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How have you been hoisted lately?

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Today I sat down at my desk and up and opened my task list for the day and was struck by the mixture of discomfort and terror of "oh no, I can't believe I had to sort through all these support tickets, what did I break this time." Then I looked at the tickets and saw they were from addresses like "test1@example.com" and "test2@example.com" from when I had previously submitted a bunch of fake support requests to test the ticketing system.  I had never bothered to delete or close these old tickets, and my chickens had finally come home to roost.  Today, I was most definitely hoist by my own petard.

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How did we do all this time without this topic?


My own hoisting is a little less comical, perhaps. This past year I've been telling so many friends that I'd come visit them 'soon', but the year is almost over and I've made a complete liar of myself. I need to seriously come to terms with my own inability to travel long distances at a whim to visit friends. I should make it clear to them I'm like a shiny Pokémon: a rare catch and reason for celebration.

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Mine's kind of mundane but my last day at work was supposed to be today. However, I managed to get the flu and then an ear infection for a few days meaning I have to work some extra days and finish on Monday instead. Damn immune system! You're supposed to be on my side here.

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