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Zork test 2

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8 of 12> east

Behind House

You are behind the white house. A path leads into the forest to the east. In one corner of the house there is a small window which is slightly ajar.


Location: Behind House | Score: 5 | Moves: 20

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8 of 12> east


You are in a small clearing in a well marked forest path that extends to the east and west.


Location: Clearing | Score: 5 | Moves: 21

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8 of 12> east

Canyon View

You are at the top of the Great Canyon on its west wall. From here there is a marvelous view of the canyon and parts of the Frigid River upstream. Across the canyon, the walls of the White Cliffs join the mighty ramparts of the Flathead Mountains to the east. Following the Canyon upstream to the north, Aragain Falls may be seen, complete with rainbow. The mighty Frigid River flows out from a great dark cavern. To the west and south can be seen an immense forest, stretching for miles around. A path leads northwest. It is possible to climb down into the canyon from here.


Location: Canyon View | Score: 5 | Moves: 22

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8 of 12> down

Rocky Ledge

You are on a ledge about halfway up the wall of the river canyon. You can see from here that the main flow from Aragain Falls twists along a passage which it is impossible for you to enter. Below you is the canyon bottom. Above you is more cliff, which appears climbable.


Location: Rocky Ledge | Score: 5 | Moves: 23

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8 of 12> down

Canyon Bottom

You are beneath the walls of the river canyon which may be climbable here. The lesser part of the runoff of Aragain Falls flows by below. To the north is a narrow path.


Location: Canyon Bottom | Score: 5 | Moves: 24

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8 of 12> north

End of Rainbow

You are on a small, rocky beach on the continuation of the Frigid River past the Falls. The beach is narrow due to the presence of the White Cliffs. The river canyon opens here and sunlight shines in from above. A rainbow crosses over the falls to the east and a narrow path continues to the southwest.


Location: End of Rainbow | Score: 5 | Moves: 25

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8 of 12> use banjo and sing rainbow connection

I don't know the word "use".


Location: End of Rainbow | Score: 5 | Moves: 25

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8 of 12> It's a rocky beach. How can you not know what a rock is?

I don't know the word "it's".


Location: End of Rainbow | Score: 5 | Moves: 27

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