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Selling the drama

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I believe I actually found the articles you reference in the original post, Erkki. I was up late, again, reading articles at Gamasutra - and since I'm of the mind that games with story = more favorable, to me, the articles by Randy Littlejohn found me.

The first one is Adapting the Tools of Drama to Interactive Storytelling, where he goes into describing drama itself, and how it could be harnessed in a game. The second discusses his vision of the "Drama Engine", Agitating for Dramatic Change. Both are 3 pages long, and worth the read.

There are those, however, who are stupid. And sadly, some of those people are in fact members of the game industry. There are some very interesting Letters to the Editor on the latter article, including one or two that accuse Littlejohn of forcing his 'flamboyantly unrealistic visions' on others, and another equating it with homosexuality. I am Jack's raging bile duct. You can scroll down the page to [10.30.2003], which is where the comments start, and from there go up. There are some interesting ones from Ernest Adams and Jessica Mulligan (of Turbine Entertainment).

Interestingly enough, Ernest Adams' latest 'Designer's Notebook' column (posted today) is on the subject of drama - Dramatic Novelty in Games and Stories.

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