heavy rain.

Well, it wasn't bloody raining at all. My little brother had left the hose running that evening, and the hose had a leak, and it was spraying water into the air just outside the door. And I'd stood exactly in the spot where it was falling, thinking it was rain.

I think I might be a genius.

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