I did a search for this game in the forum search and it didn't pop up, so if it is a re-post or old thread my apologies. I think the game is fun! I don't play a lot of FPS or multi-player games and the emphasis on grinding and co-op put me off the first two games. However, I've been playing the solo campaign for this game and I'm really enjoying it. In particular I like the environment. This game takes place on the moon, or some moon, so your character has a very floaty jump. There is some emphasis on vertical game play which I think might be new? There are jumping platforms that shoot you across over large areas. There is one boss fight early on where the arena looks like a multi-player map from Quake with jumping platforms everywhere. The game sort of feels like Metroid Prime series, except more action based. I also unlocked vehicles early on and I feel like getting around the map is much easier and fun. I'm not an expert or fan of the series but this game caught me off guard. I really enjoy it and I can't stop playing it. My friend is a super fan of the series and he's been playing non-stop. So we kind of met in the middle with this game. It's nice when that happens.